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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. The really sad/disgusting part of this all is that now that the floodgates are open there will be many men who are destroyed who are innocent. Don't get me wrong, it's great that the cesspool that is Hollywood and Politics are finally being exposed for the rape culture they hide, but on the flip side, we still need due process and evidence.
  2. Yeah and I'm sure the list of democrats contains pervs and sickos as well. And a Christian list (I am a Christian as well, gotta call out all pervs, even those within my faith), a muslim list, a teacher list, a garbage man list, a policeman list, a convenience store clerk list, a lawyer list, an accountant list...................see where I'm going with this?
  3. Oh she can handle it. she's just jumping on the bandwagon and using a serious issue to attack a political opponent....its disgusting and so is she.
  4. No surprise, I disagree with most people here. hahaha.
  5. Nope, not trolling. I'm also not a giant dbag who hates on stuff just to invoke change. I honestly can't listen to the broadcast anymore. And that's saying something, because the TSN crews on TV broadcasts are really bad, worse even, but at least they have a visual to look at.
  6. Hollywood still makes movies? Huh, who knew? Seriously though, not much to look forward to in terms of blockbusters. I loved comic book movies and such, but now, I'm pretty much done. Haven't even seen the new Spiderman or Thor or JLA. Everything just looks so blah and done before. The 'expanded universes' now suffer the same fate as comic books themselves.......too many, too often. I've been saying it for almost a year, Logan was the end for me. It was so amazing and so well done, it transcended the 'comic book movie.' None could be better so why bother? "Brutal with a heart." That's how I describe it.
  7. Uggggh............Coast to Coast has been garbage for years.
  8. Love Mike or hate him, those were indeed exciting days. O'shea is bland and so is Bob.
  9. Good to have the Blue stay on CJOB, but Bob's time has come. The broadcast's are boring to listen to. Very little life or excitement.
  10. If someone wants public services, and to vote, they must show their face, that's common sense in proving your identity.
  11. You do know Assault Rifles are illegal in the U.S. right? Have been since 1986. True assault rifles are fully automatic, and all fully automatic guns are illegal. Oh yeah, and criminals don't obey laws, that's kind of what makes them criminals. And no, AR in AR15 does not mean Assault Rifle. AR15s are not assault rifles and are not fully automatic. Also, the laws were already in place for this evil man to not be able to purchase guns because of his violent history, but someone screwed up on his court martial and the info wasn't allowed to be shared.
  12. Riders all the way because KG is terrible in the cold.
  13. Vocal minority? Trust me, it is not a 'minority' of people who want to keep their guns in the U.S. America is the most free country in existence and there's a reason.......an armed populace.
  14. Right, because the NRA wants you to go kill people and they defend murderers and psychopaths.
  15. You can't call it terrorism without actually knowing his motives. Terrorism: "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
  16. Forget the new show, bleh. I'm re-watching the originals on Netflix.
  17. Man, it's frustrating seeing all these 1 yard throws on 2nd and long.
  18. Troy Westwood and 'good' never belong in the same context unless prefaced with 'Not'.
  19. I dunno, seems a lot of people are not too high on Trudeau anymore. His constant selfies /lame photo ops, question dodging and all around ****** baggery had to wear out sometime. I hope this continues.
  20. I have an ongoing boycott of all Apple products and it suits me fine. I'm trying to scale back my smartphone use. Might even downgrade back to my Sony Xperia J, or even better, back my old non-smart phone. The addiction is not healthy.
  21. I agree. The outcome sucks but what other option is there? The welfare and safety of humans surpasses that of any animal. They tried their best, they tranq'd it and it passed away. Every time you put yourself under for a medical operation or such you run the same risk of never waking up.
  22. I dunno, the D was put in two horrible situations right after each other. that'd not their fault. and then they stiffened in the 2nd half and gave our O a chance to win....which they blew multiple times.
  23. Shanks is a good place or Hudsons in the south.
  24. I LOVE the decision sit Thorpe in favour of Flanders. That two back system is gold.
  25. It was a good site for a long time. Things change and everyone moved here. it was bound to shut down at some point. I had a lot of fun over there....suspended once or twice too over the years. hahaha .
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