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road griller

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Everything posted by road griller

  1. more likely Whyte's errant aim decided it than 1 call... whatever. i just hope the Argos smash the Cats for making me watch such a craptacular ESF (and because F the lolCats... but that should go without saying...) here's hoping a week Monday the front page of the sports section bears the headline "Argos lick the *******". EDIT: that shouldn't be censored! i meant the word as a synonym for "cats"... Yes but great call, risky and still would have been decision time for the Als. Too bad the refs decided it for them. Have to make the call, that could be used for training purposes to explain 'pass interference' to young refs. Bush league, and will always be one until they correct this.
  2. Too bad the zebras had to decide this one. Lets see how bad it gets in Regina now.....
  3. Why bother covering the receiver when you can just run them over before the ball arrives? The CFL has turned into a joke.
  4. Don't forget to start taking a knee for no apparent reason.
  5. I would keep on keepin' on. Stay the course, keep fielding a sub standard team on the cheap and keep pissing off fans as many ways possible. Lets wrap up this current model of the WFC asap then REALLY start fresh.
  6. They should just go with whatever is the cheapest. Gotta save money to make money in bidness.
  7. I would have an entire season of easy material.
  8. Hawkeye and BJ.
  9. Bring in the grill Master, fire the lot and let him run the show. Oooooooooooh Ya, make those Bad Boys POP!
  10. out-dated reference. Most of the posters here weren't even an itch in their daddy's pants when those two were on TV in prime time. Thanks for the heads up, I had Lenny and Squiggy in my back pocket for a later date. Better shelf it. Anyways, Justin and Miley would be an improvement.
  11. Laverne and Shirley would be an improvement......
  12. I never change mine, waste of time...
  13. Wow, reading this reminds me of how much the Bombers have sucked in the last 15-20 years. I am actually surprised people still care as much as they do. Have a feeling the 'good will' is coming to an end, how many times can they ask the fans to stay with the team for one more re-build?? Best get it right this time, or maybe screwing up one more time is what this team needs so the shake up will be 2 tha Extreeeeme.
  14. Agreed, I just do not have a lot of faith in this happening. I have a feeling we may not bring in anyone at all.........
  15. The good thing about this season, I saved a lot of money not going to watch the worst football I ever seen live. I will probably save more $$$$$ next season if the Bombers screw up another off season, which seems very likely.
  16. It was like all the other blowouts this season, just pick one of the many and it was just like it. Just plain horrible outing.
  17. Hammy did not play 11 starters. At least there is a built in excuse right there. How can they prepare for back ups??????
  18. Anything can happen in the CFL.
  19. Tied for worst ever, thanks timmy. We looked prepared though.....
  20. Boltus ROCKS!!! timbo in Charge!
  21. timbo is amazing. Hall is putting on a clinic. Edit, is that Boltus? Wow, timmy making da' moves....
  22. Not meaningless, still time to toss some more players under the bus! Lots of time.....
  23. timbo demands respect.....
  24. Wonder what Shankman thinks?
  25. Bob Wettenhall is the one who made the decision to fire Hawkins, not Popp. We could have people at the top that can make sound decisions as well. Just need to clean house, then find them. Start with 1 and go from there.
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