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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Looks like the wheels have fallen right off the Rider offence and Fajardo ought to start chirping at his receivers, o-line and refs real soon.
  2. To be honest, we were pretty stacked at receiver then.
  3. Very happy to see Rourke finding his game. Even happier to see the Riders deflating.
  4. Aaaand...there it is!
  5. Mo Mentum on BC's side now.
  6. Nice to see Rourke settle down after a pretty shaky first half. He is not getting too much protection from his blockers and maybe ripping off a couple of runs would loosen up the pass coverage and pass rush. Lions are getting ZERO production from their kick return game and their returner looks slow and tentative.
  7. Might need a strong stomach to watch the rest of the game.
  8. BC defence looking pretty porous so far. Front seven looks suspect. Poop.
  9. Lions need to stay close in the game. Pressure on Fajardo will throw him off his game soon. One good hit ought to do it.
  10. NOT a classic game. Lotsa oopsies.
  11. I think it was the last hit on Lawler when I thought Lawler was not going to stand up afterwards.
  12. I suspect the Bomber brain trust is way ahead of us on this. The FIFO factor may play into this.
  13. The phones of Homeland Security leaders Chad Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli reportedly were wiped, much like those of Trump's Secret Service agents. The government phones of Chad Wolf, former acting DHS secretary, and Ken Cuccinelli, an acting deputy secretary, reportedly were “reset” when they left the government in January 2021, wiping their texts. The DHS Office of Inspector General was notified of the missing texts in February, but failed to inform Congress and made no efforts to recover the records, the Post reported. This is not the first time Joseph Cuffari’s office has been criticized for withholding information from congressional lawmakers. Cuffari reportedly knew that Secret Service agents deleted almost all text messages from Jan. 6, 2021, for months, but did not tell lawmakers until recently. The chair of the House Jan. 6 committee called the deletions “troubling.” “It is extremely troubling that the issue of deleted text messages related to the January 6 attack on the Capitol is not limited to the Secret Service, but also includes Chad Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli, who were running DHS at the time,” committee Chair Bennie Thompson (R-Miss.) told the Post in a statement.
  14. Which was exactly what Filmon and Co. wanted. I recall that the consultant(s) demanded a $100,000 remodeling of the office(s) they were housed in. And got it.
  15. Russia Sending Mercenaries to Hold Ukrainian Frontline as Troop Casualties Pile Up: U.K. With infantry losses stacking up, Russia is increasingly turning to mercenaries to hold key front line sectors in its war in Ukraine, a British defense report said Friday. The U.K.’s defense department said Putin was sending private military contractors from Wagner Group to carry out duties normally performed by enlisted soldiers. “This is a significant change from the previous employment of the group since 2015, when it typically undertook missions distinct from overt, large-scale regular Russian military activity,” the British defense ministry tweeted. “Wagner’s role has probably changed because the Russian [ministry of defense] has a major shortage of combat infantry, however Wagner forces are highly unlikely to be sufficient to make a significant difference in the trajectory of the war.”
  16. Justice Alito Mocks World Leaders Who Criticized Court's Abortion Ruling Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito used part of the keynote speech on religious liberty he gave last week to joke about the criticisms he received from world leaders for overturning abortion rights in the United States. Speaking from Rome at an event hosted by Notre Dame Law School, Alito said the abortion rights case prompted “a few second thoughts” on his belief that American judges have no business critiquing other countries’ court rulings. “I had the honor this term of writing, I think, the only Supreme Court decision in the history of that institution that has been lambasted by a whole string of foreign leaders,” he said, pausing for laughter from the audience, “who felt perfectly fine commenting on American law.” “One of these was former [British] Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but he paid the price,” Alito said mockingly, prompting more laughs. He threw in a legal joke: “Post hoc ergo propter hoc, right?” Johnson had called the decision a “backwards step.” He recently stepped down over an unrelated string of scandals. “But others are still in office,” Alito continued. “President [Emmanuel] Macron and Prime Minister Trudeau I believe are two.” Canada’s Justin Trudeau called the decision “horrific,” and the French leader released a statement expressing solidarity with Americans “whose freedoms have today been compromised by the U.S. Supreme Court.” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alito-rome-dobbs-abortion_n_62e
  17. Alex Jones likens himself to Jesus Christ in wild dystopian rant Disgraced InfoWars host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones – who is being sued for $150 million by the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – threw an unhinged tirade on Thursday afternoon about what he believes lies ahead for humanity and advances in artificial intelligence. "I am a human supremacist. I am a human supremacist!" Jones shrieked. "That term will be the future war with the robots and the AI. What you're hearing now is the entire future and everything they've tried to stop us from doing. Our supremacy will not end with this planet. We will people the stars. We will colonize. We will green dead worlds. We will go interdimensional. We will unlock the secrets of the Universe," Jones, who was also involved with the January 6th, 2021 insurrection at the United States Capitol, predicted. "God has laid them out like Christmas presents for his children and I am extremely honored to be in the fulcrum and the heart of the fight to bring our race – the human race – in a race for the future. I am honored to be here. And we will break the enemy," Jones continued. "We will break the pedophiles. We will break the Satanists because God already sent his own self down here to show us he could do it." Jones then equated his personal legal entrenchments to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. "God would never ask us to go through an obstacle course he wouldn't go through. And now we're gonna go through what Christ did," Jones wailed. "And we're gonna go through it and we're gonna be destroyed but reborn on the other side." https://www.alternet.org/2022/07/alex-jones-jesus-christ-rant/
  18. A manly man, not a girly man.
  19. And he recently walked across Lake Diefenbaker to heal a wounded swan.
  20. Donald Trump asks court for 'absolute immunity' in civil January 6th lawsuits In a court filing in Washington, D.C., attorneys for former President Donald Trump are asking a judge to grant him total immunity against any civil lawsuits filed in conjunction with the Jan 6th insurrection. According to the Washington Examiner, the brief, filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the former president is hoping to get the court to overturn a ruling made in February by Judge Amit Mehta when Trump asked for all the lawsuits to be dismissed. Trump's attorneys have previously argued that his speech at the Jan 6th "Support the Steal" rally that preceded the insurrection at the Capitol falls "within the scope of speech protected by presidential absolute immunity." In their filing, the former president's attorney claimed, "President Trump is shielded by absolute presidential immunity because his statements were on matters of public concern. No amount of hyperbole about the violence of January 6, 2021, provides a basis for this Court to carve out an exception to the constitutional separation of powers."
  21. All insults to Riders fans and Saskatchewan in general, best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. And remember that your immune system will not be 100% for 3-8 months if you have had a general anaesthetic. You will be definitely more susceptible to COVID.
  22. The headache comes a minute later, along with backache, kneeache and torsoache as soon as the opposing QB wakes up.
  23. A friend who was in healthcare management at that time said that Doer only partially restored nursing staff levels, but better than it was before. Nursing staff levels are still not back to pre-Filmon levels.
  24. Apparently he has a broken bone in his foot.
  25. Agreed. The team has enough Canadian starters 9or maybe used to have) that plugging an import in as the running back should be doable. Surely to goodness, Goveia, McManus and Co ought to be able to find a beast of a runner.
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