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Everything posted by BigBlueFanatic

  1. With how the central is shaking out, every point is so important. Would be a real boost to add two points before the upcoming tour against division rivals...
  2. Not just LH percentages but they minimized opportunities for him to have back-breaking ****-ups. He just needed to punt, which he did well. Looked like that let him clear his head
  3. Goossen is the future for sure and should start the rest of the season
  4. More like zero points! I refuse to credit a single and a safety to the Lions O. Great second half entertainment-wise. I was just texting my buddy (who is a lions fan), that I was committed to watching this whole thing come off the rails - and then the blocked punt and Wild's TD return happened. I could also swear I saw a shot of Osh yelling something angrily on the sideline - looked good on him actually. He should yell his way to three more wins.
  5. Nichols caught fire in the second half. TSN were saying after going 0-9 he then went 21-24... I guess what it comes down to is any combination of better OC and/or Lirim making one more kick and we win this game. Then again if Lirim goes 50% we're all high fiving while the negatrons warn us of LH's inconsistency lol
  6. Oh for sure, won't argue that. On the other hand this same offence gave Lirim FOUR fg opportunities that went for naught, and he also missed a convert. That's on LH isn't it?
  7. What an apologist argument for LH. Yeah he isn't throwing or running but the points were there for him to save the day... Only he didn't
  8. Yeah and our O did nothing in the 3rd quarter against Calgary. Points were there for the taking and Lirim can be held responsible for those
  9. Cheered for Lirim all through his adversity... Until today... Mad at him but now that he's firmly planted us into next year territory we have the rest of the year and all off season to forget about it
  10. kicker has left TEN points off the board...
  11. Hypnotherapy for hajrulahu?!??!!!!!!1!!11!?!11
  12. All Adams has to do is set in the right place then ask for confirmation then there's no call to make. He's as much at fault as the LJ who made the call. Both were lazy about what they were doing. I wonder if we'd made the FG after this play if the reaction to the call would be as bad as it is? The player is at fault that the ref made a phantom call on a legal play?! Are you actually serious??It defies logic to defend the ref for a call the league has already punished said ref for.Exactly! Is burg implying ultimately the refs and league were not at fault? LOL that's exactly how it reads... Can I be incredulous yet not at all surprised? How can TBurg refuse to acknowledge that both the CFL and the RULEBOOK indicate Adams was correctly lined up?!
  13. Sucks for JFG - so sick to the teeth of watching un-penalized helmet to helmet in just about every cfl game I've seen this season
  14. I watched the Edm Cgy game and the officiating was a total embarrassment in that one as well. Reilly took late hits and cheap shots all game long... And, how there was no helmet-to-helmet penalty on the play where Sherrit ear-holed Rogers is unforgivable. Spectacular hit, but another case where the league talks tough on protecting players and then does sweet eff all
  15. MB trying his own version of Chris Jones' mad genius/oops that was dumb -style play calling?
  16. Is that Marcel Bellefeuille in the blue trunks? MB demos his secrets to scheming effective o-line max protection!
  17. The Esks players dancing around while Drew lay on the ground also ticked me off Typical Chris Jones defence - they play well but have plenty of classless moments
  18. Reply showed Brohm with an iffy hold... Easily could have caught some lacing resulting in the miss. As for the other FG miss and the missed converts... Well no excuses for any part of this kicking mess!
  19. Regarding the lack of pressure from the DL... I've always liked Zach Anderson but for all his size and strength - he seems to get the least push off the line... Can anyone add as to why this might be?
  20. NOT a touchdown Hot damn the cfl pisses me off some days
  21. Looked like Greg Marshall 2.0 plus a lobotomy out there
  22. Great win after the setback against Ottawa!
  23. Sorry but do you mean Pat DelMonaco??? Wouldn't that make it a bit of a reunion for them?
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