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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. Bottom line is: Dressler is way more expendable than Harris. I totally agree with O'shea on this. It shows he's maturing as a coach. This game is about winning and staying healthy for the playoffs....not personal glory. And if Harris is a team player he'll agree.
  2. I'm against one division. Part of the draw of the CFL to me is the whole East v. West rivalry.
  3. Meh, this is means nothing. He's only prez for a couple more weeks, he can say whatever he wants. Plus, I'm not a huge pusher for us walking on Mars. If we do, big whoop. How does that solve any of the problems we're facing down here on Earth? Mars is a dead planet.
  4. They usually are 'known to police'. And that is a testament to the supremely difficult job they have. They round them up, and the courts send them home. My prayers go out to the Hicks family.
  5. if he's still cocky after that win he's a fool. Not smart to be cocky when you win by the skin of your teeth.
  6. Trouba doesn't want to play in Canada. another reason why we should draft more Canadians.
  7. we lost but it was a great game to see live. that place went dead silent after our go ahead td. so thrilling. I'm not even mad we lost. we showed a lot of guts and we never gave up.
  8. we absolutely can win this. I'm sick and I toughed it out at work yesterday just so I could justify still going to the game so I could see the blue win. let's hope it was worth it
  9. The wife and I are going. front row section I. I think.
  10. just need God's help to keep Nichols healthy. and pray KG never takes the field. if it's cold out, start Davis.
  11. after that play the game was over. you could feel it. the riders had nothing. our D was great again.
  12. haha I had to wait until it was on YouTube to watch. avoided friends and family all day.
  13. I could make a list of 20 at least that are world class....but like you said.....who would know them? Popular music isn't about talent. Metal is overflowing with amazing talent, whether I personally like BTBAM or not. hehehe
  14. The two genres that have the most talented guitarists (and musicians in general) ? Jazz and Metal
  15. Maybe it's the lasting effect of Dauphin water.
  16. Country pretty much no longer exists. I'm no fan but I know a decent amount about the genre. Most of it is auto-tuned country-pop (heavy on the pop) Even when a new artist like Lee Brice comes out, he eventually turns pop....just like Luke Bryan did.
  17. "Known" I would take that as a recognized mainstream-ish band that the populace acknowledges as a great musician.
  18. And has been for some time. It's all watered down and talentless. Can anyone name a young great rock n roll guitar player?
  19. Ok, just checked them out............yuck.....yuck to the 10th degree. Sounds like Imagine Dragons doing a car commercial. It's funny they use the words Big Rockin announcement. These guys don't rock, more like limp towards a dentist office. But it's not a big deal as I don't usually watch half time shows anyways....I'm a football fan, and half time shows are not for the actual football fans.
  20. Can honestly say I've never heard of them.
  21. Meh, commercials are commercials. They suck no matter where they originate.
  22. RF is almost a fascist state. Any straying from the main agenda means you get attacked and told 'gtfo'. It's pretty laughable.
  23. today, life is good.
  24. wow that guy really has no idea. he sounds like the idiots we overheard in McDonald's the morning after the '09 grey cup who were saying they should have to replay the game because the ending was bad. this is the idiocy of the rider fan.
  25. he was one win away from the playoffs. anyone think the riders will be able to say the same thing this season?
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