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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I find it disheartening that someone like Obby Khan who appears to be reasonably intelligent, would first run for a party that has a long history of racial intolerance and then parroting a catchphrase synonymous with a disgraced premier who fumbled the pandemic responses so as to not alienate his core supporters whose shoe sizes are roughly similar to their IQs.
  2. Today in an interview, Madison Cawthorne admitted that he brought more than one firearm to the January 6th attempted insurrection. It will be interesting to see if there will be any consequences to this. Probably not.
  3. But is he worth bringing in for a looksee?
  4. CNN reported: The Biden-led sanctions have caused the Russian economy to collapse and soon default on its debt. Russia has sent the clearest signal yet that it will soon default — the first time it will have failed to meet its foreign debt obligations since the Bolshevik revolution more than a century ago. The default could come as early as Wednesday, when Moscow needs to hand over $117 million in interest payments on dollar-denominated government bonds, according to JPMorgan Chase. Although Russia has issued bonds that can be repaid in multiple currencies since 2018, these payments must be made in US dollars. Putin can’t pay Russia’s debts because most of the country’s dollars are frozen due to Biden’s sanctions. Russia is brutalizing Ukraine with its military, but the Russian economy is living on borrowed time. President Biden’s sanctions are working. The Russian economy has reached its worst point in the last one hundred years because of Biden’s leadership. Putin could end the invasion today, but the economic damage will linger on in Russia for years. Putin had one card to play, and that is his military. A crippled Russian economy will not be able to keep its war machine funded. The Russian dictator may think he is winning the battle, but the world will win the war.
  5. So named because of his fondness for Burger King offerings. Wait until he has a Fatboy.
  6. Leaked Kremlin Memo Told Russian Media To Feature Lots Of Tucker Carlson: Report The Kremlin asked state-controlled Russian media to highlight Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s broadcasts “as much as possible” due to his criticisms of the U.S. and its NATO allies in his coverage of the Ukraine crisis, Mother Jones reported. A leaked 12-page memo from a Russian government agency to media on March 3 said “it is essential to use as much as possible fragments of broadcasts” by Carlson, according to a translation by Mother Jones, which said it obtained the note from a contributor to a national Russian media outlet. Carlson “sharply criticizes” the actions of the U.S. and NATO and their “negative role in unleashing the conflict in Ukraine,” the memo said, per the news site. Carlson is also critical of the “defiantly provocative behavior from the leadership of the Western countries and NATO towards the Russian Federation and towards President Putin, personally,” it reportedly continued. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-kremlin-memo-to-media_n_622eab62e4b0fe0944d7a6b1
  7. Mostly Ukrainian news channel on the net.
  8. Apparently the hospitals, morgues and triage stations in Belarus are overloaded with Russian casualties and fatalities. An eighty man Russian elite commando unit has refused to deploy to Ukraine and some 200 sailors in Crimea have refused to leave their barracks.
  9. The GOP has not given up on the strategy of the individual state governments arbitrarily choosing who their electors will be if they do not like the popular vote
  10. But there was something rotten there.
  11. "Star"?
  12. And when these idiots lose again, they will not question their beliefs, they will seethe with indignance and claim fraud. They cannot admit that they are so out of touch with most voters that they will lose a lot more often than win.
  13. Even if Trump does not really intend to run, he will keep up the pretense as long as possible to grift every last possible penny from his deluded followers.
  14. No. Russia sits on the Security Council and has vetoed every criticism. It would also veto any military intervention.
  15. Premiers Kenny, Moe and Sefanson's inspiration for dealing with COVID crisis revealed:
  16. I was thinking more along the lines of a sheep-dip trench.
  17. And Blackflies like you wouldn't believe.
  18. I have a good memory- just not very long. My wife would say that description fits me in other ways as well.
  19. No PCR tests. Period.
  20. Bob Irving ought to be there. He has been associated with the Bombers for so long and so well that he has earned it.
  21. This from someone who is facing jail time for driving with a suspended license.
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