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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Brown needs to grind out a couple of long drives to get a feel for the game and to establish rhythm with his receivers.
  2. Tackling was not Parker's problem- he seemed to get lost in the defensive backfield a lot.
  3. Truth be told Grant was not doing well until today for reasons unknown.
  4. Agreed. He seems to have figured out the CFL game and where he ought to be. When we get all our bodies back, there will be hard decisions to make.
  5. That's a better defensive effort.
  6. (Sigh) Back to finger tackling again.
  7. UGH. That pass wasn't even close.
  8. About time. If Bombers cannot make life difficult for Adams, its gonna be a looong night.
  9. WTF???? Our weakness in the middle is still killing us???
  10. Gotta get contain pressure on Adams.
  11. Kick coverage looking better now. On the last passing play, there was a first down missed in the left flat.
  12. THAT'S the Jannarion Grant we need. Sayles quietly putting in a solid season.
  13. Lawrence making a good impression already.
  14. Will give the Bombers a C on that drive, but gotta be better than that.
  15. Bomber defence in a very generous mood.
  16. I think the long bomb and Adams' running are gonna be the Lions' only hope.
  17. Okay. THAT ought to do it. Finally. Not a classic game but entertaining in a schadenfreude sort of way.
  18. That should seal the win for the Elks.
  19. Happy to see the TiCats win. It took a long time this season, but we finally have some games that are high-scoring, competitive and meaningful.
  20. Hmmmm....at least w ehave some drama tonight. Shift to 1039
  21. Ottawa displaying the worst arm-tackling in any game I've seen this year.
  22. Hardly a CFL classic, but at least it is entertaining and has implications for both the East and West playoff races. Rooting for the RedBlacks for several reasons.
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