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Everything posted by blueandgoldguy

  1. Props to the D for that game. Nichols wasn't great but he didn't make any huge mistakes like Ray did. We will need to see a little more from the offense if we want to win next week in BC.
  2. Health is a factor, but tackles are an over-rated stat. You would have to look at those tackles in more detail - tackles for losses, tackles for gains of less than 5 yards, 5-10 yards, etc. Also the stats for tackles may be called into question as the statistician may identify the wrong person who made the tackle. This happens quite frequently in the NFL so I'm sure it happens quite frequently here as well.
  3. Ian Wild is probably average at best among linebackers. His play had not been particularly impressive going back to last season. I think there was some here or the other Bomber forum suggesting he may be cut or serve as a backup going into the 2017 season. If the replacement cannot provide a reasonable facsimile of Wild's play over the next 6 weeks (small drop-off) then I will be really concerned about the Bombers' international recruiting. Of course, I already am concerned about the recruitment but moreso if Wild's replacement turns out to be a complete dud.
  4. Wasn't Wade promising free tickets for those who said it would take longer to get out of the stadium parking lots? How exactly do you prove that anyways.
  5. Heath Nevis The new bus terminal - I wasn't at the game but I hear it's making quite a difference getting into and out of the game.
  6. Yes, they are better than us for many reasons...one of which is coaches who appear to make the superior halftime adjustments.
  7. Calgary outscored the Bombers 20-0 in the second half. Also dominated in yardage and first downs. The first half was much closer. Whatever changes they made clearly had an impact in the second half. I don't buy that crap that adjustments in playcalling after the half don't make a difference.
  8. Walby just mentioned the halftime adjustments being the key to the game. 20-0 in the second half for the Stamps.
  9. Police officers are easily some of the most overpaid "professionsals" in the workforce today. Considering how much of the work they do is rather mundane and unnecessary (ie. handing out speeding tickets at various speed traps across the city, getting OT for attending court when people who have been given tickets for ticky-tack things like decals on their windshield have decided to challenge them) and very few run into dangerous situations on a regular basis, the wages are absolutely ridiculous. $100,000 after 5 years?! Ridiculous pensions too! The arbitration system is a big culprit in all of this. People complain about lack of money for proper infrastructure in this city and province and the ongoing deficits. The police(mostly) and to a lesser extent, teachers and firefighters' runaway salaries and pensions are the biggest factors gobbling up vast quantities of tax revenues - their salary increases over-and-above the rate of inflation seemingly year after year. There needs to be either a) salary freeze for a few years or b)1-2% increases in line with the inflation rate. We also should be reducing the hours and size of the police force if anything as crime rates are much lower than they were two decades ago. Don't mention that to the Winnipeg police union though - I'm sure if you asked them crime is at an all-time high and the kids are running wild. Gotta go now and catch the next speeder in a 50 km/hr zone!lol
  10. Which means he will ultimately get the job.
  11. Bad comparison. There are thousands of parking spots within a 5-10 minute walk from the MTS Centre and traffic filters out in all directions on several different streets...as opposed to IGF where all traffic filters on to one street and many of the parking lots that charge money are still a good 20-25 walk from the front gates of the stadium. As an aside, I went to two Jet games this year and parked for free on the street for both... only a 5-6 minute walk from City Place.
  12. Great new family package! Looking at season ticket packages in the P7 zone, a family of 4 may attend all 11 games (home playoff game this year Bombers!) for the price of $16.50 per person per game. That's practically Goldeyes pricing.
  13. didn't migs make a bet with someone here before, lost that bet and then proceeded not to pay up...and maybe I am thinking of a different user? Anyways, buyer beware.
  14. So what is the penalty for Montreal being over the salary cap last year? Anything confirmed?
  15. Nice. One of the best young Canadian O-line man in the league. Might be a future O-lineman of the year.
  16. Stamps are like the Atlanta Braves of the 90s and 00s. All those division titles and so few championships to show for it.
  17. I think a one-year extension for Mike Oshea is ludicrous, but the suggestion that ticket sales will not improve at IGF until this year is no longer seen as a one-off or fluke is an accurate statement.
  18. How about we grab Franklin, re-sign Nichols and Riders keep Durant?
  19. Bombers should be in on the Franklin bidding to drive up the price for Jones and the Riders? I like it!
  20. All cities struggle with this to some degree I would think. I think events like Folklorama (the only one of it's kind in the country) may mitigate against these issues of integration you speak of.
  21. People who move here from other countries don't become fans overnight. After a few years or a generation when their kids have grown up many do. I know a few myself.
  22. The NFL is more open to drafting and signing quarterbacks from smaller schools and/or those who are not the prototypical 6'3" or above. Carson Wentz was a high draft pick from North Dakota State of all places this past year. Guys like Russell Wilson and Drew Brees who are 5'11" would have never started for NFL teams in the 70s or 80s, but changing mindsets have given them the opportunities to become NFL QBs in the new millenium. There are other starters and backups who are Mitchell's height in the NFL..some even shorter like Wilson and Brees. He has a shot in 2018 if he wants it.
  23. Loffler needs to learn how to hit like Cauchy Muamba. Now there was a safety who didn't take unnecessary penalties.
  24. Hufnagel, Hervey (with Franklin soon), Popp (finished off Calvillo's development behind Ham). Jones has only been GM for 1 season so he shouldn't enter the equation at this point. Past Sask Gms (not Taman) brought in and developed Glenn and Durant.
  25. That's what I was thinking when I read the article. Grey Cup week without the massive amounts of drunkenness and debauchery. Hmmm, on second thought, is it Grey Cup week without the drunkenness and debauchery?
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