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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Valar Morghulis
  2. Well....I often have to hunt for food in the supermarkets. They keep moving the displays.
  3. And remember that Brown was one of the sanest of the lot.
  4. Gotta have a Roti week.
  5. Damn. Why didn't I think of that?
  6. Should the Bombers rally and beat the Lions with a depleted lineup (including two league all-stars down), the Bombers can legitimately claim to be the best in the league. If they lose, well, they have a built-in excuse unless the get blown out- something the O'Shea Bombers just don't do any more.
  7. TSN reports that Tre Ford has a fractured collarbone and will be out some 6 weeks. At least he won't be blamed for the Elks' woes.
  8. You didn't pay off the right people.
  9. This sort of crap is why America is galloping towards implosion.
  10. Abe has been declared dead.
  11. To be fair, there was bad weather forecasted in Edmonton but this seems to be a cyclical thing with the CFL.
  12. Ford has come back at looks effective, but runs too often for my liking. Firs is not the worst starting QB in the league by a long shot.
  13. You missed a golden opportunity for "I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess".
  14. Putin has shown himself to be the worst sort of human- Adolph Hitler with nuclear weapons.
  15. Uvalde officer asked for permission to shoot gunman before he entered school — but got no response This article originally appeared on The Texas Tribune. "Uvalde officer asked permission to shoot gunman outside school but got no answer, report finds" was first published by The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan media organization that informs Texans — and engages with them — about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues. An Uvalde police officer asked for a supervisor's permission to shoot the gunman who would soon kill 21 people at Robb Elementary School in May before he entered the building, but the supervisor did not hear the request or responded too late, according to a report released Wednesday evaluating the law enforcement response to the shooting. The request from the Uvalde officer, who was outside the school, about a minute before the gunman entered Robb Elementary had not been previously reported. The officer was reported to have been afraid of possibly shooting children while attempting to take out the gunman, according to the report released Wednesday by the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center, located at Texas State University in San Marcos. The report provides a host of new details about the May 24 shooting, including several missed opportunities to engage or stop the gunman before he entered the school. The lack of response to the officer's request to shoot the suspect outside the school was the most significant new detail that the report revealed. "A reasonable officer would conclude in this case, based upon the totality of the circumstances, that use of deadly force was warranted," according to the report. The report referred to the Texas Penal Code, which states an individual is justified in using deadly force when the individual reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary to prevent the commission of murder.
  16. We are just meat here Almost 5 months Vladimir Putin’s “Special military operation” And after countless reports that the military appeals to Desperate measures To stop the war, the Russian Defense Ministry suddenly announced on Thursday that it was giving some Ukrainian Donbas soldiers a “chance to rest.” The expected break was reportedly announced to Russian journalists early Thursday by a provincial spokesman. TASS News agency. It was constructed as a compassionate gesture aimed at ensuring the well-being of the army, allowing the spokesman to “replenish combat capabilities” in time and allow the army to “receive letters and luggage from home”. Said said it would be used to. The announcement was made after the Institute for the Study of War pointed out that Russia was not proud of the acquisition of new territory for the first time in a full-scale aggression. According to experts, they “mostly started the operation.” pause. “ However, another briefing by Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov on Thursday did not mention such a break, and it is clear how many troops are allowed to time out. It wasn’t. Also, it was not clear exactly what the “chance to rest” was associated with. https://securykid.com/we-are-just-meat-here/
  17. Whatthehell....might as well jump on the crazy train.
  18. It seems that there's stuff going on that is not being made public. The allegation is that some of Brown's staff was being paid for by someone outside of the party- an apparent breach of the rules. Brown has asked for specifics as he says he has no personal knowledge of any such, but the party brass is saying that they investigated, and confirmed but will not tell him anything more. From an observer's point of view, this looks odd, and sure looks like the PC want to anoint Poilievre as their leader. This would, in all certainty, be yet another disaster for the Cons. Are they gambling on a Trumpian victory embracing intolerance and division?
  19. Congresswoman Debbie Lesko says she would shoot her grandchildren in opposition of gun safety bill Rep. Debbie Lesko is under scrutiny for a statement made on the house floor opposing advancements in gun safety Arizona Congresswoman Debbie Lesko is under scrutiny for a statement made to the House in which she said she would rather shoot her five grandchildren than have a gun safety bill advance. "I rise in opposition to H.R.2377," Lesko said on Tuesday. "I have five grandchildren. I would do anything, anything, to protect my five grandchildren. Including, as a last resort, shooting them if I had to, to protect the lives of my grandchildren. Democrat bills that we've heard this week wanna take away my right, my right, to protect my grandchildren. They wanna take away the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect their own children, and grandchildren, and wives, and brothers, and sisters. This bill takes away due process from law-abiding citizens." https://www.salon.com/2022/07/06/congresswoman-debbie-lesko-says-she-would-shoot-her-grandchildren-in-opposition-of-safety-bill/
  20. But he made great salads and mixed drinks.
  21. Patience, grasshopper, patience.
  22. If these were the 2021 Bombers, they would have no trouble handling the 2022 Beastly Lions, but they are not. The Bomber defence is a notch, maybe two below last year's edition, but the 2022 Bomber offence has been gawdawful. Worse yet, although the defence is amping up, the offence is not improving. Would love to be wrong about this, but I think I am not. To win the defence would have to play a bit better than last game, and the offence will have to be WAY better.
  23. But but but...they're Commies, Gawdamit! Cuba is eradicating child mortality and banishing diseases that affect the impoverished Palpite, Cuba, is just a few miles away from Playa Girón, along the Bay of Pigs, where the United States attempted to overthrow the Cuban Revolution in 1961. Down a modest street in a small building with a Cuban flag and a large picture of Fidel Castro near the front door, Dr. Dayamis Gómez La Rosa sees patients from 8 AM to 5 PM. In fact, that is an inaccurate sentence. Dr. Dayamis, like most primary care doctors in Cuba, lives above the clinic that she runs. “I became a doctor,” she told us as we sat in the clinic’s waiting room, “because I wanted to make the world a better place.” Her father was a bartender, and her mother was a housecleaner, but “thanks to the Revolution,” she says, she is a primary care doctor, and her brother is a dentist. Patients come when they need care, even in the middle of the night. Apart from the waiting room, the clinic only has three other rooms, all of them small and clean. The 1,970 people in Palpite come to see Dr. Dayamis, who emphasizes that she has in her care several pregnant women and infants. She wants to talk about pregnancy and children because she wants to let me know that over the past three years, not one infant has died in her town or in the municipality. “The last time an infant died,” she said, “was in 2008 when a child was born prematurely and had great difficulty breathing.” When we asked her how she remembered that death with such clarity, she said that for her as a doctor any death is terrible, but the death of a child must be avoided at all costs. “I wish I did not have to experience that,” she said. The region of the Zapata Swamp, where the Bay of Pigs is located, before the Revolution, had an infant mortality rate of 59 per 1,000 live births. The population of the area, mostly engaged in subsistence fishing and in the charcoal trade, lived in great poverty. Fidel spent the first Christmas Eve after the Revolution of 1959 with the newly formed cooperative of charcoal producers, listening to them talk about their problems and working with them to find a way to exit the condition of hunger, illiteracy, and ill-health. A large-scale project of transformation had been set into motion a few months before, which drew in hundreds of very poor people into a process to lift themselves up from the wretched conditions that afflicted them. This is the reason why these people rose in large numbers to defend the Revolution against the attack by the United States and its mercenaries in 1961. To move from 59 infant deaths out of every 1,000 live births to no infant deaths in the matter of a few decades is an extraordinary feat. It was done, Dr. Dayamis says, because the Cuban Revolution pays an enormous attention to the health of the population. Pregnant mothers are given regular care from primary care doctors and gynecologists and their infants are tended by pediatricians—all of it paid from the social wealth of the country. Small towns such as Palpite do not have specialists such as gynecologists and pediatricians, but within a short ride a few miles away, they can access these doctors in Playa Larga. Walking through the Playa Giron museum earlier that day, the museum’s director Dulce María Limonta del Pozo tells us that the many of the captured mercenaries were returned to the United States in exchange for food and medicines for children; it is telling that this is what the Cuban Revolution demanded. From early into the Revolution, literacy campaigns and vaccination campaigns developed to address the facts of poverty. Now, Dr. Dayamis reports, each child gets between twelve and sixteen vaccinations for such ailments as smallpox and hepatitis. In Havana’s Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), Dr. Merardo Pujol Ferrer tells us that the country has almost eradicated hepatitis B using a vaccine developed by their Center. That vaccine—Heberbiovac HB—has been administered to 70 million people around the world. “We believe that this vaccine is safe and effective,” he said. “It could help to eradicate hepatitis around the world, particularly in poorer countries.” All the children in her town are vaccinated against hepatitis, Dr. Dayamis says. “The health care system ensures that not one person dies from diarrhea or malnutrition, and not one person dies from diseases of poverty.
  24. Not sure if we are going to be able to accurately assess some of the player juggling because of the short week. I will be disappointed if we lose to BC but so long as don't get blown out, I can live with it.
  25. Apparently your smartphone has way more computing power than the computer that guided the first Apollo mission to the moon.
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