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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I suggest that the whole Canadian housing market is overheated and due for a significant correction within the next year or so. That is gonna hurt a lot of people who scraped together the minimum down payment and bought homes they could barely afford on two incomes.
  2. Trivia: Tom Cruz has been married three times and divorced each wife when they got to their "best before" age-33. He is currently involved in a power struggle within the Scientology organization (you may notice I didn't say "church") with John Travolta to be the heir-apparent to David Miscavige.
  3. Agreed. Since the American DOJ is essentially toothless about the "stolen election", it would make sense for the government department in charge of election oversight to sue Trump, the pillow guy and all for slandering their integrity. A settlement of several million dollars would shut the miscreants up quickly.
  4. Bill Gates wants to control people with monkeypox & force them to drink 'poop water': MTG United States Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) drummed up a new conspiracy theory on Friday that Microsoft founder Bill Gates is behind the growing monkeypox outbreak and that he wants to control the population by forcing people to drink "poop water." Greene's infamy is rooted in her claim that wildfires are triggered by Jewish space lasers, her opposition to COVID-19 inoculations, in voting against a bill to help American families access baby formula amidst a supply shortage brought on by contaminations at processing plants, and her participation in the January 6th, 2021 Capitol insurrection. Misspelled text messages that she sent following the attack have earned her the nickname "Marshall Law Marge." Greene has cultivated a concurrent reputation for being sympathetic to Russian President Vladimir Putin, having voted against authorizing critical military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, whom she has encouraged to surrender to Putin's genocidal occupying forces. Never shy about upping her game, Greene went all-in on Gates, whose post-corporate career has been dedicated to fighting diseases and expanding human rights around the globe. Gates has also been a leader in vaccine development and has issued numerous warnings about future pandemics arising from humanity's relentless assaults on Earth's biosphere. But for Greene, and many within the right-wing, Gates is a liberal boogeyman lusting after power. "Why is Bill Gates running everything?" Greene wondered. "Bill Gates, I want to remind everyone, wants to grow fake meat in a Petri dish and he wants us to drink poop water," she said. "So I don't know why we're letting him control our health decisions," the government-mandated forced birth advocate complained. Gates "is very concerned about monkeypox, because this is something apparently he can make a lot of money off of and him and his other buddies," she alleged, adding that she believes that the first patient in Massachusetts who contracted the virus became infected in Canada (two cases have been confirmed there and in the US). Greene offered no evidence to substantiate that hypothesis.
  5. Utah Hunting Guide Facing Felony for Rigging Don Jr.’s Bear Hunt A professional outdoorsman in Utah is facing felony criminal charges for allegedly helping Donald Trump Jr. shoot a bear illegally during a guided hunting expedition. Wade Lemon of Wade Lemon Hunting hosted Trump for the outing in May 2018. According to the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Lemon illegally baited the bear for Trump with “a pile of grain, oil, and pastries.” Trump is not listed as a defendant in the case, and is believed to not have known that the integrity of his hunt was compromised. Of the hunter, Davis County Attorney Troy Rawlings actually said he was “a victim and now a possible witness in a fraudulent scheme.” The Salt Lake Tribune reports that Trump was in Utah for the hunt to support Hunter Nation, an organization that promotes hunting and gun rights; the organization later formed a PAC that spent nearly $100,000 in anti-Democrat advertisements during Donald Trump’s 2020 election. If found guilty, Lemon—whose hunting outfit has been investigated at least eight times for criminal conduct—could face five years in prison. He told the Tribune that he was surprised by the allegations. “As far as I knew everything was above board,” he said. -Getty News
  6. Should he not have "personal conduct issues" , he ought to make training camp interesting.
  7. Mancuso looks to have most if not all the tools: good arm, goes through his reads quickly, good size and I like that he is a threat to run- keeps the opposing defence on their toes. If he can pick up the 3-down game quickly, he might be a darned good Streveler clone.
  8. Don't think Rittenhouse is a dentist, but Gendron's new roomies may help him with a few extractions. Without anesthesia, of course.
  9. The Buffalo domestic terrorist's antisemitism was rooted in an unfixable toothache: report NBC News reporter Ben Collins on Friday added important context to how the white supremacist accused of murdering ten people in the Buffalo mass shooting was radicalized. Collins covers online disinformation and drew upon his experience tracking extremism to note a key detail about suspect Payton Gendron's motivations. "I want to tell a quick story," Collins began a thread posted to Twitter. "The Buffalo shooter had a toothache," he noted before explaining why that detail is important. "You may have heard this by now, but the Buffalo shooter spent the six months before the shooting messaging himself on Discord. He did it the same way you would email yourself a reminder. It was every stray thought he had for a half-year, archived as a sort of handbook," he explained. "The Buffalo shooter apparently tried to get his bad tooth treated. He went to the dentist, and whatever the dentist tried didn’t fix it. He didn’t, or couldn’t, go anywhere else. He alluded to insurance problems. But instead of blaming insurance or himself, he blamed the Jews," he wrote. "The Buffalo shooter blamed the dentist, who he said was Jewish, but also Jews in general, who he was convinced were the cause of all of his suffering." https://www.alternet.org/2022/05/buffalo-domestic-terrorist-antisemitism-toothache/ (Makes sense to me!!!)
  10. Too bad. Had they done it in the first series, it would have been notable.
  11. A subtle whiff of racism there.
  12. Are you saying that the PCs are not easily embarrassed?
  13. Was that in the first or second series?
  14. Well, he did take a lot of hits to the head.
  15. Oracle's Larry Ellison Took Part In 2020 Call About Contesting Trump's Election Loss: Report. Ellison was on a call with other Trump backers including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Fox News host Sean Hannity, The Washington Post reported. Larry Ellison, the billionaire co-founder of software company Oracle, took part in a November 2020 call about how to contest the results of the presidential election that Donald Trump lost, according to a new report. Ellison was on a call with other Trump backers including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Fox News host Sean Hannity, according to a new court filing obtained by The Washington Post. More from the publication: “Jim was on a call this evening with Jay Sekulow, Lindsey O. Graham, Sean Hannity, and Larry Ellison,” True the Vote’s founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, wrote to a donor on the night of the call, referring to Bopp, her organization’s lawyer. “He explained the work we were doing and they asked for a preliminary report asap, to be used to rally their troops internally, so that’s what I’m working on now.” Ellison’s participation in the call was confirmed by a participant, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private matters. This person said Ellison, as a technology executive, may have been enlisted to assess claims about voting machines made by Sidney Powell, a onetime member of Trump’s legal team. And the person said the GOP megadonor was probably looped in by Graham, as part of a discussion about whether the Trump campaign had assembled an effective legal team. Trump’s efforts to overturn the election ultimately failed, but not before five people died and more than 140 police officers were injured during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, a violent riot spurred by the former president’s baseless claims. Ellison has been a longtime supporter of Trump, and in 2019, Oracle gave between $500,000 and $999,999 to Trade Works for America, a group created by Republican operatives to support Trump’s NAFTA replacement bill, Reuters reported.
  16. WOOHOO!! The rich get richer!!!
  17. That could be considered a compliment.
  18. Plus, it gives protection from zombies.
  19. North Korea Orders ‘Thousand Tonnes of Salt’ to Fight COVID, Even Though It Won’t Stop Virus -Reuters North Korea is battling its first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic with salt, honeysuckle leaf tea, and ginger, as it resists aid offers from other nations. While the traditional remedies recommended, including over-the-counter fever relievers, may be some help to people with mild symptoms, those who are severely ill are at a greater risk for complications without antiviral drugs. State media also recommended gargling with saltwater twice a day. The BBC reports that a “thousand tons of salt” was sent to the North Korean capital to make some sort of antiseptic solution. It is unclear how many people are infected or how many have died since the pandemic began. The Hermit Kingdom has rejected all offers of vaccines or other medical assistance.
  20. ‘Owning’ a Guy Like Tucker Carlson Makes My Job So Much Easier, Hungary Leader Victor Orban Says Hungarian President Viktor Orban and Fox News host Tucker Carlson have sealed their bromance with accolades during the special Conservative Political Action Conference being held in Budapest. Carlson, who was supposed to be a keynote speaker at the event, but instead sent a 38-second video message, said Hungary was a wonderful country because of Orban’s authoritarian leadership. “I can’t believe that you’re in Budapest and I am not,” he said. “What a wonderful country. And you know why you can tell it’s a wonderful country? Because the people who turned our country into a much less good place are hysterical when you point it out.” Orban returned the love, saying that" having your own media is the best way to “point out the insanity of the progressive left.” He went on to give Carlson’s show as an example. “My friend Tucker Carlson is the only one who puts himself out there,” he said. “His show is the most popular. What does it mean? It means programs like his should be broadcasted day and night. Or as you say 24/7.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/hungarys-viktor-orban-says-tucker-carlson-show-should-run-247-and-its-great-to-own-him-at-cpac?ref=home
  21. Michigan’s Top Election Official: Trump Suggested I Should Be Executed for Treason Emily Elconin/Reuters After refusing to overturn the results of the 2020 election, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson received a wave of threats, with President Trump himself saying in a White House meeting that she should be arrested for treason and executed, she told NBC News. Benson, the top election official in Michigan, revealed the alleged comment for the first time in an interview with the network, saying, “It certainly amplified the heightened sense of anxiety, stress, and uncertainty of that time—which I still feel in many ways—because it showed there was no bottom to how far [Trump] and his supporters were willing to stoop.” Benson said that a source familiar with the White House meeting notified her of the remark. A spokesman for the former president asserted that Benson, who is now battling a Trump-endorsed candidate for Michigan secretary of state, lied in her interview with NBC News.
  22. On CBC radio evening news tonight, the reporter who has been following the fratricidal federal Tory leadership race stated that Poilievre is likely to win the race because the other options are not extreme enough. The policies his followers were most enamoured with are his attacks on the media, his threats to fire the head of the Bank of Canada and antagonism towards ecological concerns. These are apparently non-negotiable for them and they are looking for a complete restructuring of federal government to closely resemble the Trumpian model. Good news for the Liberals and NDP but not sure if this is good news for Canada.
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