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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Maybe we should offer contraceptives?
  2. Agreed. The American Department of Justice is investigating the mysterious disappearance of Secret Service text messages from 1/6.
  3. Having said that, you may now need to flee the country.
  4. Agudosi is just getting warmed up.
  5. I don't know which is more remarkable- Trump's mangling of the English language or Meadows having the bald-faced temerity to defend and praise it.
  6. No question some hunt for food that they would have struggled to obtain otherwise, but for many the food is the cover story.
  7. But what about Nic Demski?
  8. I like a joke as much as the next person, but this is getting silly.
  9. Its called self-pity- AKA "poor me".
  10. Now they are quoting his mom. Sad. Just sad.
  11. The British media is now reporting that Putin will declare the war won and annex the parts of Ukraine they have seized as integral parts of Russia now and all residents will be Russian citizens immediately. He and his advisors have realized that they are in danger of being pushed right back to previous borders and perhaps even lose Crimea, so to avoid the appearance of loss (confirmation, really) this is the only way he can save face and claim a sort of victory. That would allow him to rebuild his military and prepare for the next invasion. The weapons that Europe and other allies provided to Ukraine have now begun to be widely used with devastating effect on the Russian forces, so any sort of real victory is beyond Putin's grasp now.
  12. That has been his plan since he realized he was in danger of being not only arrested but convicted despite his money and bravado. However, recent polls have put Florida DeSantis ahead of him in the nomination race and gaining a greater lead. So, he is boned unless he flees the country, which is a definite possibility. Orange jumpsuits clash with his orange skin.
  13. Russia Says It’s Losing Because Ukraine Has Experimental Mutant Troops Created in Secret Biolabs Nearly five months into its senseless war against Ukraine, Russia has concocted a wild new explanation for why the Kremlin’s plans for a quick takeover fell apart so spectacularly—because Ukrainian troops were turned into superhuman killing machines during “secret experiments” in American-run biolabs, of course. Never mind the myriad reports of Russian troops refusing to fight by the thousands, sabotaging their own shoddy equipment and even deliberately wounding themselves to abandon the war, Russian lawmakers claim the real setback for Moscow was “drugged up” Ukrainian soldiers. That claim was made Monday by two Russian lawmakers heading up a commission to investigate “biolaboratories” in Ukraine, Kommersant reported. Konstantin Kosachev, the deputy speaker of Russia’s Federation Council, and Irina Yarovaya, deputy chair of the State Duma, touted what they described as bombshell findings from the “investigation.” Testing of Ukrainian POWs’ blood, they claimed, uncovered “a range of diseases” that suggest they were secretly experimented on “for military purposes.” “And we see: the cruelty and barbarity with which the military personnel of Ukraine behave, the crimes that they commit against the civilian population, those monstrous crimes that they commit against prisoners of war, confirm that this system for the control and creation of a cruel murder machine was implemented under the management of the United States,” Yarovaya was quoted telling reporters. “And those performance enhancing drugs that they are still given in order to completely neutralize the last traces of human consciousness and turn them into the most cruel and deadly monsters also confirm this,” she claimed. Bizarrely, she also claimed that the presence of Hepatitis A antibodies in Ukrainian prisoners’ blood was proof of an American biolabs conspiracy, since a former health minister for Ukraine was a dual Ukrainian-American citizen who had worked to acquire drugs for the treatment of hepatitis in the country. “It is quite possible that this was about testing these drugs on military personnel,” Yarovaya said. The claims appeared to be a new take on the biolabs conspiracy theory that Russia’s Defense Ministry has routinely rolled out to try and justify the war. https://www.thedailybeast.com/russia-says-its-losing-because-ukraine-has-experimental-mutant-troops-created-in-secret-biolabss?ref=home
  14. Aaaand....the cherry on top of the turd.
  15. Rooney was a child star who has a troubled adult life. May he be at peace.
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