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Everything posted by blueandgoldguy

  1. Tonnes of garbage time stats for Strev and he still didn't look good.
  2. Disappointed in the effort all-around....especially after last weaks' debacle. Streveler is not showing any progress by the looks of things. He has been passed by several backups around the league - Adams, Fajardo, Arbuckle, Evans. Defense, which appeared to be a strength, looks like a mirage. Bighill has been the biggest disappointment of all and the secondary has been underwhelming most of the season. It sure doesn't seem like the players are going all-out for O'Shea, contrary to popular opinion around here. I suspect a one and done in the playoffs results in him not being offered an extension. I guess we will see what happens next week in another statement game against Saskatchewan. Another loss likely spells the end of ANY home game in the playoffs and a likely third place finish. Really frustrating right now. Feels like another cupless year.
  3. We have seen this story too often. The defense plays a good game only to blow it when the team really needs them to hold the opposing offense to zero points on their final drive. We saw some good late game stops by the D in the preceding weeks but this was an all too familiar tale. Fajardo was 4-4 on the final drive for 34 yards...not sure why people here say all he did was hand off the ball to get in field goal range. I get frustrated with our coordinators too, but there appears to be an assumption by many here that whoever we replace them with will be better by utilizing the talent to its full potential. That is a pretty big assumption. Who is exactly out there that will call a better game than Lapo or Hall? Someone we don't know about from the US? Someone in the CFL?
  4. It's a poorly formed opinion backed with little research. Halifax and Nova Scotia are growing. There was not an interested ownership group in the past, but there is now. If the ownership group has enough financially backing to run the year-to-year operations of a CFL team - and Ambrosie and the BOG believe they are at this point - then they will be rewarded with a franchise...assuming the city/province will provide the funding for a stadium. Ambrosie has done a good job. CFL 2.0 is a great initiative that will take years to bear fruit. Ambrosie realizes that the CFL's revenues have been maxed out in Canada and unlike previous commissioners he has decided to do something about it - marketing the CFL in other countries with a good probability it will bear fruit in the form of increased exposure and revenues in the next 5 - 10 years. He has also handled the Montreal ownership crisis as well as anyone could have given the circumstances - a massive team debt, a outdated, small stadium and a fickle market. I am confident in saying no other commissioner would have expedited the process in a quicker fashion.
  5. It is not a premium game lol. Bomber end zone seats for out premium Banjo Bowl game are $60. You are wrong. The sideline seats were more expensive than most if not all CFL stadiums at their original price points ie. $108 for seats at the back corner of the end zone...no team has tickets at that price point in the back corner of the end zone. If the promoters were smart the seats would have only been priced similarly to the last TD Atlantic - $40 - $80. Poor ticket sales in Moncton will certainly not provide a forecast of future support in Halifax for a CFL team.
  6. Of course, but this Halifax team will be made or broken by the financial support from those in Halifax and its immediate surrounding area.
  7. They most certainly were. When the original price points were released, most, if not all, were significantly higher than comparable sections in all CFL cities. Those $80 end zone seats are a good example. Most stadiums have $25 - $35 end zone seats, some are even lower. Bombers sell their seats for $45 - $55, not including discounts for kids. Keep in mind these are also temp benches too. Party zone seats were also priced poorly - around $80.
  8. The majority of season ticket holders are usually within a 1 hour drive of a stadium/arena in most if not all cities. This will also apply to Halifax if they are rewarded a team.
  9. No there was a good number of blue dots on ticketmaster still available a few hours before the game. I am pretty sure they did not sell. They had a fan zone in one end of the stadium and a party zone in the other end. One of those zones was a brighter shade of blue on ticketmaster indicating there were still a decent number of tickets left there as well. I suspect a true sellout would have been at least 11-12,000 although they may try to spin this event as such.
  10. Your views are the Maritimes are, shall we say, misinformed. Sounds like a stereotypical Albertan
  11. The article I recall reading a few months ago with the new proposal for a $130 million stadium would include a 12,000 seat permanent grandstand similar to the one in Hamilton with the club seats, suites, locker rooms and training facilities on one side. The end zones would have some seats and the opposite grandstand would be temporary (also be similar to Hamilton) seating with general seats. Grand total was said to be around 25,000 - 26,000 seats. I think the temp seats would be the kind that last 10 years or close to that number of years, not the kind that have short duration as we have seen for Grey Cups.
  12. Nah, the prices were ridiculous. $130 - $150 at centre field to 30s, Nearly $110 from the 20s to the back of the goal lines. Nearly $90 for end zone seats. They waited too long to reduce the prices as people had already allocated their disposable income to other things and the price points left a bad taste in their mouths. Leblanc and his group of promoters blew it. Speaking of which, this Touchdown Atlantic apparently had little buzz...no week of events leading up to the game with the players promoting the game around town like the first two games around 10 years ago. Sounds familar.
  13. Halifax is growing actually and has been for the past several years. Same with Nova Scotia. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710000901 Demographics are a concern though. Unlike the Western provinces, NS has an increasingly aging population.
  14. Yes, a CFL team in Moncton playing in a stadium with over half the seats as temps and mostly in the end zone is a non-starter. Even if they managed to fill a 20,000 seat stadium for all 9 games for 2 seasons, they would likely lose several million dollars each season. They can't charge a high price point for end zone seats, there are little to know suites or club seats, few club seats, limited opportunities for advertising (no ribbon boards, one smaller big screen). Just because this team will be advertised as Atlantic Canada's team, it doesn't mean people will flock to the stadium from Moncton and New Brunswick, knowing full well the team will be relocating a few hours away to another city in a couple seasons. When the Houston Oilers became the Tennessee Titans, they played a few seasons in Memphis while they waited for their new stadium to be constructed in Nashville. The team was branded as a Tennessee team and yet they typically drew poor crowds in Memphis...because the team was using the city as nothing more than a temporary stop. Moncton would be no different. I hope Halifax can build a stadium and get an expansion team, but imo given its unproven nature as a market, I would ask for minimum 3- 5 year commitments from season ticket holders and 7 -10 year commitments for suites if I were the owners. This is similar to what True North asked for from Jets season ticket subscribers and corporations when the team relocated from Atlanta.
  15. Those sneaky Riders! They timed it perfectly. They either switched out Andrew Harris' clean supplements with tainted ones when he wasn't looking or they broke into the lab and switched Harris' clean samples with tainted ones a few months ago. Since it takes several weeks for everything to be verified in the lab, they knew confirmation of both tests wouldn't happen until today, just before the Labour Day Classic and Banjo Bowl, rendering Harris a complete non-factor both both games.
  16. Reilly doesn't have much help but he sure didn't assist in his own cause with two untimely interceptions both deep in Cats' territory. BC was fortunate to get a late TD as the second roughing the passer penalty on Hamilton was a total joke... the low hit on Reilly where the defensive lineman was essentially wrestled down by the O-lineman into Reilly's legs.
  17. Fajardo took advantage of the short field the defense gave him with those INTs and turned them into TDs. He was very efficient. He also had at least a couple other longer drives for TDs. He did not turn the ball over. All in all, a very good game by him. Certain folks here would be praising Nichols for a game like that even if he threw for 70 less yards than Farjardo's 240....and yet it seems like Fajardo is doing it with smoke and mirrors according to some posters. Riders are clearly better than I and many others thought they would be. We will be in tough next week, even if Nichols was starting. I will be happy with the split after the back-to-back games.
  18. Fluck yeah. Didn't get a chance to watch this game. Just caught the tail end of it. I am pleasantly surprised by the outcome. Season series over the Esks which could be very important at the end of the season. It sure sounds like Jefferson was in beast mode.
  19. there are around 9,000 seats left so they are approx. 23,500 - 24,000 for the ticket count. Maybe they boost that by another 1-2,000 tomorrow morning and afternoon with some last minute group sales to corporations.
  20. Drew Willy is out there just waiting to be signed.
  21. Offense was mediocre again. 275 net yards and only 17 first downs versus a terrible defense. Nichols did not play well after the INT. I'm not sure why everyone is blaming Lapo. The team won yet again on the strength of the defense and special teams.
  22. This reeks of TSN's influence. The longer they have to wait it out the higher the production costs for tv and they don't want their crew waiting longer than they need to. Plus they would be splitting their CFL audience in two with 2 games occurring simultaneously for an hour or so. There is a desperate need for competition for tv rights when the contract is up in 2 years.
  23. We all wish for a Don Draper-type as the starting qb for the Bombers. Unfortunately we are stuck with a Jerry Smith.
  24. Quite easily. Andrew Harris...especially when Nichols passes him the ball behind or near the line of scrimmage and let's him do all the work.
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