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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I think we do- Jannarion Grant, but he is not being used as a receiver.
  2. McRae was only a little better than Oliveira or Augustine, that puts the o-line under the microscope.
  3. No harm done, and if completed, that would have salted the game away. Now, the finale is delayed for a while.
  4. With that field goal, the Argos are likely to celebrate at half time.
  5. Lets keep the theology out of this.
  6. I think Augustine got two touches and zero gains, but I still think the Bomber o-line is still not cooking.
  7. Ohoh- looks bad for Mr. Wilson.
  8. Would that involve cross dressing?
  9. Looks like today is a "Woliday".
  10. YES!!!! That otta do it for Bethel-Thompson
  11. Lawson is getting a consistently good push up the middle- will be worth watching.
  12. That was a lazy toss by MBT.
  13. WOW! A Rose by any other name..
  14. Oliiveira a half-second too slow.
  15. Decent runback by Grant- good field position.
  16. I recommend Skyline IPTV. Stable and inexpensive.
  17. From the lush of Winnipeg's Silver Heights.
  18. Wasn't even half full
  19. Only at a very heavy cost of troops and equipment and the Russian army has nearly exhausted its reserves of troops and arms, leaving them vulnerable to a counterattack when the incoming military equipment from the west is fully integrated into the Ukrainian armed forces.
  20. Later reports by police confirmed that the shooter was a long-time mental patient who'd had several detainments in psychiatric facilities and was known for frequently going off his meds. The right wingers in the US are beside themselves with joy. PT Barnum was truly a prophet.
  21. There were lots of "good guys with guns" at Uvalde. It was some time ago, but I recall an FBI statistic that said that for every instance where a gun is used to protect the residents of a home, there were some 40+ incidents where that gun was turned on the residents. The problem in the US is not just guns, but a culture based on zero-sum competition to the death resulting in fear and loathing of each other PLUS guns. My brother who is a cop said that ever trained cops will fire 10-15 shots for every shot that hits a target. Civilians with firearms would be way worse than that.
  22. The right-wing federal PC party is already fractured and has been since the nutbars from the Alliance party merged (seized) the traditional PC party which had some credibility. Like the Emerald Wasp egg that in placed into the body of a cockroach and eventually takes control of it while consuming it to death, the Alliance bloc has taken over the old PC party, not caring if they kill it. All they wanted was publicity under the guise of credibility and their wishes were granted.
  23. No surprise that the anti-everything-that-isn't-mine group would be fond of violence. Too many cops have been doting on them without realizing that these cretins will kill them on the slightest of whims.
  24. Leading the world once again......into the 16th century.
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