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  1. I'm just an idiot. I meant Lawson (not Dobson)
  2. For me I have a wide range of sports that I haven't found a good way to get without cable. NFL/CFL/NHL/Tennis and any large semi yearly event (Olympics, World Cup etc.) Find me an internet package without multiple streaming providers that can get me all of that and I'd drop cable.
  3. Find someone who loves you as much as Farhan loves Rourke.
  4. This! My thoughts exactly. Even through it was 'by accident' you just need to know you can't go full tilt and risk being cut blocked like that and rolling into the QB. If stuff like that isn't called you know players will 'accidently on purpose' roll to take out QB's (hell it even happend vs RedBlacks earlier int he game and lost their QB for the rest of it).
  5. The sheer difference between Lions punter and the punter we cart out there is mind boggling....
  6. Vintage Vernon
  7. Hahaha
  8. Wasn't the Hamilton game last year like this one? I remember this place falling apart after that game too...
  9. Biggest need currently IMO. Just need some stud tackle.
  10. Find someone who will look at you the same way Tburg looks at Rourke.
  11. I've watched the last BC drive and what the crowd did. Still a beauty thing to watch.
  12. I was scared it was going to be called back as soon as they showed the replay at the game. I then spent the rest of the time trying to calm down my sections because there was some irate fans there....
  13. Hey one thing I like to see is the fans at the BC game. Good for the CFL.
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