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Everything posted by BigBlueFanatic

  1. Pffft yeah Hervey is a "good" GM because he took a gamble on a QB who hadn't proved anything at the time. Reilly has turned out to be a good one, no denying that - but you are close to sounding like you have a crystal ball as to who will be an all-star and who will be a bum.
  2. Not bad considering he started at guard, then moved to RT with Jake Thomas standing next to him...
  3. Certainly wasn't impressed with Goltz today. Hall moved the ball a bit but took a beating thanks to Shannon Boatman the blue and gold turnstile. I saw Boatman literally standing around while Esk defenders blew right past him. Give Boatman his walking papers. I'd rather see Jake Thomas as RT the rest of the season then put up with no.60
  4. Was Goltz shooting the lights out? No of course not, but the "take away this pass and that play" crowd need to get a life. Tanner Marsh throws a gazillion INT's but is a hero because he tosses up a prayer and it's answered. Our qb runs for two td's (one INT, yeah yeah crappy pass yardage) wins ugly and factions of the Bomber fan base still lay a steaming pile of sh!t at his doorstep. Can we not all just pile on Rider Nation in unison for one damned night LOL
  5. Loved Buck back when he still had the ability to break plays wide open with his legs. A stand up guy but his days on the field for Winnipeg were long over last year. Good luck to him - at the same time this move is a stroke of genius by Walters.
  6. While Suber may have been labelled a bum for most of this season, he played way more like his 2011 self today. If he keeps it up for the rest of the season all may not be lost for him. Cauchy on the other hand...
  7. Inaugural win at IGF in Royal Blues... love it. Since the navy uniforms with the lightning bolt ball showed up I've wished for the royal blue and the old W. Only Charles Roberts, Milt Stegall, Khari Jones and a select few others have given the lightning bolt any positive association for me. For the sake of the fans - yes Royal Blues please!
  8. Was great to see the blitz actually make it to Durant in time to make a difference. This is also the first time in I can't remember how long where I actually had some faith that not every opponent's pass would be completed while the secondary was standing around enjoying a cigarette. Durant for a hundred or so yards passing... love everything about that! I can't wait to get to work tomorrow and hear the boss (Bomber fan) glory in his wife's misery (Riders fan) LOL
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