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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Trump has fewer and fewer "loyal" people around him. Apart from his offspring and paid lackeys, there are few who can stand the smell of treason.
  2. Neville? Neville Chamberlain? Is that you being channeled?
  3. Russian General Lets Slip a Secret Plan to Invade Another Country and Seize Ukraine’s Entire Coastline As Russian troops tighten their grip on the strategic port city of Mariupol, their strategy is lastly changing into clear. Russian navy commander Rustam Minnekaev now says the second phase of President Vladimir Putin’s “special operation” is concentrated on establishing a “land corridor” from the Donbas all the best way to Moldova, which might lower off the remainder of Ukraine from the ocean. “One of the tasks of the Russian army is to establish full control over the Donbas and southern Ukraine. This will provide a land corridor to the Crimea, as well as influence the vital objects of the Ukrainian economy,” Minnekaev stated Friday at a assembly with the Union of Defense Industries, as reported by the Russian state-owned Interfax. “Control over the south of Ukraine is another way out to Transnistria, where there are also facts of oppression of the Russian-speaking population.” Transnistria is a separatist area of Moldova that has to date not been formally concerned within the conflict regardless of internet hosting a Russian navy base for the reason that Nineteen Nineties. The basic’s phrases recommend that Moldova’s sovereign borders would additionally come below risk from additional Russian enlargement. Phony efforts to defend Russian-speaking peoples have usually foreshadowed Putin’s imperial invasions.
  4. Apparently the provincial government has committed as much as 25 million dollars to the project, which will convert the old Bay building into a mixture of office space and residential use.
  5. Manitoba Storm Watch #mbstorm 4:15a SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT ISSUED by Environment Canada DATE: Thursday, April 21, 2022 Strong winds, heavy snow and heavy rain for southern and Central Manitoba this weekend. Another Colorado low moving through the dakotas this weekend will affect the southern half of Manitoba from Friday morning through Monday. This system is expected to bring a wintery mix of precipitation including a swath of heavy snow from southeastern Saskatchewan through the Manitoba parklands and Interlake as well as periods of heavy rain for the Red River Valley and areas further East. Along the heaviest axis of snow, storm-total accumulations of 25 to 50 cm are expected to fall but will vary drastically throughout the rest of the province. Most areas of southeastern Manitoba will experience periods of heavy rain, at times mixed with snow or freezing rain. On Saturday, these areas may be enhanced at times by embedded thunderstorms, and could see 25 to 50 mm of rain, especially over upslope areas of the Red River Valley. Also, strong winds gusting from 60 to 90 km/h will encompass a large area of southern Manitoba, beginning Saturday, through Sunday. The strongest wind gusts on Sunday are also likely to line up with the heaviest bands of snow, bringing widespread reduced visibilities in blowing snow. Blowing snow is also possible on Saturday, but uncertainties in precipitation type (snow/rain/ice pellets) make this difficult to predict. However, the risk of reduced visibilities in blowing snow will be there wherever snow is falling in strong winds. This will likely make travel difficult in these areas. The system is expected to move into Ontario on Monday. Lingering flurries will remain for most of the province, but with no significant accumulations expected. Confidence regarding the track of this Colorado low is slowly improving but remains uncertain and deviations in the track could lead to significant changes in the projected storm-total accumulations, precipitation type and wind speeds over the Region.
  6. Pardoned traitor Michael Flynn suggests that the West should let Russia overtake Ukraine Ex-National Security Adviser and retired Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn said on Wednesday that the United States, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the European Union should cease supplying Ukraine with military aid to fend off invading Russian forces. Flynn, whose deep ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin ultimately sank his career, appeared on the right-wing propaganda show The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson and said that arming Ukraine accomplishes nothing except prolonging the conflict that Putin initiated just shy of two months ago. "If you listen to Western media, it sounds like Ukraine is holding off Russia. But if you listen to not Western media, it sounds like Russia has the upper hand. So which is it?" Robinson asked Flynn. "Yeah so first of all let me give you my judgment on sorta where we are right now. I think that anybody that continues to put, ya know, fuel on a blazing fire – meaning more weapons, more ammunition, more of the sorta warfare type stuff that's thrown into this fire – is going to keep this fire blazing for a long, long time," Flynn replied, adding that "I think that doesn't benefit anybody." https://www.alternet.org/2022/04/michael-flynn-russia-overtake-ukraine/
  7. Wow. I cannot follow your thinking at all.
  8. This is not a binary question. Banning people-killing guns is part of what needs to be done, but other measures need to take place as well. Banning the people-killing guns would begin a cultural change, and so would showing more gore on TV and in the movies.
  9. Giuliani is a loathsome excuse for a human being.
  10. Apparently when Giuliani was unmasked, two or three of the judges stood up and left.
  11. GOP Demagogue Indicted Over 2020 ‘Voter Fraud’ Violence -Reuters Far-right demagogue Steven Hotze, a Texas medical doctor who has made a career out of persecuting the LGBTQ community and pushing QAnon-fueled conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen, has been indicted on charges of unlawful restraint and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, stemming from his privately funded “investigation” into phony claims of voter fraud, according to his lawyer. News of the indictment was first reported by Fox 26 reporter Greg Groogan and confirmed by the Houston Chronicle. The incident in question occurred in October 2020, when a former Houston police captain hired by Hotze allegedly became fixated on the idea that a local air conditioning repairman supposedly in cahoots with corrupt Democrats was hiding hundreds of thousands of ballots in the back of his truck to sink Donald Trump’s chances of winning. After ramming the repairman’s vehicle and ordering him to the ground at gunpoint, Aguirre reportedly found no ballots but only air conditioning parts and tools. Aguirre, who was indicted last year on one charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, has now been reindicted on the same charges as Hotze, who spearheaded the fruitless voting probe but was not there at the time of the alleged assault, his attorney told the Chronicle.
  12. And obviously does not embarrass easily. He should fit right in once the prefrontal lobotomy is done.
  13. Tilting at windmills is much safer than tilting at real menaces.
  14. MUTINY: Chechen Fighters Executed Fed-Up Russian Troops in Ukraine As more and more reports leak out about Russian soldiers disillusioned with the war, Ukrainian intelligence says three Russian soldiers who wanted out were “brutally killed” on the spot.
  15. The fall in ratings was predicted. The GOP and some of hid own party are sabotaging Biden at every turn and big business is overtly hostile to any change on the status quo. On top of that, Faux News is spreading lie after lie and the rabid right-wing has allied itself with neo-Nazis, fundamentalist churches to disseminated the same BS. To me, it seems that Putin's agenda to make Americans distrustful and cynical about their political system has worked incredibly well. The core message of all these is what our current premier recently said: you're on your own.
  16. Severe punishment are only a temporary deterrent at best. At one time people (including children) were hanged for stealing or had one hand cut off, but that changed nothing. I have worked with offenders and none were ever deterred by the threat of consequences- they either did not think they would get caught or didn't give a damn due to being in the grip of a psychosis or in such emotional turmoil that they felt compelled to what they did. The US has the highest percentage of incarcerated people in the world but still has one of the highest incidences of violent crime. The roots of crime are in poverty, childhood abuse/neglect, addiction, lack of education (and hope for a decent future) and mental illness. Unless we deal with the root causes, we will still be having this discussion 50 years from now. Most criminals are not all that different than you or me, but at some point in their lives, their life experiences caused them to turn left instead of right.
  17. Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Tampered With And Had Files Added To It According to an independent investigation and the person who recovered the device, Hunter Biden’s laptop had files added to it after it left his possession. The Washington Post’s experts and the man who owned the computer repair store both came to the same conclusion that files were added to Hunter Biden’s laptop after it left his possession. The Washington Post reported: “The experts found the data had been repeatedly accessed and copied by people other than Hunter Biden over nearly three years,” our report explained, with those we spoke with being unable to “reach definitive conclusions about the contents as a whole, including whether all of it originated from a single computer or could have been assembled from files from multiple computers and put on the portable drive.” What Mac Isaac said next, though, is what was most noteworthy. When he did his “deep dive,” he said, he “saw a lot of photos” — but “did not see a lot of photos that are being reported to [have been] seen.” “I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year-and-a-half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in, not physically, but passing off this misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,” he said. “And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive and to jeopardize that is going to mean that everything that I sacrificed will be for nothing.” The fact that the laptop was tampered with and there are new warnings from the PC repair shop owner about the possibility that disinformation was inserted on it casts doubt on the authenticity of anything that Republicans are going to attempt to use to impeach President Biden and make him a one-term president. The Washington Post story also reports that someone tried to add files to the laptop one week after the initial New York Post story was published. The laptop has been corrupted. At the time that the laptop surfaced, Rudy Guiliani had been working for years to get Russian disinformation into the media about Biden.
  18. From Faux News fanning the flames of racism in the US:
  19. Some exes really hold grudges, obviously.
  20. No doubt the Bombers could create a workaround. A mysterious benefactor could provide Hansen with a vehicle, paid promotional work, housing, gift cards for restaurants etc. Riders were doing that for decades.
  21. It may have been updated after I checked it, but when I did so, it was not listed as false. Or maybe I didn't read it properly.
  22. Have you forgotten assault rifles and automatic weapons? Any firearm designed to kill people ought to be banned.
  23. I do not think I am alone in believing that people-killing firearms ought to be banned altogether, but absolutely in the minority. However, this is a discussion that needs to happen and needs to begins somewhere and sometime soon. Sometimes, these discussions plant seeds that take a while to grow to fruition.
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