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Everything posted by WildPath

  1. I've been lurking OB for many, many years now. Usually I pretty dedicated follower, yet never signed up for a post. Especially in the last few years I've been disappointed to see so many threads turn from a civil discussion about a difference of opinion to personal bickering. I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed to hear about the people leaving OB to start a new site(it took a bit of searching to even find this site unfortunately). I figured the split meant either that I would have to follow two sites or that several great members migrated over to a new site (MBB) that would fizzle and die and OB would never get them back. After a while of lurking on both sites, I almost exclusively lurk around here unless I'm pretty bored. I don't all that much about site layout and how pretty things look. But I really enjoy an actual community message board where people self-moderate as Mike said, so threads aren't continually hijacked into personal qibbles and insults. Now that I've actually created an account and posted after years of lurking, maybe I will start coming out of the shadows more often.
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