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Everything posted by BigBlueFanatic

  1. As things stand, sure I'd say it's real. Ball hawking secondary, outstanding special teams and an at least functional, effective offence mean we're in every game at worst. The cool thing about the last three games is that they haven't been three perfect 60 minute games - but when the three phases complement each other like they have, our chances of coming out on top are better than they have been for ages. The miracle game winning drives of 2014 were needed in spite of our mad scientist defence and special teams gaffs. Pretty hard to rely on those for a whole season. In 2016 our D and ST have become the pillars and our O is finally at a stage to take advantage. The team hasn't stopped working to get better and they're hungry. Love being interested in how this season goes compared to battling the apathy of last year.
  2. Yeah sloppy game by the stamps compared to how they usually are. Agree that after that kind of run Messam really needs to just clamp that other arm over the ball and hold on.
  3. Bond is a wrecking ball and I'm glad he's on our side. Fwiw I could swear I the Argo player was actually joking. Right at the bottom of my tv screen I saw him waving people back, cut a big grin and then laughing?
  4. Neither, Goltz is the guy you're thinking of.
  5. They talked about it and by the rules he was eligible to return to the play because he made contact/ first contact with the ball carrier plus he was the one who caused the fumble. Surprised me too
  6. I have to remind myself that game two's "first unit offence" did have significant changes over the game one OL Neufeld at LG next to Bryant was a disaster... Even Schulz was able to highlight him getting lit up on basic stunts by the opposing DL If the management insists on employing this guy then for the love of God keep him at RT! I'm not learned in football yet it surprises me he can seem competent at tackle but having help on both sides as a guard makes Neufeld worse than useless. Put Bond back at guard. Hardrick also seemed to play better in PS1 then guys like Foketi in PS2
  7. Just on the topic of hopeful vs optimistic... I'm also very optimistic for this season in light of FA and the draft. Canadian depth is legitimately transitioning from scouring the league scrap heap to preparing for the tough roster decisions. It took 2+ seasons of roller coaster hope and frustration, but it's clear that Miller, Walters and Oshea's vision of the franchise is gathering critical mass. A winning season and it's contract extensions all around ?
  8. What a phenomenal day - Walters basically replacing underachievers with proven talent. Regardless of passport, Medlock for Lirim is a huge upgrade. DL has improved with the addition of Shologan and Cumming. Can't wait to see what Westerman can do with some real pressure up the middle. Lapo's playbook plus legit playmakers like A. Harris, Dressler and Smith hopefully means a resurgent Drew Willy. It's so early and yet I have real hope that the fans at IGF will have a lot to cheer for this upcoming season.
  9. Hard to say how things go for Lirim next season... It's either the start of an epic redemption or he continues to over pressure himself and finishes ruining his cfl career.
  10. Too many years of hyping potential for this team. Signing any or any combo Dressler/Carter/Laurent/Harris is a big plus. Ideally a team is a mix of proven stars/vets with some room to find the standout rookies. We've been through several regimes that have leaned too far one way or the other. Glad that Walters is pursuing some proven free agents. Also still hoping the scouting department hits some sort of stride and finds a few gems for TC.
  11. Was about to say at least the Bombers left Jovon a message lol
  12. Yup, just like the Bombers went from 4-14 to 11-7 from 2010-2011 and a Grey Cup appearance. People can nitpick the details of the "worthiness" of how a team gets there but obviously it's possible - even for the Bombers!
  13. What a classless piece of scheisse, that Friesen... Seriously he and Wiecek contribute nothing of value when they write about the Bombers. Wiecek is actually more frustrating because he CAN write interesting pieces like the one about concussions and head trauma. Then he turns around and is an a$$ about the Bombers which just makes it seem more personal as opposed to Friesen's dog and pony show
  14. Scorburn strikes at last!
  15. With how the central is shaking out, every point is so important. Would be a real boost to add two points before the upcoming tour against division rivals...
  16. Not just LH percentages but they minimized opportunities for him to have back-breaking ****-ups. He just needed to punt, which he did well. Looked like that let him clear his head
  17. Goossen is the future for sure and should start the rest of the season
  18. Agreed - Nichols completely disillusioned with those run play calls
  19. More like zero points! I refuse to credit a single and a safety to the Lions O. Great second half entertainment-wise. I was just texting my buddy (who is a lions fan), that I was committed to watching this whole thing come off the rails - and then the blocked punt and Wild's TD return happened. I could also swear I saw a shot of Osh yelling something angrily on the sideline - looked good on him actually. He should yell his way to three more wins.
  20. Nichols caught fire in the second half. TSN were saying after going 0-9 he then went 21-24... I guess what it comes down to is any combination of better OC and/or Lirim making one more kick and we win this game. Then again if Lirim goes 50% we're all high fiving while the negatrons warn us of LH's inconsistency lol
  21. Oh for sure, won't argue that. On the other hand this same offence gave Lirim FOUR fg opportunities that went for naught, and he also missed a convert. That's on LH isn't it?
  22. What an apologist argument for LH. Yeah he isn't throwing or running but the points were there for him to save the day... Only he didn't
  23. Yeah and our O did nothing in the 3rd quarter against Calgary. Points were there for the taking and Lirim can be held responsible for those
  24. Cheered for Lirim all through his adversity... Until today... Mad at him but now that he's firmly planted us into next year territory we have the rest of the year and all off season to forget about it
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