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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Despite looking like the worst team in the league, our boys have all the momentum now. Fajardo is resorting to the "feeble" position now and whining and the Bomber defence has stiffened. I am totally surprised at Gauthier's performance- where has this been?
  2. Well, at least we stopped the bleeding- sort of.
  3. YESSS!!! Fajardo is becoming rattled!
  5. Apparently Bomber have decided to play tomorrow as instead.
  6. Think of Rod Black. Better now?
  7. So far, this is looking like a blowout and a job-saver for Dickinson.
  8. Oliveira tripped, otherwise he was good.
  9. Bomber lucky to give up only an FG
  10. Can't do that forever without paying for it.
  11. NOTHING on the Bomber D looked good on that series.
  12. This is verging on embarrassing.
  13. Rider showing that they are gonna run run run until we stop them.
  14. Not only is life expectancy falling in the USA (down 3 1/2 years over past 20 years) but so is the average education level and even literacy, so it all goes hand in hand.
  15. Neither do they. Who doesn't like closets?
  16. Trump's Appeal Explained: 'He speaks at a very low reading level': Writer explains why Donald Trump appeals to millions Speaking with the Daily Beast's Molly Jong-Fast for her "The New Abnormal" podcast, essayist Evan Puschak -- who founded YouTube channel Nerdwriter1 -- offered up an explanation as to why Donald Trump is able to convince so many of his followers to swallow his lies no matter how outrageous. On the morning after the former president held yet another rally, this time in Pennsylvania, where he listed off his usual litany of grievances about how he is treated, Puschak explained his analysis of Trump's speech patterns and choice of words that have proven to be remarkably effective with a very specific segment of the American public. Getting right to the point he explained, "I found a couple of patterns in the way that he organized his sentences to put certain words last, the way that he speaks at a very low reading level so that lots of people can understand.” Explaining what compelled him to attempt an analysis of Trump's rhetoric and put together a video on it, Puschak told his host, "I was kind of just interested in why this guy was connecting with people. I saw this question that he answered on Jimmy Kimmel, which he didn’t really answer, you know, the way Trump speaks, [but] he gave this two-minute response, not quite an answer, and I just started looking at the language that he was using. I just looked at it and picked it apart piece by piece until I found some patterns and made the video about it.” Responding to Jong-Fast asking, "Wait, so you think he’s not actually as stupid as he presents?" Puschak disagreed. "No, I think he is,” he replied.
  17. And, in news related to the above posting: The special military operation is going so well, and the Kherson offensive was crushed so hard, that Putin suddenly wants to talk.
  18. That's a LOT of scrap metal.
  19. Lions loading up for the playoff run, but what does this mean for Lucky whitehead?
  20. We all hope its a clean game decided by the players, not the refs or disputed/stupid penalties.
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