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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. Don't run and you have a better chance of not being shot. Better yet, don't be in a stolen car, have warrants out for your arrest or don't be a thug and you have a better chance of not being shot.
  2. I'm in Calgary. What's portage and main like?
  3. I love when we control our own destiny.
  4. Comment of the week brother. All these shootings are only something because of the sensationalism. It keeps people nicely occupied.
  5. Congratulations to buck!
  6. If pav can win, more power to him. We need more people to step up. Maybe he knows his time in Winnipeg is coming to a close and it's time to show potential suitors what he's capable of.
  7. This is a good thing. we always just play the companies off each other for their usual six month cheap deals. TV is a rip off. Glad to just have Netflix. But if they get this cheap, I might be in. I love the individual channel option and the smaller packages. All I really want is the networks with football games and NFL network. the rest isn't worth it.
  8. He'll always be Galvatron to me. And I'm a star trek fan.....just a bigger transformers one.
  9. That's not odd. thrones is terrible. I'm also a fantasy guy.
  10. There are many things I want to say to you.But I don't want to get banned. so I'll simply say.....you're ignorant.
  11. Climie's older brother? hehehe
  12. Bottom line to me is that the old laws (distracted driving etc.) were about safety and the no-cellphone laws are about revenue generation. Cops pretending to be beggars at stop lights really hit this home. And I've never been ticketed for either. I have no problem with laws against cell phone use. Way too many idiots staring at their damn phone when they should be staring at the road. worse than drunk drivers. Because they're sober and making dangerous decisions.
  13. VERY excited to see Vision.
  14. It's liberating man, cutting the hypnocord. For someone who used to be in media, it's funny how I have moved away from most of it. Except MBB hahaha. The wife and I find we don't have much time for t.v. anyways. We just find stuff to do. Plus, when you stare at screens all day it's nice to rest the eyes.
  15. Say what you will, healthcare here is waaaaaaay better than what we left behind in Manitoba. I love it here. Health practitioners in Calgary have done more for my chronic problems in 18 months than Manitoba dr.s did in 14 years.
  16. Just had a guy working in our attic here in Calgary. He says there are major problems with inspectors and shoddy contractors. Just had a plumber in saying the same thing. The city says they have no money for inspectors........such B.S. We're lucky, we just bought a 1989 house. All good.
  17. They need one. McMahon is outdated. Calgary deserves better. No more benches!
  18. TV is pretty much a wasteland of garbage. I get cable for football season and then ditch it. we have Netflix just for a couple good shows and the odd movie.
  19. Leave me alone man................................It has a certain appeel for me. I'm sure it has to do with well thought out plots and superior acting. .......
  20. Going to be awesome. As opposed to the usual garbage Hollywood vomits into the public's face.
  21. I hope he plays in the banjo bowl.
  22. I am pleased with the amount of logical thinking on the subject of KG. Just say no to KG. Just say no to being average.
  23. No I'm not talking human rights, I'm talking anything on the right. I see it all the time on the internet. People had no trouble lambasting the view on networks like sun news, yet citing blogs from incredibly biased left wingers as truth. The left is very intolerant to anything other than their world view. Look at how much **** Alberta gets for maintaining low taxes. The left won't hear of any sort of positive, it's just a travesty and barbaric that they're not gouging the populace in order to spend spend spend. I often disagree with your football points, but this I totally agree with. Tolerant only of their own ideals. No side is perfect. And frankly, if you want the whole story for any news story you have to watch all networks and read all newspapers and then maybe you might hear 75% of the story. Everyone has an agenda.
  24. So then I really can't figure out how Glenn has lasted this long. Other than people thinking that Kevin Glenn 2015 is still KG 2007, which he isn't. Or, crazy thought here, you're selling Glenn short because of a personal bias against the player he is average at best and this is the CFL. There is a drought at quality qbs
  25. Long long time? Six years one way and four the other is not a long long time.
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