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Everything posted by blueandgoldguy

  1. He signed a new deal with Toronto and will never eeeever come here. Why. So he can be fired in 2 years?No, so he can become a GM at the twice the salary of a HC.Never eeeever. Pointless to talk about even. Never in a million years. Good coaches won't come here. No security at all. What a load of garbage. Hamilton fired two coaches in one year (Marcel and Cortez) and they ended up snagging Austin. Looks like you can go through coaches quickly and still make a quality hire provided you are willing to pay the price.
  2. Didn't Burke have an even more pathetic OC in Garry Crowton? Why is Marcel an excuse for the blowouts under O'Shea, but Crowton is not an excuse for blowouts under Burke?
  3. So did I. That was good time to be a youngster cheering on the blue and gold. Almost every home game was a victory. Brock, Clements, Dunigan - all those teams had great offenses. Heck even the Salisbury teams were decent on offense not like this sad sack bunch. And man, those defenses in the 80s... just dominant. I think we went a nearly 20-year stretch of making the playoffs.
  4. Seems like the defense gave up in the second half. Total time of possession was dead even so they shouldn't have been tired.
  5. I have seen it said here that Bomber teams led by Mike O'Shea do not give up fighting until the very end and rarely, if ever, getting blown out by the opposition vs. Tim Burke led Bomber teams that were consistently blown out by opposition with players quitting on the coach and themselves. Looking back at the 2013 season (Burke's only full season as coach) the Bombers lost games by more than 2 Tds nine times, lost games by 20 or more points five times and lost games by 26 or more points three times. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Winnipeg_Blue_Bombers_season We are only half way through the 2015 season and the Bombers have lost games by two tds, 20 or more points, and 26 or more points four times. 52-26 vs. Hamilton 32-3 vs. Edmonton 38-8 vs. Hamilton 36-8 vs. Calgary We have half a season to go but it appears the myth of a never-say-die, never-give up-attitude of the Bombers under Mike O'Shea has been busted. The lopsided scores posted above in just half a season proves it. Agree or disagree and why?
  6. lol because that works in the CFL like never. When you have only 2 chances to gain 10 yards, the majority of plays will be passes. Even with a rookie Qb, you will most likely have a 65% pass to 35% run ratio, maybe 60-40 in a few cases. It's a passer's league - even rookie Qb's need to be able to pass. Did you miss last weeks game against the Riders? A heck of a lot closer than this smelling pile tonight with that very game plan. Congrats on finding the one game in which passes and runs were nearly 50-50. Riders still lost by the way. It's a fact that the vast majority of games will see runs less than 40% of the time, even with a rookie at the controls. That is the nature of the 3-down game. Saying the Bombers should have run it 30 times is asinine as they most likely would have been stuffed on first down for a short gain necessitating a pass play on second down. I'm afraid if you want to see more running you will have to watch the NFL.
  7. Fire Miller?
  8. Reilly's first season was better than anything we have seen from Marve. Reilly can throw a long bomb. Marve clearly cannot...at least not yet. Chances are though if he never learned to throw a long bomb in college he will be unable to learn in the pros.
  9. lol because that works in the CFL like never. When you have only 2 chances to gain 10 yards, the majority of plays will be passes. Even with a rookie Qb, you will most likely have a 65% pass to 35% run ratio, maybe 60-40 in a few cases. It's a passer's league - even rookie Qb's need to be able to pass.
  10. Walters gets a lot of free passes and truthfully I blame the state of this team on him even more than O'Shea. Grading on a curve, Walters would rank near the bottom of the league's gms
  11. I thought this team fought for their head coach unlike the 2013 team with Tim Burke at the reigns? Doesn't seem like it this year. 4 blowout losses already.
  12. Yep, the best we have done since the Cal Murphy era is Taman bringing in already developed Qbs in Jones and Glenn. Bombers haven't developed a good QB since McManus. Haven't developed even an average Qb in that time frame either
  13. Now the Argos are starting to look like a Creehan-led defense.
  14. His last name would open him up to all sorts of ridicule here. We already have Willy for that. No deal.
  15. This is kind of an argument for ranking calgary low The Stamps OL shouldn't be ranked 9th. BLM would be sacked incessantly & beaten to a pulp but he's not. The team wouldn't be 6-2 if the line wasn't doing a good job. Thing of it is, only Stanley Bryant the right tackle won't be coming back this season but the rest of the injured starters will be back come playoff time. So, they'll be good to go again. And... those backups who played & are playing well will have a whole bunch of experience & will be ready to be called on again if needed. Sad part is, some of our starters would have a hard time making the Stamps playing roster. The Stamps OL was decimated the past 2 years with the departure of Jon Gott, Stanley Bryant & Brent Jones. Now the injuries this season to Edwin Harrison, Dan Federkeil, Shane Bergman & Brander Craighead who were all starters. Guys like Brad Erdos, John Estes, Gary Williams & even Paul Swiston have stepped in & played well. Considering this was not even close to the OL the Stamps had starting the season they've done a very good job. Depth & talent has got the Stamps by. Why the hell don't we have that? The Stamps basically rebuilt their O Line since the start of this season. Why is it taking half a decade & counting to rebuild ours?? I can tell you why. The Stamps have the best personnel guy in the CFL who we fired in John Murphy. He knows the CIS cold as well as every free agent out there. He has contacts everywhere & he uses them. That's why. It's amazing the talent he brings in. We had him & now he's in Calgary helping to make them a championship team. John Murphy has been rumoured to become a GM in the CFL for a few years now. I wonder which team gives him that opportunity and when?
  16. Still thousands of $399 and $299 tickets left in the upper deck. Also tickets are held back for corporations with the option to purchase seats up to certain deadlines. That is one of the reasons you often see hundreds of tickets being released in prime spots for various events including past Grey CUps in the weeks leading up to the event. Happened at BC place and Mosaic last year. Bombers had to pay the league over $5 million for the game this year so I suspect the profits will not be as great as they had hoped.
  17. The bombers discounted Grey Cup tickets in 1998 so they may very well do it again this year.
  18. Who cares about creativity? Just stating the truth and Winnipeg has a stereotype about being cheap for a very good reason. It's a city full of cheap skates and bargain hunters. If the city is so cheap why does the average winnipeg citizen have record levels of household debt. Doesn't really jive with your argument of the "cheap Winnipegger." If they are cheap, they wouldn't have record levels of household debt, would they? This is seriously an argument that you bring up? Household debt is climbing at an alarming rate all across Canada, that's not a specific thing to WInnipeg it's just a function of how society has changed. More people use credit to buy things it doesn't speak to cheapness, simply a societal trend for people to charge more. Spending more money than you have is not the action of a cheap person. Fact is, in Winnipeg there are more lower income earners than other cities on the Prairies. The average middle income earner earns less in Winnipeg than in any other medium-sized or large city on the Prairies. They are going to spend less money on luxery items and such. Not a function of being cheap, it's a function of less income. You need to get out of the Calgary bubble once in awhile. I still think there will be some big discounts with tickets at the Grey Cup...even at the risk of alienating those who paid full price. They did offer plenty of 2 for 1s at the Grey Cup in 1998.
  19. The only real addition the Jets could make for nosebleeds that may be worth the costs would be sky suites and sky club seats hung below the rafters opposite the pressbox. You could get away with charging premium prices with premium seating. Try to sell it as a unique bird's eye view of the game. My guess is True North waits until those 7 - 10 year contracts for the current suites are finished and if those are all renewed and there still remains a waiting list (as I think there was back in 2011 for the suites), the organization decides to go ahead with this expansion. Still 6 years away from those renewals so we shall see. By the way, Chipman originally wanted to build an 11,000 or 12,000 seat arena, not 8000 seater. It was both Doer and Murray who convinced him to build it slightly bigger with funding from the city and province (along with funding from the feds).
  20. Did you notice the two posters who made those remarks though? Calgarians. Calgarians - Here we never see any -40 degree days. Just the occasional -15 day here or there. This is more than compensated for with the +15 degree days in December, January, February and March. Winnipeg has -40 temps for 120 days straight from November straight through to March. No breaks from the cold. Poor saps. Haha.
  21. Who cares about creativity? Just stating the truth and Winnipeg has a stereotype about being cheap for a very good reason. It's a city full of cheap skates and bargain hunters. If the city is so cheap why does the average winnipeg citizen have record levels of household debt. Doesn't really jive with your argument of the "cheap Winnipegger." If they are cheap, they wouldn't have record levels of household debt, would they? Ridiculous argument. SOME Winnipeggers prefer weekend games. SOME winnipeggers prefer Thurs night games (ie. people who like to camp and have cabins). SOME people don't mind the beer prices hence the huge beer snakes in the endzone. Some do mind therefore they buy water or just go without. You are in a city of nearly 800,000 people so there will be varying opinions. Earth-shattering I know. Winnipeg has the second highest revenues in the league for merchandise sales. What does that say about the other CFL cities?
  22. Highly entertaining game. Interviews aside, I think this one looked quite good on Tv. It's quite obvious that the Stamps, while still good, are not quite as talented as they were the past 3 seasons. I figure Edmonton, with a healthy Rielly, will defeat them in the West Final.
  23. Winning a home Grey Cup buys you a lot of leeway. That's why I wouldn't be surprised if Taman is back next year.
  24. Haha! Listen to the Calgarians try to downplay the snowfall in summer. Calgarians to Winnipeggers - we get half the cold weather days in the winter than you do and don't you forget it! Winnipeggers - but what about the the regular snowfalls you receive in May...and June....and August.... and September Calgarians - those only happen once a decade or so exactly like Winnipeg....and the snowfall is always a dusting melting at first contact. Plus the snowfall happens in the foothills which are like 4000 feet higher then downtown Calgary.
  25. The quality of play has improved this year over last year. No question in my mind. Blowouts have happened all the time, even with two supposedly well-matched teams. People want to reduce the non-import ratio further? How oh how did the league manage with 11 Canadian starters when I was growing up in the 80s? You're basically saying that the quality of Canadian players has declined while the CIS has improved during the same 30-year time frame. Does not compute.
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