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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. As usual, but this year it seems to be much worse than usual, it all comes down to the quarterbacking. As has been already posted, there is a dearth of good QBs in the CFL at present, and upon reflection, that was true last year as well. There is no easy fix for this. The only possible answer is to allow teams to keep another quarterback as a development project outside of the regular roster.
  2. There is a rule in shrinkology that in order to learn from an experience, you have to survive it.
  3. They were closeted?
  4. Are you sure you shouldn't have posted
  5. This lot is way too stupid to deliberately stage a farce. They are afflicted with the idea that they are an elite ruling class who rule by divine right and have the franchise on wisdom and intelligence.
  6. GOP lawmaker bizarrely blames abortion for mass shootings One Republican lawmaker has attempted to blame abortion for the shootings that have recently taken place across the United States. Now, he's facing deep scrutiny for the argument. On Wednesday, June 1, Rep. Billy Long (R-Mo.) conducted an interview with the Missouri-based radio station, The Eagle 93.9. During that interview, they discussed the recent school massacre in Uvalde, Texas and the possibility of Republican lawmakers supporting changes that would introduce stricter gun laws. According to HuffPost, Long pushed back and argued that "guns aren’t the issue. He criticized proponents of gun control for 'trying to blame an inanimate object for all of these tragedies.'” “When I was growing up in Springfield, you had one or two murders a year,” said Long who is currently running for the Senate. “Now we have two, three, four a week in Springfield, Missouri. "So something has happened to our society," he continued. "I go back to abortion, when we decided it was OK to murder kids in their mothers’ wombs. Life has no value to a lot of these folks.” https://www.alternet.org/2022/06/trump-s-maga-allies-begin-turning-on-each-other-as-trumpworld-implodes/
  7. In other words, they are American wannabees.
  8. This small minority is not just loud- they are agitated to the point of being nearly ready to commit violent acts against any government or individuals who they see as willing to take away their God-given right to own and brandish people-killing firearms, And some already have.
  9. The right desperately tries to blame women for the 21 murders in the Uvalde school shooting The self-exonerating stories from police after the mass shooting in an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas keep falling apart. The already long list of corrections to initial police reports now has another addition: exoneration for the teacher who police falsely implicated in the shooting by claiming she propped open a back door that the shooter used to get into the school. The Texas Department of Safety has since revealed that the teacher actually did shut the door, but that it simply didn't lock as it should. The Uvalde police's story has changed so often that the journalists who keep track of the shifting narrative deserve hazard pay. It's gotten so bad that the Uvalde police have stopped cooperating with the state investigation into the failures that led to cops standing outside the classroom while children locked in with an active shooter kept calling 911 and begging for help. The false story of the careless teacher looks now like yet another attempt to deflect blame from the cops. Scapegoating a school teacher is a particularly low move considering that it appears that the two teachers who died that day were among the few adults who had the courage to attempt to protect the children. Male cops blaming a female teacher for their own failures fits right into a larger pattern on the right: Pinning the blame for this massacre, and all others like it, on women. https://www.salon.com/2022/06/01/the-right-desperately-tries-to-women-for-the-21-in-the-uvalde-school/
  10. Johnny Depp Wins Defamation Lawsuit Against Amber Heard A Virginia jury has decided in favor of actor Johnny Depp on Wednesday, finding that a Washington Post editorial written by his ex-wife Amber Heard was defamatory. The jury awarded Depp $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages. Moments later, the panel delivered a mixed verdict in Heard’s countersuit, awarding her $2 million in compensatory damages. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-verdict_n_628cfbcee4b0cda85db6652b
  11. 'Whenever this is done': Uvalde police chief refusing to explain why he stopped cops from confronting shooter - The New Civil Rights Movement June 01, 2022 Peter Arredondo, the chief of the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District’s police force, says he’s showing respect for the families by not explaining what reportedly was his decision to block law enforcement officers from confronting the gunman who killed 21 people at Robb Elementary School past week, but will when “the families quit grieving.” Arredondo reportedly has stopped cooperating with the Texas Dept. of Public Safety’s investigation into last week’s mass shooting. CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz was able to catch up with Arredondo Wednesday morning. “Just so you all know, obviously, we’re not going to release anything. We have people in our community being buried,” Arredondo said when pressed for details on why he stopped officers from capturing or taking down the gunman as children called 911 begging for help. “We’re going to be respectful to the families,” he told Prokupecz, who repeatedly asked him about that decision. “You have an opportunity to explain yourself to the parents,” Prokupecz offered, urging him to share his explanation. “Just so you know we’re going to do that eventually, obviously,” Arredondo replied. “When?” Prokupecz asked. “Whenever this is done and the families quit grieving, then we’ll do that obviously,” Arredondo said.
  12. I think that the GOP has decided that they cannot gain the votes of moderate (sane) voters enough to actually win most elections. So, they have switched their tactics to suppress voters, install election officials who will interpret the votes as they are directed by the GOP, challenge in the courts endlessly any outcome they dislike and appeal to the rabid minority of voters who will not only turn out at the polls but threaten or actually use violence to distort the already flawed American electoral system in their favour. The candidates they field have to voice the themes of racism and grievance so as the motivate these cretins.
  13. Gonna be some tough decisions with the receiving corps.
  14. And deservedly so. This is misgenation.
  15. The Justice Department Steps In To Review The Police Response In Uvalde . The DOJ announced in a press release: At the request of Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin, the U.S. Department of Justice will conduct a Critical Incident Review of the law enforcement response to the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, on May 24. The goal of the review is to provide an independent account of law enforcement actions and responses that day, and to identify lessons learned and best practices to help first responders prepare for and respond to active shooter events. The review will be conducted with the Department’s Office of Community Oriented Policing. As with prior Justice Department after-action reviews of mass shootings and other critical incidents, this assessment will be fair, transparent, and independent. The Justice Department will publish a report with its findings at the conclusion of its review. Something Went Very Wrong With The Uvalde Police Response The response of the Uvalde police department has been criticized for days. Law enforcement has finally admitted that mistakes were made in response to the mass shooting. The police still haven’t given a clear and consistent timeline as to what happened, but they did try to blame a teacher for leaving a door propped open. The DOJ needs to investigate the police response because their investigation might be the only way that the families of the victims get answers. Kids died because the police didn’t follow procedures and do their jobs. Someone must be held accountable. https://www.politicususa.com/2022/05/29/justice-department-uvalde-police.html
  16. Uvalde Police no longer cooperating with shooting investigation: report The Uvalde Police Dept. and the Uvalde Independent School District police are no longer cooperating with the Texas Dept. of Public Safety’s (DPS) investigation into last week’s mass shooting during which an 18-year old who bought two AR-15 style assault weapons and over 1000 rounds of ammunition killed 21 people and wounded 17 others. Citing multiple law enforcement sources, ABC News reports both the city’s police dept. and the school district’s police force decided to stop cooperating “soon after the director of DPS, Col. Steven McCraw, held a news conference Friday during which he said the delayed police entry into the classroom was ‘the wrong decision’ and contrary to protocol.” ABC adds that the “Uvalde police chief and a spokesperson for the Uvalde Independent School District did not immediately respond” to requests for comment. The news comes on the heels of new information from an attorney for the teacher who allegedly, according to McCraw, had left a door propped open. That door, video footage shows, had been closed, the lawyer says, Insider reports, citing a San Antonio Express-News report. “Since last week’s mass shooting in Uvalde — the country’s deadliest at an elementary school since Sandy Hook in 2012 — law enforcement officials have made crucial changes to the attack’s timeline at least a dozen times.” UPDATE: 5:59 PM ET – “The chief of the Uvalde school district police department, Pete Arredondo, has not responded to the Texas Rangers in two days for a follow-up interview from his initial statement immediately after the mass shooting, a spokesman for Texas DPS confirms,” Austin-American Statesman’s Tony Plohetski reports. https://www.alternet.org/2022/05/uvalde-police-not-cooperating-investigation/
  17. I meant to type that Prukop was better than he was last game.
  18. Wasn't able to watch the game, but it sounded like Prukop was better but it seems he has reached his ceiling, whereas Brown looks to have a better overall game and his ceiling is yet to be determined.
  19. Am reduced to listening the game on OB- have to say the new broadcast team is better than I expected and not bad at all.
  20. Uvalde Police Lied: A Teacher Never Left The Door Open Law enforcement tried to blame a teacher who left a door open for the Uvalde shooting, but surveillance video shows that the school employee closed the door. https://www.politicususa.com/2022/05/31/uvalde-police-lied-a-teacher-never-left-the-door-open.html
  21. Have been online with BellMTS for nearly an hour now and getting the runaround. Horrid rendition of the anthem.
  22. Apparently not, according to Bell/MTS tech support.
  23. Thanks but paying $50+ to watch a preseason game is not cost-effective.
  24. Our Bell-MTS tv service is down and will be for at least the next 24 hours- does anyone know if the game is being streamed anywhere else, like Youtube?
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