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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Prukop showing why we picked him up and kept him.
  2. Good, defence-deflating march!
  3. Bryant dinged but will be back.
  4. Collaros really in sync with his receivers!
  5. Can you blame them with the prospect of going back to Regina?
  6. Left them with his gonads.
  7. Chewing up the yards, time and Rider defence. Great!
  8. Fajardo also has bench marks in his future- mostly from sitting on it.
  9. One solid hit on Fajardo or a couple-three mediocre ones and he will turtle just like last game. He ought to be on the bench by half-time.
  10. Pipkin isn't a rookie, either- he's just baaad. Adams will probably be better (low bar) but I doubt that he will be good.
  11. Always has been. 'Cause it is working so well in the US:
  12. Russia can do nothing without lethal blowback in several forms.
  13. A prominent American historian wrote his Phd thesis describing how the American Revolution was more about giving up their slaves, as the British did two years before and were pressuring the Yanks to do so as well. The Canadian colonists had no problem doing so, though and I suspect that is the point at which our culture diverged from the American one.
  14. I vote for Romana Didulo- the rightful queen of Canada. Just ask her!
  15. A trademarked large hammer.
  16. We may have seen Pipkin's last start in the CFL. O'Connell was no worse.
  17. As I said: Pipkin is gonna get picked off. And it has come to pass.
  18. Garrett Marino says "Come at me. bro." But but but..I'm a brilliant conversationalist.
  19. That has to be an incomplete pass. And if you can grow a sparse, scruffy beard, you too can be cool (unless you are female)
  20. Breaux is out, and BC is in more trouble.
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