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    wpgallday1960 got a reaction from voodoochylde in NFL Coming to Winnipeg for Preseason Game   
    This game isn't too bad but mostly I find NFL preseason football almost unwatchable.
  2. Like
    wpgallday1960 got a reaction from Bigblue204 in NFL Coming to Winnipeg for Preseason Game   
    This game isn't too bad but mostly I find NFL preseason football almost unwatchable.
  3. Agree
    wpgallday1960 reacted to SpeedFlex27 in NFL Coming to Winnipeg for Preseason Game   
    Nice tribute to the history of the Raiders with Gruden. Except the team is moving to Vegas next season. Thanks for the memories, Oakland & **** you. Lol.
  4. Like
    wpgallday1960 reacted to Floyd in Nichols Injury   
    So last week almost everyone was clamouring for streveler and now that it looks like he’s our starter for a while... we’re in ‘mourning’ 
  5. Like
    wpgallday1960 reacted to Atomic in It's time to hand the ball to Streveler.   
    No one knows what Streveler is going to give us. I don't think it's fair to judge on the limited plays he's had so far this season. He looked unprepared last night.... maybe just a little jitters at being called upon to lead the offence. Give him a week of practice with starter's reps and then see how he does.
    This was his stat line in the opening game against Edmonton last year:
    15/28 for 178 yards, 3 TD and 2 INT, with 7 carries for 30 yards.
    I think it's fair to expect he will look pretty similar if he starts on Friday against Edmonton. If the defence and special teams play well then we have a great chance to win.
  6. Like
    wpgallday1960 reacted to Booch in It's time to hand the ball to Streveler.   
    Yeah give Streveler a game plan with the actual play book and he can do the exact same ball control offence Nichols does.
    If anything probably a bit more diversified and allowing Harris more space.
    Lapo has to throw out the trickery and gimmick **** and let the play makers do their thing. With Strev in now..and using multiple motion and misdirection stuff teams wont know what to key on or who to focus on and will open up a lot of options.
    Teams are gonna start cheating in and then we can hit them with the deep shots down the field.
    This idea Strevler cant throw is off base..he just needs repetition and plays..with designed routes to actually get the ball to allow him to progress..not the stuff Lapo has him running 
    Lapos stupidly timed change of pace thing there when the offence was humming was the stupidest thing done all year..what he was trying to accomplish other than kill momentum was baffling
  7. Like
    wpgallday1960 reacted to Ripper in It's time to hand the ball to Streveler.   
    The problem isn't that you run the ball a lot to Harris, he is a great running back any team would love to have. I think the problem is he is only one you throw to and that's the issue
  8. Like
    wpgallday1960 reacted to Booch in GDT-Stumps @ Bombers   
    2 Of 3 facets are usually needed to win a game...and we accomplished that..and won
    were pretty much even in total yards on offence..Calgary had 19 more yards but we dominated time of possession...so why don't we deserve the win??
    And looking back on years past this was a game we would inevitably lose 9 times out of 10 and it would be noted that good teams find a way to win...so perhaps maybe warts and all...we are now that "good" team...hmmmm
  9. Like
    wpgallday1960 reacted to rebusrankin in GDT-Stumps @ Bombers   
    Lapo did call a really conservative offensive game. Having said that though, Nichols didn't play well and you have to be concerned by his play.
  10. Like
    wpgallday1960 got a reaction from wbbfan in GDT-Stumps @ Bombers   
    Needed the loot for Reilly and Chung.
  11. Agree
    wpgallday1960 reacted to Blueandgold in GDT-Stumps @ Bombers   
    Everyone’s too busy roasting Nichols to remember that Jeff Hecht was who we thought he was tonight. 
  12. Like
    wpgallday1960 got a reaction from MOBomberFan in GDT-Stumps @ Bombers   
    Needed the loot for Reilly and Chung.
  13. Like
    wpgallday1960 reacted to Mike in Game Day Thread- Bombers at Arblows   
    There’s no doubt in my mind that Nichols is being elevated by the players around him. So sick and tired of the constant checkdowns, fear of getting hit and inability to put the ball in the right spot. His accuracy has been absolutely pitiful this year and we’ve paid pretty dearly for it when you think about it - he got Matthews destroyed on a long bomb he hung up for way too long, he’s had Whitehead, Wolitarsky and Lawler contorting their bodies to make what should be easy catches and taking some good abuse for their troubles, he’s almost gotten Lawler killed across the middle on two separate occasions ... he’s making the easy throws look tough and the tough throws look impossible. I honestly think the last time he dropped one right in the basket was to Demski against Ottawa.
    That doesn’t absolve LaPolice either though. Call a play that allows for a slant route once in a while, good grief. Open up the playbook and call a game like you brought your nuts to the stadium for once. Absolutely gutless football and it doesn’t make me sick because it means we’re 5-2 today, it makes me sick because it’s the exact attitude that never gets you a ring.
  14. Like
    wpgallday1960 reacted to 17to85 in Matt Nichols Discredited Too Much? Passing Yards Are Meaningless   
    Toronto attempted something stupid like 50 passes. Our D didn't get stops when they needed. Hell they could have ended the game at the end on 3rd down except they tackled the guy past the first down sticks instead of before. 
    They pooped their pants as bad or worse than the offense did. 
  15. Like
    wpgallday1960 got a reaction from deepsixemtoboyd in Matt Nichols Discredited Too Much? Passing Yards Are Meaningless   
    I'm not going to make a big deal about yards but I am frustrated that Nichols caves when the pressure is on and we need to make a few first down to extend drives.  Nichols kind of reminds me of Kirk Cousins: a decent QB but will only take you so far.  He has to lead the team to wins in close situations to have my confidence restored in him.
  16. Like
    wpgallday1960 got a reaction from Bigblue204 in Matt Nichols Discredited Too Much? Passing Yards Are Meaningless   
    I'm not going to make a big deal about yards but I am frustrated that Nichols caves when the pressure is on and we need to make a few first down to extend drives.  Nichols kind of reminds me of Kirk Cousins: a decent QB but will only take you so far.  He has to lead the team to wins in close situations to have my confidence restored in him.
  17. Like
    wpgallday1960 reacted to Goalie in Matt Nichols Discredited Too Much? Passing Yards Are Meaningless   
    Its not a funk. 170 ish to is pretty close to normal now. 
  18. Like
    wpgallday1960 got a reaction from Mark F in Game Day Thread- Bombers at Arblows   
    Spoiling a monster game by Harris.  This better be a wake up call.  Just can’t take your foot off the gas.  All phases of the team need work.
  19. Haha
    wpgallday1960 reacted to Zontar in Week 6 Takeaways   
    WPG.  Cruising alititude.
    EDM. Inevitable egg laying.
    MTL. Back in the race.  Khari is a difference maker.
    OTT.  Key injuries don't help but they aren't scaring anybody soon.
    SSK.  Feeling good about beating up BC is like saying you had a great cardio with treadmill set on "1".
    TOR. Running out of adjectives. 
  20. Thanks
    wpgallday1960 reacted to ddanger in Matt Nichols Discredited Too Much? Passing Yards Are Meaningless   
    Matt Nichols very quietly completed 19 passes in a row last night. 14 TD against 1 INT. His completion percentage ranks him 2nd all-time on the Bombers behind Dunigan. I don't care about the yards, I care about the results, and it's all good. The off-season work he put in is clearly showing.
  21. Like
    wpgallday1960 reacted to Geebrr in 2019 CFL Season: Around the League   
    Because of one guy?
    He is a good player but he is overpaid 
    $250k +  is too much for him
  22. Agree
    wpgallday1960 got a reaction from Bubba Zanetti in EDM @ BC   
    Power went out at the lake at 13 to 3 for Esks.  I assume matters did not improve for the Leo's after that. Speaking of the Lions, where is Lyin' Guy?  Wasn't he touteing the Lions as contenders in the west prior to the season?  Has he been banned already?  I'd like to get his take on the disaster so far.
  23. Like
    wpgallday1960 got a reaction from Mark F in B.C. /T.O. Calg/Sask   
    Can't play Toronto every week and look what happens.
  24. Haha
    wpgallday1960 reacted to Bubba Zanetti in B.C. /T.O. Calg/Sask   
    That or later tonight when their cousins pregnancy test comes back negative?
  25. Like
    wpgallday1960 got a reaction from Fred C Dobbs in B.C. /T.O. Calg/Sask   
    Highlight of the night for rider fans ...
    Seeing the Stanley cup brought into Mosaic, hahaha.
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