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  1. I been thinking alot about the plight of our great sport and league and here's my 2 cents. Start a "gofundme" for each team in every city, I would immediately give $100 - $200 dollars towards saving the CFL no problem, maybe the Feds would make it tax deductabie and that could be their contribution. Is this a crazy fan talking out his butt or would it possibly work.
  2. Hey ,

    I was away and forgot yo vote for week 20

    Could I put my picks for the rest of the games, 

    they are Hamilton, Saskatchewan, and Montreal.

    Thanks alot if you can.


  3. Hey Rich, Somehow I forgot to put my picks in yesterday. If possible I would still like to pick Winnipeg over Hamilton and Ottawa over Montreal. Sorry to bother you, thanks wayner
  4. Thanks Goalie
  5. Did anybody happen to see the promo code during the broadcast, I didn’t and I don’t know if I missed it or it wasn’t shown. Would appreciate if somebody could post it .
  6. Just spitballing here, but would you put it past Jones and Murphy to do what the Boston Red Sox did in baseball, stealing signals electronically. Or am I giving them too much credit? It just seems that the last three games for them were nite and day like they flipped a switch or were in the other team's huddle. They get completely hammered by B.C (Aug 5th) then the following week (Aug 13th) they destroyed and humiliated B.C, Hmmmm makes me wonder.
  7. I have two tickets to give away for tomorrow's game in sec 231 row 3, let me know asap. First come first sevre.
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