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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. Our oline is a way bigger problem than Grigsby. Barry Sanders could't excel on our team.
  2. We need to win. As was previously stated, by any means necessary. It's crunch time and we'll see what our boys are made of. Tough to call this game, both are desperate for a W. With Willy playing, I like our chances.
  3. Hahaha so much for him being better than Willy
  4. Honestly, the biggest WTF this game was "we can't review due to technical difficulties with the command centre". WTF was that about. THAT IS BUSH LEAGUE STUFF. The CFL IS bush league. I love it, but that doesn't make NOT a bush league.
  5. I know we're free falling already, but another loss and we're nose diving into a mountain. Here's hoping Sears can make a difference by pounding someone into the turf. Happy to see Drew starting, but to be honest I wasn't scared with Brohm starting.
  6. Ahhhhh, Dauphin radio days. Brings me back.
  7. Only people as dumb (or dumber) as celebrities give their opinions any merit or worth. Most celebrities are garbage. They live crap lives. Can't wait for Hollywood to fall into the ocean, and take their corruption and filth with them.
  8. Spanking and discipling a child is fine. When you leave bruises and cuts, you;'re beating the child. Like Chris Carter said, playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. And A.P. doesn't deserve to play. He doesn't even think what he did was wrong. C'mon man! Ray Rice same deal.....doesn't deserve to play. I wish there was this amount of pressure in the late 90's, and maybe that murderer Ray Lewis wouldn't have been allowed to play. Everytime he speaks about this kind of stuff, he looks guilty. He's not a role model and doesn't deserve what he was, and is, being given.
  9. One word.......Winnipeg
  10. Grigsby is the best RB in the league?? Are you serious? As of right now, yes. Stats are for losers I know, but with our oline, he is putting up good numbers.
  11. Sometimes can;t stand Winnipeg fans. Nothing is good enough. We have the single best RB in the league this year in Grigsby, and people STILL aren't happy with him. Our oline makes him look bad, but the fact remains he leads the league in numerous stat columns. Our best RB since Charles. The cuts baby, the cuts he makes!
  12. Better yet, they even have a shot at getting first. With a 1-9 record. Brutal. I love the CFL.....but that's bush league. I'm REALLY getting on the one division side of the argument.
  13. Give your head a shake. Boo hoo. This is advantage Bombers. With two teams losing their starters, we have more of a chance. Injuries suck, but hey, this is Football. There is a bright side for the Blue.
  14. At least there's always one thing us Bomber fans can agree on.
  15. booooooooooooooooooorrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg
  16. It's Winnipeg, you surprised?
  17. Don't tease us who aren't on twitter. Post some please.
  18. I think it's Max Hall. Good gawd. He was cut a long time ago
  19. If you think the BoD wasn't involved with the restructuring, think again. I think some were involved but certainly not all. I also don't think it was a restructuring at all. Wade and Jim disagreed and one had to go. Clearly Wade wouldn't be the one going. All Directors should want to know the real story. Remember Wade's introduction press conference? He said, 'the board is giving me all the power I need to make decision.' That's awesome....but......this is what Brock said right after, 'yes, but any good President will run those decisions by the board first.' Not paraphrasing. The board is running this team still. Miller is just business savvy enough to know where to take a deuce.
  20. You mean adding Asper??? That is exactly the old boys club bs from before. Asper needs to get far away from any authority with this team. Forever! That family have been nothing but screw ups since Izzy died. Adding Asper to the BOD is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
  21. Was Miller EVER really liked by fans? And I don't count the people that call into the post-game show. His best moment as a player was stepping in front of Asper when that idiot went on his hissy fit. But now, he's back on the board. Which makes me shiver..............
  22. I always wondered why Garth got the job instead of him. Because Garth was an easy target to pin the stadium delays on. That was their plan from the start. Bring in someone and blame the stadium delays on him, then fire him.
  23. Never have been, never will be a fan of Wade-hot dog-chaser Miller. We may have improved on the field but it's still the same ol' boys club at the top. IMO, Bell is another victim of 'blame the last regime' without actually changing the people who control the club with their dirty little fingers.
  24. I'm getting on the ONE division bandwagon.
  25. Horrible picture choice. Hey, if they want to spend money in MB, so be it.....but like many I am a little sick of the Riders.
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