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Everything posted by Saidin

  1. You still have your challenge to do that. Just don't waste it earlier.
  2. Wow wow wow. Didn't think they'd have the balls to do it... I'm super happy.
  3. 60-1.... Sixty to ****** One... damn
  4. Don't feed the trolls...
  5. One event that people have been forgetting and I just watched again was that goal line stand at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Two straight stuffs at the 1 yard line, they were even able to push them back a bit. It was a thing of beauty...
  6. CFL - Just run into the defender and draw PI...
  7. You suck Hamilton...
  8. Any confirmation on this, I don't want to learn that this was a mistake...
  9. I was at the game and swear the whistle was before the ball came out, but after watching it again, yea it was a blown call. But what is it now... One in our favor and 10+ the other way. THe football gods have a long way to go in swinging the balance back in our favor.
  10. They talked about it today on 1290 when I was driving in. He had two knee surgeries on the same knee, and labrum surgery on both hips.
  11. And oh yea, whomever said that Medlock wasn't worth his reported $175,000, please come eat some crow.
  12. The more I see the PI on Dressler, the more I think it was marginal, but could see why it was called.
  13. I like other fans input. The name calling, insult hurling I see here and over there can be insufferable... I hate seeing the inbred. 1990, 25 years blah blah. It's why I hardly ever post, beacause it's tough to find someone who can take criticism well and not get offended.
  14. Agreed. I hover a lot on both forums (MBB/RF) and nothing that Ripper has done has been Trollish. 90% of the things that our fans say on RF aren't Trolling either, but I guess after a loss like that people can be a little thin skinned.
  15. Yea, saw that on Twitter. Sad times. And Riders will spin it that Orridge snubbed them.
  16. That's how I pictured the Holley/Adams situation. Trying to explain what I said earlier to a Rider Fan got me no where. Oh well, we won. Who gives a **** now.
  17. To me, the Holley play from earlier in the game was them running side by side down the field fighting back and forth. The Cox on Dressler, Cox had inside position and used his left hand to prevent Dressler from going to the middle of the field. Two completely different scenario's and I don't see them alike at all... Hence the different in penalties.
  18. Hey Mr. Dee, Did you get that quote right from the Regina Post?
  19. I didn't think you could bring in noise generating devices like that into games...
  20. Agreed. He's the one who threw the last punch and got called for it.
  21. If we bring lets say Khari (still OC in BC) and O'Shea falters, could he be our next HC?
  22. I thought the same thing... He sure didn't move much after the hit though....
  23. gary lawless former #bombers LB Ian Wild's contract with @steelers has fallen apart. Wild is still looking for work in NFL but could return to Winnipeg
  24. Crazy that a team can go from being out of the playoffs to first place in a division all riding on one game...
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