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Everything posted by BaconNBigBlue

  1. lol. The half started tied. I checked the score and it’s 41 to 16! Holy choke much?
  2. And with that I'm out. Don't need to prolong this ******* pain any longer. Thank you Bombers for a completely shitty game. Better be some key changes next year otherwise I may skip watching. I'd rather nail my nuts to a plank than watch this team play like this.
  3. I assume all the talk of Dynasty got into the players heads and they coasted. That's on the coach.
  4. Not a surprise. The refs are dictating the game. Must have money on it. This is Ambrosie's legacy
  5. So I'm going to be in a pissy mood tomorrow at work that's to the team taking the night off.
  6. There's Zach pick. The fat lady has started singing.
  7. The shitty refing this year really makes me wonder why I watch it. I sure wouldn't spend money to watch such ****.
  9. Just waiting for the Dynasty part of this team to kick in!
  10. 2 holds by TO on that play too but I guess the refs know the assignment.
  11. I'm getting a sinking feeling again. Our joy didn't last long.
  12. So the refs can call penalties against Toronto!
  13. **** YOU Refs and CC. Take ******* that!
  14. The CFL rules at their most stupidest. Boggles the ******* mind!
  15. We know who is supposed to win the game now! The fix is in as that's the lamest ******* penalty.
  16. That hit looked a tad early.
  17. Brady train needs to keep rolling. Feed him the ******* ball.
  18. TSN spends an awful lot of time with cameras on the Argo players.
  19. CC will overrule the flag and say Winnipeg just fell down.
  20. Have we gotten a first down this half yet?
  21. I knew when we were going to play a backup QB our chances of winning dropped by 90% as we play **** against backup QBs.
  22. Not looking like a dynasty team. Not ******* close.
  23. **** off with Liram being injured. It was all a ******* act hoping to get a penalty. Not ******* limp now!
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