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Everything posted by BlueGoldBozo

  1. Redwings win coupled with a Jets loss tonight we move drop one more spot.
  2. I wouldn't change too much. 1. That LB crew is too small. 2. Rush End 3. Possession receiver. These are hard to find I know. 4. Next QB.
  3. I kept thinking yesterday how much what is going there reminds me of Rhinebold. Come in dismantle a team and end up a complete disaster. Looks good on the arrogant riders. Hopefully they will rebound in a decade or so.
  4. Considering where we were just a few weeks ago I'll take it
  5. Rider cheerleader Vaping:
  6. Marcellus Bowman for those who may have not seen this play.
  7. I have admit this whole $%^& show a little west of here makes me smile from ear to ear.
  8. Unless he wins back the job and keeps it he will be released in the off season no doubt unless you can renegotiate.
  9. What are the exact rules for releasing Willy ? Would it be worth it ? Could you release and resign ?
  10. Well it would have a celebratory howler last night not go back for a refill at the half howler night. And for 14.99 I won't be rushing out to buy a bomber one it needs to come full of beer for that price
  11. I got a howler ice cold as I type Tree Brewing Helles. I tried 7th stab. The Vendors have a better selection than the LC's. Need a bomber one for sure. Not sure it is good idea to open during a late bomber game maybe Saturday
  12. I sure hope not. We need to let this play out not throw him away until we have a better option, he may still be our best option. I would have started him this week to see how me reacts to being benched last week and pull him at the the half if things weren't going well. I think pulling his starter role from him this week is too quick and paints us in a corner if Nichols does OK but not great, what then do you pull Nichols ? I don't think Nichols is the full time answer. I might have considered going to a 2 QB system Give Willy 60 % of the 1st team reps Nichols 40% start Willy and pull him if it's not working. Like a poor mans Clements/Huffnagel duo. Willy would do well I think on very good defensive team he does not cough up the ball a lot. I think back to some of those great Bomber teams like when we had Burgess, he would have done well on that team. But he is not a big play QB never will be so without a good team around him he can't drive the bus. Having said all that I can see why they did it I just not sure it's the right thing we'll see in the coming weeks.
  13. A couple more loses in a row he has to go period if only to make it look like they doing something. Down to 19000 season tickets --- Your about to see 21 K games if this keeps up. I am and always will be a bomber fan even if the lose every game but man it's getting tough.
  14. No More Challenges. Final minutes in playoff games from upstairs and nothing else. I refuse to watch a game live anymore 3.5 hours ! I get it done in 1.5.
  15. Well hopefully he can pull off a Miracle. Whip those stamps !
  16. 9-9 at best ..... I'm afraid very afraid that we'll be 7-11 or 6-12 if Willy even misses a couple.
  17. Including the Flag boys Men ? Kinda cruel late season no ?
  18. Much better seating plan than ours way way less end zone seats.
  19. See there is a football god after all. Not sure I am a big fan of the whites with so much blue up top but it's huge improvement. And the CFL/BB never disappoint what would this league be without those quaint screw ups ...... Can I buy one .....errr Sorry not yet sir !
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