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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. Sorry, got the better of me.
  2. I used to give him credit for being brave (or crazy enough) to come out and try to join the NFL. It's a ballsy move...not like when an actor/actress comes out. (that's easy and expected lol) Had to be hard to do. But now, he's pulling the 'gay' card so I'm out. Everyone else seems to realize that he's not in the NFL because he's too small to play DE and not athletic enough to play OLB, so why can't he realize that? Sounds like sour grapes.
  3. If true, he just dropped into the abyss of douchebags for me.
  4. a little over fifty years ago, blacks were regularly strung up from trees, for things like going out with a white woman. in 1963 white racists blew up a church with a bunch of little black girls in it, the kids all died. a few years or so ago, cops in New York gunned down an unarmed black bridegroom on his wedding night. He was doing nothing. they shot him a hundred or so times. a few years ago a black kid in texas was hooked up and dragged behind a car, till he died. The police wanted to say it was hit and run. Colin Powell, Secretary of Defence for Bush, has been racially profiled. A black harvard professor was arrested going into his own home. Cops broke into an old black guy's apartment in New York last year, as a result of a screw up on a medical alert. A false alarm. He told them he was ok, and told them to go away. they broke in anyway, and tasered him to death. He was doing nothing. unarmed innocent man returning from dinner gunned down. "The Shooting of Amadou Diallo occurred on February 4, 1999, when Amadou Diallo, a 23-year-old immigrant from Guinea, was shot and killed by four New York City Police Department plain-clothed officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss, who fired a combined total of 41 shots, 19 of which struck Diallo, outside his apartment at 1157 Wheeler Avenue in the Soundview section of The Bronx. The four were part of the now-defunct Street Crimes Unit. All four officers were charged with second-degree murder and acquitted at trial in Albany, New York.[1] get m sam for the bombers!!! And I'm sure that white people are never the object of racism right? If white's are so evil maybe you should paint yourself a more pleasant colour. Racism will ALWAYS exist, on ALL sides, TO all sides. This is life, this Earth, this is the human race. Where's Atomic -- someone other than me has to help here.... Black people, or Natives for that matter, can't really be "racist" -- racism requires a system where the oppressive group is in a position of greater power or privilege. Minorities certainly can be racially prejudiced, yes. And it's not semantics -- cause it all boils down to power, and control over one's destiny. People a lot smarter than me have written about it. It's a nuanced argument, and its helpful if you step away from the moronic "don't like it go join Isis" type of rhetoric and actually investigate -- without prejudice -- what the other side is saying. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............................oh what? sorry were you talking. All I heard is "white people are evil"
  5. ... they would automatically lose their jobs so I highly doubt that. Calm down with the hate, eh? You don't even know what hate is sister. This is not hate. It's opinion I'm not trashing the guy in this. I'm saying we don't need the distraction. And I don't care what anyone says, it is a distraction for any team Sam joins. If anything I'm hating on Lawless and that super idiot Westwood Agree with idea that th edistraction would be the last thing this team needs. Agree with Sam's lifestyle or not, it would take focus off football. Our team has enough problems. And Westwood would be nauseating on the subject. Anyone remember his awkward comment a couple years back about the superbowl and people who can't afford a t.v.? uggghhhh
  6. May I add, I love morningbigblue. Mods arn't so quick to ban someone. That other place shuns opposing view points. Over here you can say more of what's on your mind and say your points. Even though they may be ugly to some. Cheers MBB!
  7. Basically it just shows that you can't make that leap... 10% of the general population being gay has no bearing whatsoever on the percentage of gay athletes. What is the percentage of black people in the USA vs. the percentage of black people in the NBA? Doesn't correlate very closely does it? Or the percentage of black people in the NHL for that matter. No you can't make that leap in any reliable manner. So your point re: stats is correct. But the thing is, sexual orientation is different then race. You don't have a lot of black people in the NHL because there aren't a lot of black people tuned into it or growing up playing it. Or blacks playing lacrosse. Sexual orientation though is different. If you have a pulse, you could be gay. That's why the barriers are going to go down so fast. Thank you for saying this. Yes, there are more Afro-American people in the NFL than in the general population, but the reason for that can be clearly explained. Not so much for sexual orientation, but some people can't quite seem to grasp that. Explain it then We did. Pro TEAM sports is a social meat grinder. Until 10 years ago being called "gay" was a huge insult. Hell, probably still is in some locker rooms. What kid wants to go through that? So you figure skate, dive, run, do gymnastics, or do anything else where the entire culture isn't geared around being a "man." It's sad that 'being manly' is now considered bad. And we wonder why our society is collapsing under political correctness. Just because the media tells you most people believe in something is fine doesn't make it fact. Silent majority is just that...silent. They're not complainers and bleeding hearts. They keep their heads down, live well, and do their jobs. Please don't buy into the "real men are being oppressed" nonsense. It's low hanging fruit, to appeal to a "silent majority" of men who are unsatisfied in their lives. But rather than pick people up, it encourages white men to blame women or minorities, or gays. Look, if you are a healthy, straight, white male living in the US or Canada, you have a distinct advantage in probably 95% of the situations you encounter. The handful where you might not have an advantage? Boo hoo. You're a man. Grow a set and do something else. If I may play devils advocate... what other group do people say this to? No one else is told to just deal with it... No other group in society is in the driver's seat in virtually every context. Problem is, we only "see" it in when we (meaning white men) are seemingly getting the shaft -- like when a job posting says "preference given to minorities blah blah blah." That's when we notice it. Not the thousands of other contexts where being a white male in N America is actually, well, a pretty sweet deal. I think ISIS has an open application if you don't like the West.
  8. a little over fifty years ago, blacks were regularly strung up from trees, for things like going out with a white woman. in 1963 white racists blew up a church with a bunch of little black girls in it, the kids all died. a few years or so ago, cops in New York gunned down an unarmed black bridegroom on his wedding night. He was doing nothing. they shot him a hundred or so times. a few years ago a black kid in texas was hooked up and dragged behind a car, till he died. The police wanted to say it was hit and run. Colin Powell, Secretary of Defence for Bush, has been racially profiled. A black harvard professor was arrested going into his own home. Cops broke into an old black guy's apartment in New York last year, as a result of a screw up on a medical alert. A false alarm. He told them he was ok, and told them to go away. they broke in anyway, and tasered him to death. He was doing nothing. unarmed innocent man returning from dinner gunned down. "The Shooting of Amadou Diallo occurred on February 4, 1999, when Amadou Diallo, a 23-year-old immigrant from Guinea, was shot and killed by four New York City Police Department plain-clothed officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss, who fired a combined total of 41 shots, 19 of which struck Diallo, outside his apartment at 1157 Wheeler Avenue in the Soundview section of The Bronx. The four were part of the now-defunct Street Crimes Unit. All four officers were charged with second-degree murder and acquitted at trial in Albany, New York.[1] get m sam for the bombers!!! And I'm sure that white people are never the object of racism right? If white's are so evil maybe you should paint yourself a more pleasant colour. Racism will ALWAYS exist, on ALL sides, TO all sides. This is life, this Earth, this is the human race.
  9. This is all very wrong. There is a Ferguson thread for this discussion. Im cant tell you what is in Wilson's heart. Is he a racist? How do I know. How do you know. I suppose he is a six year cop without a single issue on his record, driving around all that time waiting for his chance to murder a black kid and start a race war. I suppose that is possible. On the other hand, its more likely that he was responding to a call, knew the description of the individual wanted who physically assaulted the store clerk (rather than just shoplifted a couple of cigars) and was assaulted. Wilson did have probable cause. Firstly his contact with Brown came about because Brown and his friend were walking down the middle of the road and swore at the cop when he advised them not to walk in the middle of the road. is that a good reason for police interaction? Maybe not. But it's still legitimate. Wilson had the description and saw the cigar box in Brown's hand. Probable cause. We can debate this forever but the available evidence does not point to a race-based murder by a cop. Wooo whooo!!!!!!!!!! Sanity makes an appearance!
  10. Basically it just shows that you can't make that leap... 10% of the general population being gay has no bearing whatsoever on the percentage of gay athletes. What is the percentage of black people in the USA vs. the percentage of black people in the NBA? Doesn't correlate very closely does it? Or the percentage of black people in the NHL for that matter. No you can't make that leap in any reliable manner. So your point re: stats is correct. But the thing is, sexual orientation is different then race. You don't have a lot of black people in the NHL because there aren't a lot of black people tuned into it or growing up playing it. Or blacks playing lacrosse. Sexual orientation though is different. If you have a pulse, you could be gay. That's why the barriers are going to go down so fast. Thank you for saying this. Yes, there are more Afro-American people in the NFL than in the general population, but the reason for that can be clearly explained. Not so much for sexual orientation, but some people can't quite seem to grasp that. Explain it then We did. Pro TEAM sports is a social meat grinder. Until 10 years ago being called "gay" was a huge insult. Hell, probably still is in some locker rooms. What kid wants to go through that? So you figure skate, dive, run, do gymnastics, or do anything else where the entire culture isn't geared around being a "man." It's sad that 'being manly' is now considered bad. And we wonder why our society is collapsing under political correctness. Just because the media tells you most people believe in something is fine doesn't make it fact. Silent majority is just that...silent. They're not complainers and bleeding hearts. They keep their heads down, live well, and do their jobs.
  11. And most players probably DO have an issue with it. We've just been brainwashed to fall inline and say we agree with their lifestyle choice. EX) Chris Culliver. Only player with the balls to speak his mind.
  12. Too bad, as long as he plays, it will always be brought up. To say it's not an issue is delusional. Call me a bigot, but being gay is still abnormal.
  13. They'll have to do something. The pressure will be REALLY on next year.
  14. Nothing brings Bombers fans together like bashing and laughing at the Riderfans. I love it. It's the '09 Grey Cup all over again! Every colour celebrating the end of the green.
  15. Actual quality honest reporters never make it to the big time. Companies don't want honesty, they want sensationalism. That's why I don't miss broadcasting.
  16. A sad, sad year in the CFL.
  17. Not on Twitter, post some examples???
  18. Really? He's terrible....unless you just want him for short yardage and never throw it. OR if you need someone to show how to put on a shirt with cufflinks.......
  19. Surprised. Seems like they're getting desperate for tickets already. The dirt hasn't even settled on this year's grave yet....
  20. The drought continues. This year started with a mirrage of an oasis....which when we got closer, was a hole filled with poisonous snakes.
  21. Time is running out on Cory Watson. Can we get anything for him? Probably not I'm thinking. Anxious to see what 3 cdn olineman can do. We need th eamerican help on D.
  22. He's not wrong about being 1 vs. 12, BUT you don't say that publically.
  23. I don't know what job you have, but it's never too late to leave. Tons of jobs out west.
  24. Winnipeg is political graveyard. Have fun with Judy and proceed on your way into oblivion.
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