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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. That is not too far a stretch in tort law. If you provide say, a baseball bat to someone apt to do damage with that bat, you do bear culpability. In the US, which is not a perfect precedent, Remington firearms was forced to pay out $75 million to the victims and families of the Sandy Hook slaughter.
  2. CBC is reporting that 1200 Manitobans have donated to the protesters. It seems to me that if you fund a movement, you should also be financially liable for any damages the protesters do.
  3. I fear this will end the criminal prosecution against Randy Andy. It still amazes and saddens me about how, in the US, money salves all wounds and how few go to prison. A commentary on American society, i guess.
  4. Part of the bizarreness about the whole Coutts/Emerson situations is that if the 16 armed and armoured felons were in any other circumstances other than representing the nutbar fringe of the right-wing base of the two governments, not only would the premiers be screaming for federal government help, they would be also demanding that the police go in with guns blazing. The current responses are cowardly and hypocritical. I have been in protests at the Lege in the 70's against Candian involvement in Viet Nam and other issues, and there were lots of police around but they were given no reason to come at us, apart from some (in retrospect) fairly mild insults at them. The lack of condemnation from our premier made the protesters feel like they were and are being given tacit support. And with good reason.
  5. Doubtless he jumped before he was pushed by the mayor. Sloly has not handled the situation well.
  6. Ridiculous Lauren Boebert Claims Freedom Convoy is “Representative of a People’s Yearning for Freedom” Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Col.) once again defended the Freedom Convoy, the ongoing protest led by Canadian truckers who’ve pushed back against COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The convoy has continued to garner headlines amid concerns that organizers and groups have been involved with white nationalist contingents, QAnon, and other far-right groups. Boebert made the bold claim that the Freedom Convoy “is representative of a people’s yearning for freedom – something so many thought may have been all but lost to decadence.” “I’m glad to see the will to fight for liberty is still alive and well!” she said sarcastically. Ridiculous Lauren Boebert Claims Freedom Convoy is "Representative of a People's Yearning for Freedom" (politicususa.com) (This from someone who fears the "gazpacho police")
  7. The obvious machinations going on have really turned me off. Its probably always been there, but never so in-your-face.
  8. Another armed protester arrested at Coutts today and another firearm seized,
  9. Truckers Resurrect Bananas Theory About Trudeau’s Real Dad Americans have not cornered the market on bananas conspiracy theories. The Canadian truckers who blocked a bridge to the U.S. over vaccine mandates have seized one that was debunked ages ago about Justin Trudeau. “There was a release of some of their online chat rooms and… they think that Fidel Castro is actually the biological father of Justin Trudeau, our prime minister,” Canadian author and frequent New Abnormal guest Jeet Heer tells co-host Molly Jong-Fast. Molly, naturally, is flabbergasted. “I thought this was pretty stupid, but I had no idea,” she says of the so-called “Freedom Convoy." Truckers Resurrect Bananas Theory About Trudeau’s Real Dad (thedailybeast.com)
  10. That, and other turkeys of that mindset are claiming that these are "agents provocateurs". sent personally by Trudeau.
  11. And free, albeit questionable, publicity.
  12. The arrests at Coutts is up to 12 now. Among the firearms recovered were multiple sets of body armour, high-capacity ammuntion maagazines and even a machete. Nothing to see here. Move along now. The following is a series of quotes from the premiers of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta as well as CPC members of parliament about the weapons and combat materiel:
  13. Any port in a storm.
  14. This afternoon, three armed individuals were arrested at Emerson. But its all peaceful protests.
  15. Predictably, the premiers of Quebec, Manitoba, Saskabush and Alberta have declined federal help. And apparently, 11 individuals at Coutts. Alberta have been arrested and about a dozen sidearms and long guns confiscated. Pretty obvious they were looking for a violent confrontation.
  16. The Russians have invaded and occupied Ukraine too many times to count, so they probably have it down to a science by now,
  17. Don't know if this has already been posted, but the WPS has heroically leapt into action at the legislature on the weekend, arresting two counter-protesters, who just happened to be aboriginal. Medals will be presented soon.
  18. We've had enough fourletterwording blizzards, thank you.
  19. I wouldn't get too worried about this. An armed conflict would be a lose-lose-lose scenario for all involved. Russia is ruled by oligarchs who have come to love winters in Nice or the Costa Del Sol and all the perks that come with wealth. A war would cripple the Russian economy, which is only the size of Spain's, for years. This is a giganitic penis contest, and unless something really stupid happens, the worst that will occur is some minor skirmishes.
  20. ‘Alt-Right Armory’ podcast host and father arrested for illegal firearms possession A right-wing activist known for hosting a podcast about firearms along with his 67-year-old father has been arrested on federal charges of illegal possession of firearms, according to federal prosecutors. Joseph Paul Berger, the 32-year-old host of the podcast “Alt-Right Armory,” was indicted along with his father, Joseph Raymond Berger. Both are from Bethlehem in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and the announcement of their arrest came on Thursday, February 10 from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Business Insider’s Kelsey Vlamis quotes William S. Walker, an acting special agent for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as saying, “This father-and-son duo possessed a small armory of firearms in their home, including more than a dozen machine guns and silencers. This type of fire-power is incredibly dangerous if in the wrong hands.” The indictment, according to Vlamis, alleged that the Bergers illegally possessed 13 fully automatic machine guns and 12 silencers. ‘Alt-Right Armory’ podcast host and father arrested for illegal firearms possession - Alternet.org
  21. And here it is...finally out in the open in Wisconsin
  22. I have a number of medical doctors and nurses in my social circle and EVERY ONE of them are taking every precaution as much as their jobs allow.
  23. According to CBC radio news, one OPP officer and two JTF4 soldiers have posted support for the occupiers on social media.
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