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Everything posted by blueandgoldguy

  1. Companies ruined. Lawsuits still to be resolved. Value-engineering to important features like the veil. Unanticipated costs like the new roof for the arena. This all sounds familiar. First Winnipeg, then Hamilton, now Ottawa. I wonder if Regina will escape unscathed once the new stadium is complete?
  2. Might be a good way to save money. Team gets off to a poor start, O'Shea is fired, Lapo takes on the role of head coach to go along with his OC job. "tis the Bomber way.
  3. Bomber tagline for 2016 when they rehire Lapo: Unfinished business - 2011 edition, baby
  4. Highly unlikely. I hope that we get Huff or Murphy when we clean house next year. Why would Huff come here? Do you expect the Bombers would be willing to pay $600,000 or more that the Riders are rumoured to have paid Jones.
  5. I remember quite a few more intermediate passes in the range of 15-25 yards back in the 80s and 90s when I was a kid. More INTs, yes, given the greater risks involved than a 3 yard curl, but it was more exciting football. Or maybe nostalgia is clouding my memories?
  6. Interesting article there bannatyne. Thanks for posting. Research into the long-term effects of concussions has been conducted for longer than 10 years - it's actually been over 20 years. I believe way back in '94 researchers released an article in a journal indicating that there was a link between multiple concussions suffered in football and memory loss. Interestingly, at that time, the NFL did not refute this research only to vehemently deny those links a few short years later. For more information on this, I would suggest viewing the excellent documentary by Frontline from a couple years ago called League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis. It's available on NetFlix.
  7. Not sure if this has been posted in another thread - a summary of Drew Edwards and his cohorts hitting all the team parties in one day. John Cornish joined them at about the half way point. Great read. http://3downnation.com/2015/12/04/the-most-grey-cup-thing-ever-all-the-parties-one-night/
  8. Then there's Johnny Football in Cleveland. How can that guy even look his teammates in the eye? He got demoted, poor boy. Should've suspended him. Players like that keep getting chances others don't but they're morons. He's probably an alcoholic who needs help. Hopefully he gets it and can at least become a good backup in the NFL.
  9. You guys do realize he wasn't specifically focusing on local media when he made that statement? He was referring to the various media representatives from around the country as well.
  10. I'd love to have a coach that wins and gives us a legit shot at a Grey Cup even if he does leave after 2 or 3 years. Jones recruiting has set up Edmonton nicely as a contender for at least the next couple of seasons.
  11. Jones has had success wherever he has been hired. Kelly, on the other hand, only had success with Matt Dunigan as his QB, despite his claims to the contrary.
  12. On Tv it sounded like the crowd slightly favoured Edmonton. For those who were at the game, who did the crowd appear to favour? Was it 50-50? 60-40 Ottawa? 60-40 Edmonton?
  13. It's their job to ask the tough questions...possibly at inopportune times. I have no issue with it. I wonder how long it will be before we hear an official announcement.
  14. On Hustler and Lawless they briefly discussed this with Steve Simmons and the consensus was that Jones' refusal to directly answer questions regarding a potential move to Saskatchewan this off-season to take the position of GM/head coach means he is as good as gone in Edmonton for 2016. I wonder what the Riders are willing to pay? $500,000? $600,000? Maybe even $750,000? Thoughts?
  15. 98(also here) was the lowest since 75. There were 3 factors for that. -brutality of the 91 game's weather had fans across that league saying fool me once.. -major price increase -we sucked as a team....again Those fans concerned about the weather only fooled themselves as it was record warmth that day. The '98 Grey Cup was the regarded as the Grey Cup no one wanted. The league was still somewhat in dire straits, not near the depths of 96, but only a smidgen higher. Winnipeg stepped up when no one else really desired to have the Grey Cup. It was also a period when the Grey Cup did not sell out with regularity. 96 in Hamilton - well short of a sellout despite Tim Hortons stepping up to buy thousands of tickets at the last minute. 97 in Edmonton - I remember there was over 10,000 tickets available leading up to the game which mostly sold out only because the Riders made the finals. 99 in Vancouver - 15,000 short of a sellout 2000 in Calgary - a few thousand short of the sellout. It also didn't help that the city hosted the Brier, World Junior Championships and the Pan Am Games along with the Grey Cup in just over a year. Individuals and the corporate community were tapped out.
  16. General consensus among all the media is that Orridge delivered a rather unimpressive state of the league address; seems like an uninspired leader; and didn't seem to be all that knowledgeable about the league itself and subsequent to that, did not address some of the challenges the league is dealing with ie. penalties, declining attendance, lack of penalties for steroid use.
  17. Why would the Esks give him permission to talk to the Riders? How many more years does he have on his contract? Just say no to the Riders and give Chris an asst. GM position to tide him over for next season.
  18. Burris was good in the first half but pretty mediocre in the second half. For the entire game the RedBlacks had less than 300 net yards with less than 100 net yards in the second half. Burris passed for 70 yards in the second half so I think it's safe to say his lack of execution in the second half played a major role in the RedBlacks defeat. Not surprising - he is just not a good playoff or cold weather QB. Reilly on the other hand brought his A-game when the chips were down. After a shaky 3rd quarter he marched his team down the field - assisted by two justified pass interference calls - and passed for the winning TD and 2-point convert. He also had a good drive late in the third quarter but Whyte missed a chip shot field goal. Anyone go to the post-game party at Max Bell Centre across the street? What's the word there? Any bands. Did any players or the Grey Cup make an appearance?
  19. Research shows Millennials are embarrassed by Canada and Canadian football so let's make the maple leaf less prominent and maybe they will be fooled into thinking this is kinda like American football.
  20. Well deserved. One of our dominant defensive players of the 80s and probably the single most dominant interior defensive lineman of the 2000s in Doug Brown...also one of the best Canadians in league history. Should have one a defensive player of the year award or two.
  21. Good news! I guess we will have a better idea of how many tickets were given and discounted once we find out the profits for the Grey Cup and the 2015 Bomber season sometime this winter or next spring.
  22. I like how Orridge placed some of the blame for lower CFL ratings on the Pan Am Games. Right, because people were watching those events in high numbers. IF CFL ratings drop next year I'm sure he will blame the Euro Cup and the Summer Olympics. Fact is, every summer there are other big events on. That's called competition and something the CFL has had to deal with from its inception.
  23. Barf, what a uninspired logo. Font is awful and looks outdated.
  24. Since he is supposed to be a expert with regard to newer media platforms I would be satisfied if he increases the CFL revenues through this. As for halifax, council there already rejected the idea of a new stadium for a proposed site. One of the councillors (or mayor?) stated that they might explore the possibility of a new 10-14,000 seat stadium in 10 years or so. Might as well be never although new sites and new proposals could emerge I suppose. People say Winnipeg is a can't do city full of negative people, but the maritimes takes this attitude to a whole new level. Every little development and plans for re-development are scrutinized and often never come to fruition due to the old guard that are set in their ways and suspicious of anything new. They have had over thrity years to try and get a team there and haven't even come close. Since rich individuals and families like the Irvings and McCains won't get involved that should serve as some indication of the level of interest there. Young people are also leaving those provinces by the thousands so it might not even make sense to put an expansion team there given the demographics. Nearest best bet is Quebec City though I suspect that's a long shot given the government jjust spent $370 million for a new arena so I very much doubt there will be any taxpayer money appropriated towards a new stadium within the next decade...and it will have to be 100% or nearly 100% financed by the government. Maybe if the boom continues in Saskatchewan we will see a new team in Saskatoon 20 years down the road. At that point the province should be able to sustain two teams.
  25. If true, the hiring of Lapo seems like a low risk- low reward kind of move.
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