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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Madison Cawthorn accepts his defeat with grace and dignity:
  2. The 1/6 Committee Has Evidence Of GOP Guided Tours Before Capitol Attack The 1/6 Committee wrote to Rep. Loudermilk: We write to seek your voluntary cooperation in advancing our investigation. Based on our review of evidence in the Select Committee’s possession, we believe you have information regarding a tour you led through parts of the Capitol complex on January 5, 2021. The foregoing information raises questions to which the Select Committee must seek answers. Public reporting and witness accounts indicate some individuals and groups engaged in efforts to gather information about the layout of the U.S. Capitol, as well as the House and Senate office buildings, in advance of January 6, 2021. For example, in the week following January 6th, Members urged law enforcement leaders to investigate sightings of “outside groups in the complex” on January 5th that “appeared to be associated with the rally at the White House the following day.”
  3. And what about "Silent Joe" Critchloe?
  4. Its a darned good thing that our beloved provincial government has assured us that the pandemic is over and we can ease up on restrictions.
  5. Its a signal that you need a new or at least different car.
  6. His Freudian slip showed. Fetus-powered street lamps? Republicans ramp up outrageous anti-abortion lies ahead of Roe's demise It was only one half-hour into Wednesday's congressional hearing on abortion access when it became clear that the Republican contributions to the day would be loonier than a QAnon message board. "In places like Washington D.C., fetuses are "burned to power the light's of the city's homes and streets," claimed Catherine Glenn Foster, who had, just minutes before, sworn not to lie under oath. The GOP-summoned witness let loose the wild and utterly false accusation that municipal electrical companies are powered by incinerated fetuses. "The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators," she said, apparently repeating a misleading talking point from the same anti-choice activists caught stashing fetuses at home. Everything on the right is psychological projection. https://www.salon.com/2022/05/19/fetus-powered-street-lamps-ramp-up-outrageous-anti-abortion-lies-ahead-of-roes-demise/
  7. Rats, sinking ships etc....
  8. Streveler was a critical part of our team while he was there and there is no denying his warrior mentality, but the salary cap is the salary cap. Realistically, Collaros will take 95% of the snaps anyways, and I am intrigued to see what Procop brings to the team. He seems to have the physical tools and the smarts.
  9. There is an awful lot of doodoo piling up around the Manitoba PC government. All the NDP and Liberals need do is stand back and make more popcorn.
  10. Butbutbut...he was doing so well as the greatest visionary in Alberta history- almost as well as he did as a federal minister under Harper.
  11. Buffalo shooter let some people see plans just before attack Shortly before he opened fire, the white gunman accused of killing 10 Black people at a Buffalo, New York, supermarket allowed a small group of people to see his detailed plans for the attack, which he had been chronicling for months in a private, online diary. Discord, the chat platform where 18-year-old Payton Gendron kept the diary, confirmed Wednesday that an invitation to access his private writings was sent to the group about a half-hour before Saturday’s attack at Tops Friendly Market, which he live-streamed on another online service. Some of them accepted. Gendron’s diary and its racist, anti-Semitic entries dated to last November included step-by-step descriptions of his assault plans, a detailed account of a reconnaissance trip he made to Buffalo in March, and maps of the store that he drew by hand. “What we know at this time is that a private, invite-only server was created by the suspect to serve as a personal diary chat log,” a Discord spokesperson said in a written statement. “Approximately 30 minutes prior to the attack, however, a small group of people were invited to and joined the server. Before that, our records indicate no other people saw the diary chat log in this private server.” It wasn’t clear if any of the people who accessed Gendron’s diary or saw his livestream did anything to alert the authorities or attempt to stop the attack. Discord said it removed Gendron’s diary as soon as the platform became aware of it, in accordance with the company’s policies against violent extremism. Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia said Monday that investigators were working to obtain, verify and review Gendron’s online postings. Copies of his Discord diary — essentially a transcript of his postings to his private chat log — briefly surfaced elsewhere online after the shooting, along with a 180-page screed attributed to him. Both were laced with white supremacist beliefs echoing a baseless extremist conspiracy theory about a plot to diminish the influence of white people. https://www.thedailybeast.com/buffalo-shooter-payton-gendron-let-a-small-group-view-his-plans-on-discord-30-minutes-before-attack?ref=home
  12. It was in violation of the terms of her release.
  13. My comment was made tongue in cheek
  14. It's called "displacement", where something is crappy in your life, so you find a target of opportunity to dump on and blame.
  15. I should think that his fiasco regarding Twitter has affected the value of his holdings by several billion dollars. I am beginning to suspect all that ganja he has been smoking is beginning to affect his thinking.
  16. Justin Trudeau could walk on water and heal wounded swans by touch and the haters would not accept him. Their hatred is irrational and unchangeable and would settle nothing less than rule by a minority that would fall on each others in short order.
  17. Katz' reputation preceded him but he got elected anyways and to even a casual observer, there were a number of questionable real estate deals and connections during his administration. Any elected official who sees the public purse as a personal trough deserves to be held to account rigourously.
  18. I do not know why white Americans are afraid of becoming a minority. After all, they could expect to be treated as they have treated minorities so far,
  19. I have always wondered what the heck happened to Ealey- he went from all-star to a mediocre backup in such a short time. Even when he subbed in, he did nothing to redeem himself.
  20. Ron DeSantis signs bill criminalizing peaceful protests in residential neighborhoods Florida's right-wing Republican Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a bill into law that criminalizes peaceful protests in residential neighborhoods. The draconian restrictions on free speech were levied in response to the nationwide explosion of demonstrations directed at the United States Supreme Court's anticipated overturning of abortion rights that were established in Roe versus Wade. But when pro-choice activists began picketing outside the homes of the five Associate Justices who were named in the draft majority opinion that was leaked last month, advocates for forced birth like DeSantis decided that the Constitution's First Amendment right to petition the government should be suspended. None of the Court's nine jurists, however, live in Florida. “Sending unruly mobs to private residences, like we have seen with the angry crowds in front of the homes of Supreme Court justices, is inappropriate,” DeSantis said in a press release. “This bill will provide protection to those living in residential communities and I am glad to sign it into law.” DeSantis' statement added that "once this law takes effect, law enforcement officers will provide a warning to any person picketing or protesting outside of a dwelling and will make arrests for residential picketing only if the person does not peaceably disperse after the warning. Residential picketing will be punishable as a second-degree misdemeanor." https://www.alternet.org/2022/05/ron-desantis-criminalizes-peaceful-protests/
  21. A friend of ours has just had her dog diagnosed with Lyme disease and her vet told her there is an outbreak here in Winnipeg, and presumably in adjacent areas. Lyme disease is transmitted to dogs through the bite of a deer tick. Once in the blood stream, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease is carried to many parts of the body and commonly localizes in the joints and kidneys. Deer ticks range from the Midwest to the Eastern United States and throughout Canada with the highest numbers found east of Manitoba. Not all deer ticks carry the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, but certain areas have been identified as higher risk areas for Lyme disease. Check with your veterinarian to find out if your area is a high-risk area. Dogs cannot transmit Lyme disease to one another or to humans. The infection always comes directly from a tick bite. In dogs, signs of Lyme disease can take 2-5 months to appear. Lameness and joint pain, especially in the knee and elbow joints, are often the first signs noticed with Lyme disease. This lameness may shift from leg to leg or may occur intermittently. Dogs may also have a fever. In some cases, the disease resolves on its own, but in other cases it may be long-term and may affect the kidneys and heart resulting in death. Some dogs don’t have any obvious signs so yearly testing for Lyme disease, along with heartworm testing, is highly recommended. While there is treatment available for Lyme disease, it can be difficult to treat, especially if it’s not caught early. Prevention is always easier than treatment.Many different tick preventives are available, and your veterinarian will help you chose a preventive that suits you and your pet’s lifestyle. Options include topical preventives (typically applied on a pet’s skin and at the back of the neck) such as Frontline® Plus, Bravecto® Topical Solution, and Advantix®. Chewable preventives include NexGard®, Simparica®, and Bravecto® Chew. Check your pets daily for ticks, especially if you live a high-risk area. Give your dog a full once over, but be sure to focus on the following areas: in and around the ears, around the eyelids, under the collar, between the toes, around the tail, between the back legs, and under the front legs. If you find a tick on your pet, it’s important to remove it right away. The bacteria that causes Lyme disease can pass through small cuts or wounds in your skin, so be sure to wear disposable gloves when removing ticks. Juvenile deer ticks are about the size of a pinhead but are more obvious in the adult phase and after feeding on a bloodmeal. If you find a tick attached to your pet, grasp it with tweezers near the dog’s skin and firmly pull it straight out. Pull the tick with even, steady pressure—it may take a minute of two for the tick to release its grip. If you are unable or unsure of how to remove the tick, or if the tick’s body breaks away from its head, leaving the head in the skin, contact your veterinarian. --
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