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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. Your name insults the Bombers all-time leading scorer. If my high horse keeps me from sinking to that level, I'm fine staying up here. Like Jane Seymour says, if you keep an open heart, love will find it's way in. Haha don't forget that we Troy boy left as and continues to be loaded with sour grapes because of his cutting. He didn't know when to leave gracifully or with class. in today's league he would never have survived as long as he did. He was NEVER good. just limped along with a Canadian passport. Here's praying lirim stays healthy and shatters Westwoods numbers. He's already ten times the kicker.
  2. It's many factors....one of the biggest is downplaying every loss he's ever had and blaming something...anything....other than himself. No credibility. No leadership. No drive. No to KG. No to mediocrity in this, the longest current Grey Cup drought. It's a shame you had to miss the 2007 season. It was pretty good, for the most part... And that's the story of KG's career...almost good enough
  3. If this were 2011-12 I would agree with you. 2015 KG not so much. All I'm saying is a year ago a lot of guys were happy to pick up Burris LOL. KG at the right price (150-175k) wouldn't be so bad. Do you really think marve or portis is going to perform better than kg? For a CFL back-up? No way that's a good deal. It's definitely not a bad one. Isn't that what Willy makes? Willy makes more than that. And Willy is a low end salary QB at this point. Hell, Dinwiddie was making about 150k when he was here I believe. Fair enough then. I didn't know what Willy actually made. 150k for KG still feels wrong to me.
  4. It's many factors....one of the biggest is downplaying every loss he's ever had and blaming something...anything....other than himself. No credibility. No leadership. No drive. No to KG. No to mediocrity in this, the longest current Grey Cup drought.
  5. Is it wrong that I actually have more faith in Marve in November then Glenn simply due to watching Glenn all these years? Lol Yes it's wrong and unrealistic. You asked. Show us proof that Glenn IS reliable in November. As soon as he sees his breath, he tanks.
  6. If this were 2011-12 I would agree with you. 2015 KG not so much. All I'm saying is a year ago a lot of guys were happy to pick up Burris LOL. KG at the right price (150-175k) wouldn't be so bad. Do you really think marve or portis is going to perform better than kg? For a CFL back-up? No way that's a good deal. It's definitely not a bad one. Isn't that what Willy makes?
  7. If this were 2011-12 I would agree with you. 2015 KG not so much. All I'm saying is a year ago a lot of guys were happy to pick up Burris LOL. KG at the right price (150-175k) wouldn't be so bad. Do you really think marve or portis is going to perform better than kg? For a CFL back-up? No way that's a good deal.
  8. No, he wouldn't. The last thing we want our younger QB's learning from him is that it doesn't matter if you win. That's what KG stands.....lose the Grey Cup? No problem....it's just another game to KG. And it's never his fault his team loses...always an excuse.
  9. Why? cause he may win us a couple extra games if Drew gets hurt? KG will just suck fn ass as soon as the temp falls to anywhere near 0. He's shown it time and time again. Agreed! KG is a celebration is mediocrity. If we sign him, I call that he jinxes Willy and Willy tears his ACL, then KG leads us to 8-10 and has a piss-poor performance in chilly Oct......like always
  10. The Kyle Orton of the CFL?
  11. Absolutely a great trade! Two instant cogs, two future cogs and a 1st rounder! That's a win
  12. It's absolutely worth putting the artist together with the art. And if they're pieces of garbage, their art should suffer. People need to held accountable for their crimes. Would you listen to music written by Josef Stalin? If Stalin made some decent music then I would have no problem listening to it. People still listen to the Beetles and we all know how John Lennon beat his wife. Did he? Sorry, not a Beatles fan. Makes me not like them even more if that's true.
  13. What a unique concept! Fixing your weakest link! Only took the front office 10 years to figure it out. Glad to see the changes though!
  14. Hurl? Better than a kick in the pants.
  15. It's absolutely worth putting the artist together with the art. And if they're pieces of garbage, their art should suffer. People need to held accountable for their crimes. Would you listen to music written by Josef Stalin?
  16. Bomber gear in general has been bad for at least two years.
  17. Makes sense they would use the navy.............They DO listen to the fan base they said..................
  18. I love what Buff did. It's the job of veterans to take th elead and try to bring loose cannons into line.
  19. Full on nose dive right right. Can they pull the nose up?
  20. They arent country. They were just messing with people. They are Classic Rock. Oh? Guess I got smacked.
  21. Sooooo pumped for this game!!!!!!!! My first Jets 2.0 game I get to actually go to!
  22. Same goes for Lawless. We've become a loser media market. The good ones move up to Edmonton, Calgary or Toronto in a couple years, the mediocre ones stay and become local stars. The worst part of Wheeler is his ridiculous level of arrogance in real-life. He attended a friend of mine's wedding a few years back when he was still on Power with Hal and got into it with one of the bridesmaids because she didn't know who he was and was completely unimpressed when he kept announcing who he was. This resulted in everyone laughing at him for the rest of the night, which he didn't seem to understand. One of the few times he's made me laugh. I've only met Lawless once, at Labour Day a few years ago. I don't often agree with his takes and don't really respect his point of view, but he at least seems like a normal guy who doesn't take himself seriously in an intense fashion all of the time. Wheeler = ******
  23. No big loss. POWER was terrible for a long time. Not that any radio music station is any good. No surprise they're trying country, it's hot right now. You'd be surprised how country fans are in Manitoba. (not me however)
  24. I go where the knowledge is......and this site breaks it down nicely. Don't miss OB at all. (also, I received more than one ban over the years....hehehe)
  25. Patriots came through after a hard fought game. An instant classic. Brady shredded the 'greatest secondary of all time' for 4tds, 328 yards and 37/50 completions. Those two INT's are essentially erased by the 4 TDs. He took a lot of hits and kept sharp. Couldn't be happier to beat the classless Seahawks, who can't keep their mouths shut.
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