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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. And the Clintons have never helped each other out right? Hillary definitely would have risen as far as she did without Bill right? Right? Or the Kennedy clan....right? Or the Bush family? right? The list goes on and on.
  2. The "News" or Lame Stream Media has always lied to us...............It's just now we have access to actual alternative viewpoints, and people willing to say the truth. The internet has brought much lies itself, no doubt, but it also brought an avenue for truth. You just have to sift. It takes looking at 12 or more viewpoints to gain an ounce of real truth.
  3. Newsflash, the Dems are crazier....far crazier, and devoid of morals. Don't believe me? Americans voted for Trump instead!
  4. I wish he was stoned, he's just plain clueless
  5. That was hilarious! The dude's facemask gets caught on one of our boys' pads (on his back) while in a pile, we can't move fast enough for the Argo, (because IT'S A PILE) and he starts to flip out on his own, throws his helmet and takes a dumb penalty......Awesome We were under their skin last night and it showed.
  6. The first one got her a $25,000 home theatre system.
  7. My wife called CFL/Safeway conspiracy, and I agree.
  8. This is the released photo. Khadr is buried under rubble from a collapsed roof, but still, can't tell when that roof collapsed. The 2nd photo shows him faced down in the forefront. I've linked the site I got it from. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/omarkhadr/2009/10/28/omar_khadr_innocent_in_death_of_us_soldier.html
  9. Spuds, you and KBF and why I even come back to this place.........well you guys and Westy Sucks, but we're brothers so I kind of have to.
  10. In honour of Jacobs I hope we don't fall on our faces......but we are at IGF after all, so maybe it's a forgone conclusion. I'm assuming his ring of honour won't include his nickname? lol.
  11. In the end he was an enemy combatant who was present in a fire fight exchange. He was the only survivor and therefore arrested. That doesn't justify 10.5 million dollars, while our own wounded veterans get shafted. (government is actually fighting some in court while rolling over without a fight to Khadr) http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/liberal-disgrace-veterans-court-equitas-1.3588047 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/liberal-government-breaking-pension-pledge-to-injured-veterans-lawyer/article30438822/ https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/ottawa-owes-veterans-no-duty-of-care-federal-lawyers-argue-in-case/article30465871/
  12. So no more South Park disgusting references? hahaha. I can manage that.
  13. You forgot the word 'illegal', it should have gone before immigration. Using minorities as your pet reasoning to overpay unskilled fast food labour doesn't fly. You want to work in a country other than your own? Become a citizen the right way, and pay your taxes like the rest of the country. It's a lot harder to become a Mexican citizen than an American one. No one ever complains when Mexico rounds up illegals form farther south and deports them but when America protects itself it's somehow a bad thing.
  14. Only bad things happen when governments muck around with the economy. They need to stay out of it. If you sky rocket the minimum wage, many will go from having little money to no money because they won't have a job. Let the market dictate the wages. Low-income jobs aren't meant to raise a family on. One problem is possibly that a lot of jobs that unskilled young people used to get are taken by new immigrants who are unable to obtain the jobs they are qualified for in their home countries and therefore take these unskilled jobs like fast food and such. Problem is made worse when then they have families to care for already and only have this crap job, but that doesn't make it the responsibility of the government to force private companies to pay more. that won't solve the problem. Not every one can be rich.
  15. I drove from Hope to Vernon last Saturday and it was smoke all the way. Drove by closed highways and such. My prayers go out to those affected.
  16. I imagine we did, to some point, want him to stay there. He was an enemy combatant and a possible fountain of useful info, what with his father and family having close ties to known terrorist groups.
  17. Which part is unproven, the slain American serving as a medic or not, or whether Khadr killed him or not? I was listening to CBC the other day and the Journalist who interviewed Khadr many times mentioned the medic aspect.
  18. I don't buy the child B.S. No 15 (just short of 16) year old is a child. That is a young man, a young adult. But please, keep on siding with a young man who attacked and killed one our allies......a service member of our closest and greatest ally. *EDIT* The age minimum of 18 has not even been accepted by the entire international community yet. As of 2000 it was still 15 in many places. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/customary-ihl/eng/docs/v2_rul_rule136
  19. I heard that technically, he wasn't serving as a medic at the time, but had been in the past. He was a part of an elite squad. But nonetheless I agree with the majority of what you said. Medic or no, Khadr killed a member of our ally's forces.
  20. Whoa dude, you have some cooling down to do son. At the end of the day, the government was under no obligation to pay Khadr anything. There was no money mentioned in the ruling about his rights being violated. His reward is being allowed to come back to Canada a free man. Something he didn't deserve but received anyways. What's most sick about this whole thing is that our own troops that come back with a lost limb can only receive a max payout of $300k, and this terrorist gets millions.
  21. It's starting to look like we will continue to be a mediocre/barely average team under this leadership. I just don't see the fire necessary. Strange as I think we have many players who are full of fire, but the coaches, not so much. Blandsville.
  22. I really liked Coehoorn's closing interview the Edmonton Sun had. I had no idea he was a Christian. That's awesome to see someone in the public eye give credit where credit is due. (to God) I applaud him for speaking what he believes. My wife and I went to the Calgary Stampeders Faith and Football dinner last season, it was a great event. (yeah we rocked our Bomber jerseys!....but we had to sit with a couple Rider fans of course haha) There is a strong Christian faith element in Football and the Stamps have a large contingent. Some attendees/speakers were Drew Tate, Mitchell Gale, Marquay McDaniel, Anthony Parker and a bunch of others. Probably almost 20.
  23. Frankly, I'd rather have Denmark. He's still only 31. Dressler, Adam, Denmark & Stafford....not bad at all.
  24. The odds are statistically irrelevant. The U.S. is built so a President cannot do that. This is also why they need to protect the 2nd Amendment...actually that's exactly why they have that amendment. One of the first things tyrants try to (and many times succeed) do is seize all the guns so the populace cannot properly defend itself. (many examples of this) So really, Obama and Hillary were more likely to try and seize power. But neither would actually dare and try. 150million gun owners can defend a country.
  25. OH my, the Russian conspiracy is just the latest in the left's desperate, sad attempts to avoid the reality that the American people said 'no' to the political status quo candidate. First it was racists voted Trump in, then it was the electoral college system's fault, then it was 'fake news' was the problem, then it was southern whites again, and now its Putin's fault. Want to know why Trump was elected? People are tired of being told how stupid or evil they are and also they're tired of the left's rampant hypocrisy.
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