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road griller

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Everything posted by road griller

  1. This team needs to win now. We will see if the Bomber brass gets that. Unless they can pay the bills with 25k in the stands....
  2. I feel better after a good nights sleep. And after a case of beer. And after a good pizza. That's about it.
  3. Cassie Printers? Maybe he will talk to us? #someoneneededtosayit
  4. Don't give them picks, let them have our 4 highest paid players. Not sure who that is anymore and if we need them but it is never too early to start dumping salary. #nowzthetime!
  5. Well, I still like Walters more than kelly joe. #winningisn'teveryhingbutitmaybesomethingcan'treallyremember.
  6. At least we are not mortgaging our future! #alwaysabrightsideinbomberland
  7. So we release Glenn in search of a better QB years ago and we are now thinking of bringing him back? I understand why but it just goes to show how poorly this team has been run since. Bomber fans must be the best in the world/universe, who else would put up with this nonsense?
  8. Probably signs with the Atlantic Schooners. Talk about mortgaging your future....
  9. Not worth mortgaging the future for good football players. It does not make sense imo.
  10. Gotta save money to make money. Everyone knows that. The Bombers need to sit on their wallets and watch the fans flock to IGA Field in droves. I am down with Goltz starting in 2014 anyways.
  11. 350 for a decent QB is reasonable. Every other team can afford decent QBs it would be nice to be one of them for a change.
  12. I remember there being a thing called 'playoofs' or something like that. Get us there and it will be party time.
  13. Only question left is what number does he wear?
  14. Looked like a total fool. His interview after make him look like an even totaller fool.
  15. Looks like Cup time for the Jets. I would be surprised if they lose another game this season. Too bad they did not try from game 1 on.
  16. The Stamps will have an easy seller in 2014. Flake Flakes....
  17. I thought my AC retired in my truck last summer. Gave her a quick recharge and BAM cool as a cucumber.
  18. If he can help win us enough games before LDC and a few after to make the playoffs I will be happy. joe's team did that one season and people were going Lady Gaga over him for years after.....
  19. The good news is there are plenty of tickets floating around so you can go to any game for face value or a little less. The bad news is you have to pay big bucks to watch these slackers. Talent is one thing but the effort this bunch puts out is pathetic, they should not need motivation at this level imo. But I guess these divas do....
  20. It is going to be better then last year. The signs are pointing to a properly run CFL team, if that happens good things will follow.
  21. Exactly, you can't have a pattern imo. If you keep them guessing then you are going to make them over think everything taking up precious practice time. Why not go deep on 2nd and 2/3? Not every time but at least once a game, from a different spot every time that way they are always defending it. Just let the receiver know, if its an int. make sure you knock it down if you are not in a position to make a tackle. Then punt if you need to. Judging by the way MO has Coached the teams I can see him being that guy. At least we will have exciting football for a change.
  22. I am all for going for it on 3rd way more than teams do right now but not punting from your own 20 is not a good move. From your 50 to their 35 is a good spot to play 3 down football imo. The onside thing is out of the question. Gambling a lot puts the other team on edge on several plays during the game, adding that much more for their prep during the week. That is one reason I am looking forward to MO Coaching this team.
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