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road griller

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Everything posted by road griller

  1. Can't remember but if it was low last time I think this time will be very different. It will be people going out voting ABC anyone but Caytz. If he even decides to man up for the slaughter. Remember Vote Ozzy! He may not the the best man for the job in the long run but man would we have a good time!
  2. who the heck said any of us did? and the options at the time were katz or judy alphabet (cuz i cant spell her real last name) I didn't even vote last time to be honest, cuz neither of them were what i wanted. You should at least go spoil your ballot. Voting is a habit you should not get out of. Many brave people have fought for my right to vote for Ozzy Osbourne.
  3. MBB just turned 1. Wow, that's a coincidence. So did I....
  4. I took a school bus from the Silver Heights for the Banjo Bowl no big deal for the 30 minute ride or so. Pretty sure most would not care as long as the park and rides are set up properly and the people get to the games swiftly and hassle free. The added bonus of knowing the proceeds go directly to equipment for the kids at school would surely make it a possitive thing. I would make sure every bus had a banner showing what the money is doing. Not everyone has kids in school but most people are Aunties, Uncles Grandparents ect. who will see the benefits.
  5. Talk to the school divisions rent their busses for half the price of the city for game day, they are never used during that time. Get drivers to volunteer and the schools can use the profits to buy sporting equipment for the gyms. Everyone rides and the kids win.
  6. Can't wait for road griller's Rhubarb 'n Sugar chips to hit the shelves!
  7. The Washington Rough Riders. Problem solved.
  8. She said she wants to be President of the US one day. At least something good will come of this.....
  9. How about some Bring Back Westwood Waffles????
  10. I love the Shankman!
  11. My family tree is a straight line this long!
  12. Almost as good as the Manitoba Strong commercials on the radio. So original, how do they come up with this stuff? Amazing just like Spider-man , ok I get it now......
  13. I was beside road griller at the 'ol trough one time, let me tell ya!
  14. You accidentally posted a message intended for your mom in this forum. Just FYI. No accident, we are thinking of cancelling our phones to save cash and using forums to keep in touch. Love you, little grill.
  15. I woke up this morning and was wondering what to eat. I checked the fridge and seen some pickles. WTH, pickles for breakfast? Maybe, so I kept looking. Seen some cream cheese but no way would I have bagels. So on I went, some nice fruit nectarines apples and strawberries but what would that say about me, as a person? Fruit salad? Save that for the seniors, so on I went passing the pepperoni, ham, hotdogs and smokies. Leftover ribs from last night, delicious but still not what I was looking for. Into the freezer I go, should have worn a sweater lol just kidding. Mini cheese pizzas, could that be it? Then I remembered the fridge and those pickles and pepperoni. Pepperoni and pickle mini pizzas. Damn good breakfast, if you have never had dill pickles on pizza you should try it. Just remember to dry them a bit after slicing and put them on top of the cheese. Peace rg.
  16. I actually 'love' my posts, waiting patiently for that feature.Some players do have their own businesses but most do not and it is probably more of the vets who are older and more life experienced. And yes, some players do have off season jobs but simply pointing out it is not as easy as 'well just get a job for 5 months' the quality of work they can find is not great. As an owner of a business I would not want someone for 5 months a year when I can easily find someone who will work 12 months for me.
  17. This is somewhat true. Some of the guys can and do pickup a part time job with the offseason whether it is in sales, trainers in gyms, etc. Also, the ones making the league minimum are usual in the 20 - 25 year old age. If you were in that age range and were told you could get paid 45 - 50k per year to play professional football 6 months of the year, have 6 months off to dedicate to training full time, all for a chance to make it to the big show, would you take it? Sometimes it is Risk vs Reward. Sure sales and work in a gym, no problem. Going against people who can work 12 months a year for the employer who is going to invest money into training you.'Hey glad you are thinking of joining our gym. I am leaving in three weeks but I will be back in six months or so. I am sure your goals can wait. Eh?' Sales is not great either it takes months to get rolling and build up a name and clients. You lose all that every spring. What you are saying sounds nice but it probably is not as real as you think. As far as making 45k in this day and age, my sights would be set higher. Kinda like them, and they will get it.
  18. The 6 month a year thing really does not fly anymore. It is not the 60's where these guys lived in the city they played and were given jobs that worked around their football. They train 12 months a year most live far away to live with their families and it's pretty tough to hold down a decent job when you need 25 weeks vacation a year. All in a row, during the summer......
  19. Not sure about that, the CFL and the owners have a lot on the line as well. A big shiny new TV deal for one. Pretty sure TSN is not going to pay for games not played either. Two sides to almost every story.....
  20. The labour laws are Provincial, the ones with anti scab legislation would not allow replacement players.
  21. I would not watch, to go further I would never go to or watch another CFL game ever again if they waived the NI rule just to try and stick it to our players.
  22. Sounds like a made up name.
  23. Fooley speaks smrtly ya. Bet he good at make fire, hunt Woolly Mammoth.
  24. Job well done. I can't believe it has been a year for MBB already. And I agree it is a very well run site. All the Goltz talk on the other site was getting out of hand IMO.
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