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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Did something else happen that you are not telling us about?
  2. Credible reports from BBC and Al-Jazeera have been consistent in reporting that the Russians made some advances in Donetsk but have bogged down and even lost significant ground in the north-east.
  3. And its not as if the Fraser Institute has ever parroted the right-wing agenda.
  4. You may wish to consider Comwave or an IPTV package.
  5. And yet, the healthiest economies along with the lowest violent crime rates and the highest public satisfaction (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Holland etc have thr highest corporate and personal income taxes and tightly regulated industries are....gasp... socialist. Every time the minimum wage or wages in general rise, there are dire predictions of economic doom. And yet, they never seem to come to pass.
  6. It probably all comes down to Margaret Thatcher's attitude about her slashing services and supports for the poor, disabled and mentally ill. When questioned about how she could conscience grinding the less fortunate, she said," F..k them. They don't vote anyways."
  7. The concept was the assumption that the very wealthy would be magnanimous and shower the poorer. The reality is that damned few wealthy choose to do that. The wealthy buy bigger yachts, more spacious homes, more expensive vehicles and use the money to build gated communities or even buy whole islands and always have. Democratic governments are supposed to create and sustain dynamic balances between all the competing social forces and strata. Another nice theory.
  8. For fans of John Oliver, here is this week's look at American politics:
  9. That otta slow down the Rider passing game.
  10. Not the proper context. Ronnie Raygun was given this adage so as to justify making the rich richer on the assumption that there would be the infamous "Trickle Down Theory" which was instantly rephrased to "Tinkle Down Theory"- a very apt description of the Reagan era. Under his administration, the S&L debacle and the Enron catastrophe happened.
  11. Price of gas in France A thief in Paris planned to steal some paintings from the Louvre. After careful planning, he got past security, stole the paintings, and made it safely to his van. However, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas. When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied, "Monsieur, that is the reason I stole the paintings--- I had no Monet To buy Degas To make the Van Gogh." See if you have De Gaulle to send this on. to someone else. I sent i on because I figured I had nothing Toulouse .
  12. Good in theory but ain't gonna happen. There's no way to rule out stupidity.
  13. If memory serves, Pipkin has a rep of being resistant to coaching and going off script. Not sure if that would be a good fit for O'Shea.
  14. Reilly earned every dollar and I wouldn't want to be him when he hits 60 years old. He is not going to have a single body part that will not hurt.
  15. Russia is sending as much resources into the Donetsk region as they can, even WW2 equipment and untrained/undertrained troops trying to overwhelm Ukrainian defences with sheer numbers. They are also sending any missiles they can find because they can launch those from hundreds of kms away. The rush is to seize land and dig in before the bulk of game-changing western weaponry arrives.
  16. Yu get what you pay for.
  17. And Eli Tui has disappeared under the surface with hardly a ripple.
  18. 'Methodical' Merrick Garland 'fears no person' — and he's coming for Trump: legal scholar Like other forms of fascism, authoritarianism and reactionary politics, Donald Trump's so-called movement is a symptom of deeper problems in society, not the cause. Trumpism is not a boil that can be lanced, thereby ending the infection. It's more like a tumor growing from the bones. It's not exactly true that the Republican Party was conquered or "taken over" by the Trump movement, as many observers still perceive it. The seeds of Trumpism were planted in Republican soil decades ago, and found it a hospitable environment. It's more accurate to perceive Trumpism as the next evolutionary (or, more properly, devolutionary) stage of the Republican Party and the overall conservative movement. It's where right-wing politics were going in America, whether leading conservatives understood that or not. https://www.alternet.org/2022/05/merrick-garland-2657413761/
  19. Basically a pyramid scheme with extra steps.
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