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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Would like to see McRae returning kicks- seems to read blocking well and is very quick and elusive.
  2. Doug Brown at half-time said that Grant is running as if he fears being hit, Sounds about right.
  3. There's a direct relationship between public perception of danger and the number of cop shows. And during those times, they tend to buy cars with smaller windows, too.
  4. He frequently looked like he just didn't have the explosive start. Good to hear he's in the pink again- now, if only we got Wilson back....
  5. Haven't had much of that all season.
  6. Bighill more prominent this game than in previous ones.
  7. Would love to see Corny thumped a couple times. Aaaand Parker gets had again. Is it my imagination or is Jake the Snake a step or two slower this season?
  8. Parker and Rose are still the targets tonight.
  9. Agreed. The running game will eat up the clock, cool off the Elk offence, protect Collaros and help the O-line mesh even better, which will be invaluable in the cold weather to come.
  10. Where did TSN get the idea that all CFL fans like to hear C&W music? Personally, I long for some rousing Gregorian chants.
  11. Who gives a spit about Suitor's take?
  12. Elks' O-line is nothing to write home about, but Bomber have defended the run pretty well so far.
  13. If he could learn the Andrew Harris pirouette, he would be the total package.
  14. His life insurance agent felt that one.
  15. Probably says that in the boudoir as well.
  16. The whole Elk defence is going to need treatment for PTSD.
  17. Here comes the next (but not last) touchdown!
  18. Because he can't run patterns worth a damn?
  19. Starting to look like an avalanche (and not the hockey team)
  20. Demski feasting on the Elks' defence.
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