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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. The scary thing is that this is legal- the only hitch would be the Biden cabinet revolting and impeaching Harris. Not likely, but who would have thought that a racist, misogynistic criminal like Trump would have been elected in the first place?
  2. Stupid is as stupid does. It seems to me that a political party can become so insular that the only voices they hear are their own and become totally divorced from reality. I was in Saskatchewan (don't judge me) for the last year or so of the Grant Devine regime, and, in the opinion of a writer for the Regina Leader-Post, they governed like an army of occupation because they knew that they had no chance of returning to any significant number of seats in the pending election, let alone power. I see the current provincial PCs in the same position. They will try to hang all of the pas faux on Stefanson without saying it out loud and pray earnestly that voters have a short memory. After the election, they may be so ravaged that they change their name, as did the Saskatchewan PCs.
  3. The whole point of being a dictator is to have no accountability, is it not?
  4. Roger Stone unveils a doozy of a plan to install Donald Trump as president Longtime right-wing political henchman Roger Stone on Thursday revealed his new plan to install Donald Trump into the presidency. Speaking to the Republican Accountability Project, Stone shared his blueprint for, as he sees it, rectifying the crime of Trump's defeat to President Joe Biden in the 2020 election. The three-point plan goes as follows: First, Stone expects the House of Representatives to elect Trump as its Speaker if they retake control of the lower congressional chamber in this year's midterm elections. This is permitted in the United States Constitution. Literally, anybody whom a majority of the House chooses can hold the gavel as long as they meet the basic qualifications for getting elected, which in the House is any citizen 25 years of age and up. Next, Stone predicts that Biden's Cabinet will invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. Over what, he did not say. In the final stage, according to Stone, Congress will impeach and remove Vice President Kamala Harris for refusing to promote ivermectin, a deworming medication used in horses, as an effective treatment against COVID-19. It is not. At that point, with Biden and Harris out of office, Trump would ascend to the presidency via the line of succession. https://www.alternet.org/2022/03/roger-stone-install-donald-trump/
  5. In my view, there is. Our Creator is not portrayed and as detached, vengeful deity condemning for even minor transgressions, but as endlessly patient parent who does not need intermediaries, but is capable and willing to connect to and guide us. This view diminishes the roles of clergy and organized religion and places the responsibility for our choices on us. Little wonder that many churches discount this gospel as heretical.
  6. "Christianity" as it is practiced in many places all around the world bears little to no resemblance to what it started out as. There is only one gospel book the gospel of Thomas which has not gone through multiple translations and editing. Thomas was the disciple whom Jesus who became the Christ spoke often with in private and so often that several of the other disciples were jealous. The book, "Beyond Belief- The Gospel of Thomas" was translated directly from Aramaic after it was found in a Coptic Church in Egypt in 1948. The theologian who wrote it was motivated by the pain and grief following the loss of her son and sought comfort from scripture that was not shaped by rich angry old men. It is a wonderful, enlightening read and paints a dramatically different picture of the teachings of the Christ.
  7. Not allowed in most US states, and I would bet that the states with the most restrictive abortion laws all have banned it. America has not been a sane place for several decades now.
  8. Idaho's Proposed Abortion Ban Lets Rapists' Families Profit Off Bounties “If I have an abortion, it is no business of my brother, my brother-in-law, his wife or anyone else in my family,” a Democratic state lawmaker said. An Idaho bill that would allow a pregnant woman’s family members to sue abortion providers also includes a controversial twist. It would allow a rapist’s family members to sue the victim’s doctor under the same proposal, the legislation’s Republican sponsor confirmed this week. The Idaho bill, S.B. 1309, is modeled after Texas’ 6-week abortion ban that went into effect in September. It’s different, however, in that it limits who can sue once a woman obtains an abortion. Under the Idaho law, abortion providers can be sued by the patient, the father of a fetus or their family members. The bill does include an exception for rape or incest, although it forces women to file a police report and provide it to a physician. If a woman fails to do so before an abortion, the rapist’s family members could sue and collect damages. Damages start at $20,000, raising concerns a patient’s abortion could allow others to greatly profit off the bounties. The bill is broad enough that abortion advocates worry it will effectively ban abortion in the state at around 6 weeks when many women don’t yet know they’re pregnant. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/idaho-texas-abortion-ban-rapists_n_6232b8bae4b046c938d6ac96
  9. Idaho County GOP Tried to Infiltrate Dems, Steal Their Cash & Install ‘F-list Antisemitic Troll’ to Lead Them Republicans in Kootenai County, Idaho are changing their party affiliations—not because they’re fed up with the GOP but because they’re trying to infiltrate a local Democratic party and carry out a hostile takeover. The plot, first reported by the Coeur d’Alene Press last week, is only the latest bizarre stunt by one of the nation’s most off-the-rails Republican committees. This week on Fever Dreams, hosts Asawin Suebsaeng and Kelly Weill take a virtual road trip to Kootenai County, where local Republicans have recently passed resolutions endorsing the far-right John Birch Society and immigrations privileges for a leader of Austria’s white nationalist scene. A new recorded phone call from a Kootenai County GOP leader appears to reveal a plot to, in the leader’s own words, “take over the Democrat Party” by installing covert Republicans in uncontested Democratic leadership races. If successful, Kootenai Republicans allegedly planned to redirect Democratic funds to conservative causes, and to install the antisemitic troll Dave Reilly as the new Democratic leader. “Reilly is sort of this F-list antisemitic troll,” Weill says. “He recently ran for school board in the area, despite saying he would never enroll children in public schools.” Reilly appeared to confirm the plot on Thursday, tweeting that “today, I registered as a Democrat and filed to become a Precinct Captain.” The tweet, which included a picture of Reilly’s apparent voter registration, went on to accuse Democrats of “Left Wing Extremism.” It’s a bizarre plot—one that could just as easily be achieved, Suebsaeng says, “by winning over more people there so they’re voting for you, thus depriving the Democratic party of any actual power in the area.” https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/idaho-county-gop-tried-infiltrate-081309933.html
  10. Nostalgia ain't what it used to be.
  11. A Tory doing Tory things. Nothing to see here. Move along now.
  12. Trump explains to Fox News host that there's "a lot of love" behind Putin's invasion of Ukraine Donald Trump claimed that there is "a lot of love" behind Russian President Vladimir Putin's devastating invasion of Ukraine, which has already resulted in hundreds of civilian casualties. The former president's bizarre remarks came during a Sunday radio interview with Fox News host Jeanine Pirro, who asked Trump about the deadly incursion. "He's got a big ego," Trump said of Putin. "Again, I know him very well ... I understand he's gotten rid of a lot of his generals." Trump also speculated that the Russian president felt "cornered," suggesting that Putin might commit "unspeakable" acts of warfare if the invasion doesn't go his way. Later in the segment, the former president argued that Putin is on a conquest to restore the Soviet Union. "You say, what's the purpose of this? They had a country," Trump explained. "You could see it was a country where there was a lot of love and we're doing it because, you know, somebody wants to make his country larger or he wants to put it back the way it was when actually it didn't work very well." https://www.salon.com/2022/03/16/explains-to-fox-news-host-that-theres-a-lot-of-love-behind-putins-invasion-of-ukraine/
  13. I believe that I have posted it here before, but anyone wanting an inside look at the American electrical system should search out the documentary, "Power Trip" by Jonathan and Drew Scott of H&G fame.
  14. Agreed. I think she was probably chosen to be a sacrificial offering. She has been so inept as to get people to forget how bad Pallister was, yet better than she has been. Any PC leader who can string sentences together and not crap all over themselves will look good by comparison. Its the only card the PCs have to play.
  15. Anyone that wants SAP medical service can head down to the US. The biggest arguments against private medical care is that immediately you create a two-tier system and experience has shown that for-profit medical care prizes profit at the expense of providing care. This has been revealed in the nursing home infections/death rates in private care homes here in Manitoba vs public not-for-profit facilities, and the Australian experience has been similar. My wife had a mother in a private care facility in Ontario, and it was a bad experience.
  16. Don't be sexist- its "Snowpeople", unless, of course, they have snowballs. Then they could properly be called snowmen.
  17. A leading competitor for "stupidest politician in America", but with all the idiots, she is by no means a shoo-in for the title.
  18. Lotsa plagiarism going on.
  19. He and our former mayor are as crooked as used nails. Nice to see justice meted out.
  20. So far, Putin's troops have killed a total of four journalists in Ukraine- three males and one female. The two males were stopped at a Russian checkpoint but were shot for unknown reasons. An intercepted and recorded radio conversation between Russian troops near Kyiv revealed that they had been told to see civilians as targets of opportunity.
  21. "Some of you will die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make"
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