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Everything posted by Blitzy

  1. Anyone not attend camp today but want to invent a report? ONCE AGAIN Buck has no control over the RBs, what a joke he is. Cut Richards and send him back to Sask, we don't need him anyways. Who says he wont just skip every single practice and game the rest of his contract? Obviously the team has no control over ANY of their players, and Walters is happy in his lalaland as long as WOMEN'S SOCCER rules the roost. With Bryant and Picard out the rest of the season (i have inside information), this team will be in shambles. Wylie STILL hasnt shown up at practice, we should be spending his contract money on bleachers for the TC field. We won't be able to start a single canadian on defence due to the money it costs for their shampoo, especially those old Riders (who we should send back with Richards, maybe bring back Taman in the deal? Just spitballing) Oh well, tomorrow's another day...
  2. The Thursday games will probably be a good draw for TSN.. those Thursday NFL games have been really awful games, gives a lot of fans something else to tune into.
  3. I sure hope so. I'll be watching all the Winnipeg channels tonight for their sports updates. Those five seconds the news media devote to the Bombers this time of year are gold! "In sports today, the Bombers opened rookie camp (show pool footage from old Winnipeg stadium era of Doug Brown walking around talking to Ike Charlton) so the season has begun! And now on to other sports news, Paul Maurice sneezed today..." Hahahahaha
  4. Seems to have cut off for now, but imagine someone Periscoping the whole thing?
  5. https://www.periscope.tv/w/V0daeTU0MzI0MXwxNDY3MjE4N6UA_NmBzomv20c4r1cvhnSuGFV5IctRTUgicFzjvC2O
  6. As a Vikings fan I had pretty high hopes for Childs. Hopefully he can come in a compete. In the same vein, I know a lot of people are writing of Randle's chances. He seems extremely excited to be a part of the setup here (if you follow him on social media). I hope that he has a fire in his belly to make a big impact, cause I know he has it in him.
  7. I'd be a great fill in for centre if Jpan goes down.
  8. Depends where he lines up eventually. If he has the size to play wideout then he'll most likely ever only play on one side of the field, reducing the number of routes on the tree by 50%. And it's not like every team uses a zillion different routes, I can't see him learning (or knowing) being that big of an issue. Just gives you an idea. Where were you when Mike Kelly was coaching.... Haha.. well.. there's a reason why coordinators usually stick to the script, right?
  9. Depends where he lines up eventually. If he has the size to play wideout then he'll most likely ever only play on one side of the field, reducing the number of routes on the tree by 50%. And it's not like every team uses a zillion different routes, I can't see him learning (or knowing) being that big of an issue. Just gives you an idea.
  10. Thanks Mike, really appreciate it.
  11. This is extremely unlikely but whats the protocol if a draft pick doesn't decide to sign? Like ever? Do we get reimbursed?
  12. I've always been a fan of a big interior DL, I have pretty high hopes for this kid.
  13. Yeah at the "Veteran's Combine" his numbers didn't impress, at all. I don't have high hopes for him.
  14. It's an important topic for many people, I doubt they find their struggle "getting old".
  15. Actually most don't seem to come and go every few months these days...I rarely use Navi X and get everything I want. I disagree.. Phoenix was fantastic for UFC and then the Fight area was disbanded... it was then great for the TSN HD feeds.... those no longer exist... Sports Devil is barely usable these days... most of the options are just dead links and only one or two sources provide any feeds. VDupt seems to be the best one lately for me to get any feeds... For movie / TV stuff 1channel and icefilms are definitely A+++ VDupt pretty reliable for sports?
  16. The great thing about nhl on Phoenix is that if you miss the game, they archive every game. You can watch a condensed version home or away, full version, or a version without commercials and all in very good quality. It's awesome. Most streaming sites will ask you what bandwidth you wish to stream. It is a matter for me of just finding one that works in the list. But what if you try all the different Bandwidths (4500-150) and non of them work at all? Is this an issue on my end? I've never found a bandwidth option on Phoenix that works.. ever. Phoenix seems to also be a shell of it's former. I've had no issues with SportsDevil but DigiTele is good too.
  17. 6'1' 225 is small? Never looked up his numbers, but just based on what he looked like on film. Although I thought the camera added 10lbs?!
  18. I know tapes don't show much, but he seems to have pretty good lateral speed.. A little small IMO.
  19. Holy crap. You're blowing this way out of proportion and don't even know what the end result will be. I took a walk outside and it doesn't look like the sky is falling to me.
  20. Phoenix TSN feeds currently don't work but look for an addon called Navi-X, they have a BUNCH of live TV streams and I was able to find TSN and TSN2 in pretty decent quality. I know that SportsDevil also carries any sports I've wanted in the past month or so (Basketball, Baseball, Hockey) all in pretty good quality too. If you need any help just shoot me a PM
  21. and womens soccer of all things. it really is sickening... I decide if these posts are sarcastic or just sad. Maybe a bit of both..
  22. What'd soccer ever do to you Noeller?
  23. Also people seriously saying that the FIFA WOMEN'S WORLD CUP be held at the Soccer Complex? You might not be a fan but don't be so closed minded..
  24. Hahah Live Stream would be great for us stuck at work all day..
  25. http://deadspin.com/former-titans-player-aaron-hernandez-said-hed-kill-me-1704723559 Interesting little tidbit featuring one of our newest Bombers!
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