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Westy Sucks

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Everything posted by Westy Sucks

  1. Part of a reporter's job is to stir up enough controversy to make the read interesting, whether you agree or disagree, and Lawless seems to have done that. As far as optimism for the upcoming season is concerned- set your WABAC machine to 2013 at this time and look at the gloom that surrounded the team then. Mack was spinning his wheels, the QB situation was a laughing-stock of the league, and just about everyone knew the Bombers were going to implode. I'll take 2014, thank you very much. Yeah and...our new guys still have "0" PROVEN qb's (although the QB's we have now should be better, that doesn't say anything at all as it shouldn't take much at all to get better there! Release Goltz & Boltus and bam!! we're better at QB) Our O-line isn't any better at all! We lost our best Canadian. We only really have maybe 3 Canadian Starters worth anything (Watson, Greaves and...hmmm maybe Kohlert & maybe Alexander.. borderline) We are still not a good football team!! No one can say we are until we see it on the FIELD!! Until then please again spare me the imagined optimism! You like to use your exclamation points pretty haphazardly, don't you? when I feel like it sure. It's not like I'm writing a business letter...
  2. Part of a reporter's job is to stir up enough controversy to make the read interesting, whether you agree or disagree, and Lawless seems to have done that. As far as optimism for the upcoming season is concerned- set your WABAC machine to 2013 at this time and look at the gloom that surrounded the team then. Mack was spinning his wheels, the QB situation was a laughing-stock of the league, and just about everyone knew the Bombers were going to implode. I'll take 2014, thank you very much. Yeah and...our new guys still have "0" PROVEN qb's (although the QB's we have now should be better, that doesn't say anything at all as it shouldn't take much at all to get better there! Release Goltz & Boltus and bam!! we're better at QB) Our O-line isn't any better at all! We lost our best Canadian. We only really have maybe 3 Canadian Starters worth anything (Watson, Greaves and...hmmm maybe Kohlert & maybe Alexander.. borderline) We are still not a good football team!! No one can say we are until we see it on the FIELD!! Until then please again spare me the imagined optimism!
  3. I for one will not get all giddy and excited about something Lawless writes. The guy is a clown & will turn on anyone in a heartbeat if they do something he doesn't like. Yay!! Gary Lawless says we're light years ahead of where we were last year!!... I am so far past any BS imagined optimism!! Truth is that we have 3 rookies running the team in the 3 most important off field positions!! Which = no optimism earned what so ever until they show us where it matters most!! ON THE FIELD!!! Until then...we have little to be optimistic about.
  4. That's actually exactly what we have in our QB's. None of them have done anything yet.
  5. You mean third chance. Hammy cut him before we signed him.
  6. I hate KG and never want to see him in Winnipeg ever again. He'll just revert back to ***** he is when the temp drops. KG is afraid of the COLD! Therefore he's useless in WPG. hate him hate him hate him.
  7. Who cares what Soccer fans think? Especially Soccer fans from Toronto!... Not this guy! Soccer is so gay!! And good for the Argos to get anther owner. This one guy owning 2 teams in the CFL was BS to begin with!!! That was a bigger joke than the Ray trade!
  8. I really wonder why Goltz' contract was that big. (whatever that means really) He's a terrible QB that should have been cut earlier than this. Not even a one trick pony... Division 3 or 4 or 5 or wherever he came from is just too much of a jump to make it to the pros as a QB
  9. Those cheaper seats you speak of are high, believe me. And they're real steep above the upper walkway on both the East & West grandstand.. They are Winnipeg Arena upper deck steep. No safety railings which is hard to believe. If someone fell it'd be nasty...I had season tickets up there one season & moved the next year. I hated those seats because they were so steep. Now, people don't want to sit in them up there. That area is never sold out. I can verify that steepness! I sat in the top row of Mcmahon for the 2009 grey cup and had the absolute priviledge of rubbing it in to all the crying Rider Priders!!
  10. I like Suber and all, but no one can say that his height doesn't hinder him. Heck being that short hinders any DB. We just can't have too many midgets back there.
  11. I don't see why he wouldn't have multiple years left. He's only 28 you know.
  12. Linch lady doris, do you have any grease??? Yes. Then grease me up woman!!
  13. Etienne is useless IMO. He's not a starter (especially in Sask with Getz and Bagg) and is completely uselss on special Teams. No loss at all. Jade was never going to be anything here. I'd take Foster back over Harry Potter Etienne anyday.
  14. Hmm. allright. I'm one of those guys that thought Jade was a wasted pick anyway.
  15. But we can do wish lists.
  16. There are some starting canadians available that haven't been signed yet that can hlep us if we actually sign them. Which I have major doubts about our ability to close a deal with a free agent... Ted Laurent - DL Josh bourke - OL Middleton - OL Emery - MLB Butler - DB With a couple other borderline guys that could still be an upgrade over what we have now. If we can mange to get 2 of these 5...that would really help our weak Canadian talent pool. Not to mention maybe going after Patrick Watkins (import mind you) for our secondary if no NFL offers.
  17. That's just loser talk. That's the same as saying well we got slaughtered by 30+ points at home again..but hey.. at least we showed up and got dressed up in our nice uniforms... It's still another failure on the bombers behalf.
  18. Again, the Bombers offer was the one with the most money. What else could he have done? If someone doesn't want to come here you can't force them. Period. In the annoucement Ottawa said it was a 3 year deal. Maybe that. Heck, anything. This team needs a proven QB more than anything (and for a long time now). Just sick of the failures over and over again. And we don't really know if our offer was higher.
  19. Walters has now had 2 prime opportunities to make this team a lot better and has failed both times. Will he make it 0 for 3 on Willy?
  20. pointing out the obvious isn't what I'd call whinning.
  21. It's February. People need to stop getting their panties in a knot, sit their ass down and just watch it all play out. We have no slightest idea what the final product will be. People need to relax. Maybe you and Noeller don't. But I know we're going to suck major ass again this year. Bookmarked... Good. I hope I have admit I'm wrong in this. Just don't think I'll need to.
  22. Ottawa annouced Burris as their Starter! Wow, KG crying in the corner again saying whet else do I need to do?...
  23. It's February. People need to stop getting their panties in a knot, sit their ass down and just watch it all play out. We have no slightest idea what the final product will be. People need to relax. Maybe you and Noeller don't. But I know we're going to suck major ass again this year.
  24. Based on what? Exactly! There is no reason at all for any optimism around this team.
  25. He's probably better than our current QB's.
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