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Westy Sucks

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Everything posted by Westy Sucks

  1. We should be able to scout and find a better American receiver than Aaron Kelly. He isn't good enough.
  2. Good job Bombers. Finally, it's nice to see us get the best man available for once!
  3. Sure. I could also win 649 this weekend as well. What's your point? He's finished, and has the worst starting QB in the league throwing him the ball. Duron Carter isn't going to be there to bail out that offence anymore. Sure. I could also win 649 this weekend as well. What's your point? He's finished, and has the worst starting QB in the league throwing him the ball. Duron Carter isn't going to be there to bail out that offence anymore. Do you really need to ask what my point was? I made it! It's that Stamps can still be a very good WR.
  4. LOL...wtf??? You left out the most important city in the region. Minneapolis is at least an hour or more closer to Wpg than Thunder Bay...
  5. Shrug? You serious? Stamps could easily come back this year and be a top 5 WR.
  6. They've been talking about starting 3, just because they want to get them all on the field...They talked about it cause they failed to get better import receivers last year and the other NIs on the team aren't up to par. 2 NI receivers is what they'll go with and that's fine, it makes the most sense. If they go with Watson, JFG and Kohlert all starting at once the offense won't be very good. 100% there
  7. And everyone here thought Mack was bad...
  8. Kohlert by a mile or two. I like JFG as much as the next fan, but he's just average. Watson = better than both of them. But oh so useless to us for 8-10 games per year...
  9. Liking the look and type of player Benton appears to be. This DB at 6'4 and only 195...seems light
  10. And if Hall says no. I say talk to Kavis.
  11. 4.65% Is not too high. This is a commercial loan TB, not a mortgage on a residential house. Commercial loans & mortgages are always higher rates than residential mortgages
  12. You definitely have a say Spuds, you're positivity keeps us all hoping for what could be. Even though most of the time our hopes get crushed
  13. And of those 5 early wins, 3 of them we barely squeaked out the victory. We could have easily been 4-14.
  14. We could be better and we could be worse... Watch us be worse. We sucked stinky ass the whole second half this year and were getting worse. Only won the last game because The Stamps did not care at all about the game. Other wise we get blown out that game. I really really hope not though
  15. Grey Cup should bring in $10 million in profits for the Bombers plus $5 million in profit like this year as part of regular revenue streams. Bombers will be set on their stadium debt payments for the next three years. Wade must be laughing.We're gonna start seeing Evander Kane type pictures of Wade on Twitter! Wade doing sit-ups with no shirt on and stacks of cash on his stomach! lol This just sounds unpleasant for all. The only way to get Wade to do sit ups is if you dangle some hot dogs over him so he has to actually get up...
  16. not to mention the women's world cup games. I'll never go to watch Soccer, ever. But it's cool that part of this event is here.
  17. Won't happen. Why's that?
  18. Glad this is done with. glad he's gone and no I don't feel sorry for him. Football coaches are fired all the time. especially ones with terrible results
  19. Can't believe this guy is still on our roster...one of the dumbest & dirtiest players in the CFL.
  20. And we traded a young Canadian for him too. Not that Kito was living up to his potential yet, but he may one season...
  21. So winning games and making the playoffs don't matter to you? Because we've made the playoffs once since he was fired...once in 6 years...
  22. still made the playoffs every year. What do our coaches have against that? Squat! Coaches shouldn't be paid to make friends. This is pro football, not minor
  23. I'd take Berry back in a second. Made the playoffs every year. And that smart guy Bauer made Berry the scapegoat for the "unfinished business" season...in favor of his boy Mike Kelly. I will always like & respect Berry for being the man with the balls to cut that blabbermouth moron Westwood! Bring back mad Doug Berry as our OC. So you don't like Westwood? Is that what I can take away from this? It has been a few years now. Maybe time to let it go a bit. Maybe change to Life as Bomber Supporter Sucks or Potholes Suck. nope. Westwood needs to be hated
  24. I'd take Berry back in a second. Made the playoffs every year. And that smart guy Bauer made Berry the scapegoat for the "unfinished business" season...in favor of his boy Mike Kelly. I will always like & respect Berry for being the man with the balls to cut that blabbermouth moron Westwood! Bring back mad Doug Berry as our OC.
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