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Everything posted by blueandgoldguy

  1. Nichols failed to generate one td against a team with a tonne of injuries and off-season losses. Inexcusable for O'shea to not use Streveler more often.
  2. Time to find out what he can do. Give him a series or two. It doesn't mean he will succeed, but they need to give him more than running plays. He should be allowed to actually develop with some reps that are more than simple running plays.
  3. Bombers win no thanks to Nichols. Defense good, Special teams good, Harris good. Nichols mediocre. Bottom line is he failed to march the team down the field on his own. He passed for a paltry 177 yards and only 16 first downs. He failed to generate one TD on offense. He seemed to expect Harris generate first downs out of nothing per usual and this conservative play nearly cost the Bombers the game. The past 3 weeks, there is no QB in the league who has generated as little offense as Matt Nichols.
  4. Someone on another forum was able to determine there were only 17,000 blue seats available a few weeks ago. He said punching in a code into your console would allow you to determine the number of seats available. I think all if you added up all the blue and grey dots on ticketmaster you would only end up with 28,000 or so seats. We don't see all the standing room seats (500 - 1000) the 50 suites (apparently all sold out) and super suite, the two club areas on the suite level, the loge seats and the patio. All those areas are included in the 33,000 seat capacity for IG Field. Assuming all those areas are sold out like the suites, and the blue dots are all that's left, I think there are "only" 16,000 seats available with the sales from the past week and a bit. They need to sell/distribute another 9,000 seats, mostly in the lower bowl, to have a decent-looking crowd.
  5. Calgary has a tonne of injuries. They are playing a backup quarterback. They are on the road. They will be coming off only 4 days rest. Bombers have relatively few injuries. They are playing their starting QB. They are at home and have a full week of rest. There are no excuses to expect anything other than a Bomber victory.
  6. Nichols reminds me of Jerry from Rick and Morty!
  7. I don't understand why we are not seeing Streveler in for a series or two during every game... or at least a few snaps say after a short plunge on 2nd or 3rd and short. I thought they intended to use him more this season?
  8. 27 yards passing for Nichols in the second half. Maybe it's time i resurrect my Matt Nichols is the worst quarterback in the CFL thread.
  9. You can do that in the CFL!?
  10. Week 1 seems so long ago. remember when Nichols rolled out of the pocket against BC and made that nice throw for a TD. It looked like he had his mobility back. It appears that was short-lived.
  11. So this big ticket push last week has resulted in maybe another thousand seats sold...probably some group sales to businesses as I see a few gray squares and rectangles of sold seats scattered in the lower bowl. I'm sure some singles have sold as well but it's not that noticeable. A few weeks ago, the promoter said there was no plans to lower prices. Well plans have a way of changing particularly with the NFL involved. There is no way they will allow the stadium to be half empty in 3 weeks. Not at the risk of perceived lack of interest in their product in a foreign country. It's worth noting the promoter for this event is the same one for the cancelled junior hockey game at Mosaic Stadium a couple years ago between Regina and Saskatoon. Reason for cancellation: lack of ticket sales due to absurd prices.
  12. Lapo sabotaging Nichols and the Bomber offense for not letting him interview for head coaching positions elsewhere? Haha kidding....I think.
  13. Nichols had 27 yards passing in the second half against the worst team in the CFL. Easily the worst performance by an opposing QB against Toronto this season. Bethel-Thompson had over twice as many yards passing. Think about that for a minute. I firmly believe that if Nichols had average talent around him he would be putting up Drew Willy like numbers. Heck, with above average talent he put up Drew Willy like numbers today!
  14. Watford signed before Drew Willy?! Damn, I guess Willy is as lowly regarded an option as there ever was.
  15. I think the Bombers have a family season ticket package and family single game packages that work out to $15 for each child. That is a pretty good deal.
  16. Riders just had their worst attendance ever at New Mosaic last night.
  17. Maybe they thought that an NFL exhibition game sells itself.
  18. If Collaros played we would have scored 45 points and won the game!!! -Riderfans
  19. Nichols played a great game last night, easily his best of the season. He was well on his way to another score last night when he had to leave the game with an injury. More of this Nichols for the rest of the season please.
  20. Apparently there was a tweet that said only 6,000 seats have sold. Not sure of the credibility of the source but looking at the ticketmaster seating chart, it appears they are not far off the mark. Lower bowl appears to be over 80% unsold. Expect to see massive discounts soon for corner end zone and back of the end zone seats as well as the middle of the upper deck. Also, I think they will start selling blocks of seats to corporations for large discounts.
  21. Nichols' play the last season+ probably is playing a role in lower than expected attendance. Barely any games over 27,000 last season despite the team making the playoffs and having a combined record 10 games over .500 in 2016 and 2017 - the previous two seasons.. People were losing faith last year as to whether he could win a playoff game let alone the Grey Cup. Things reached a crisis point at the Banjo Bowl. Fortunately for Nichols, the defense, special teams, o-line and Andrew Harris picked up the slack for his mediocre play in the final third of 2018. Basically Nichols managed most games. Rarely, if ever, did we have a game in which Nichols was great. Not what the fans like to see in a nearly $500K QB.
  22. When the Lions come to town, they should replay that clip over and over again while playing the chicken dance song over the PA system. Have Buzz and Boomer do the dance next to the Lions bench for good measure.
  23. It was a cheap shot by Simoni no doubt about it. He went in head first and made no attempt to hold up. Yes, Collaros is more susceptible to concussions given his past history but that should in no way diminish Lawrence's actions. 2-games would be ideal but he will probably only get 1. CFLPA will probably appeal it down to a fine, but the commissioner should step in and overrule this otherwise the league looks like a joke in its stance on concussions and protecting the players. UGh, now we will have to hear from Rider fans all season, after they lose games, how they likely would have won if Collaros had been playing.
  24. Edmonton just had their lowest crowd in several years a couple nights ago. Calgary only had an announced crowd of 26,000 and that's after winning the Grey Cup and in a Grey Cup hosting season no less. Hamilton had their lowest announced crowd ever at THF too.
  25. They are actually dragging the football player into the depths of Saskatchewan....which is actually worse.
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