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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Strongly disagree. Making a decision on a hunch may work in poker, but when the vaccine has undergone thousands of tests and was developed independently in a half-dozen labs coordinating development and sharing data, it no longer an article of faith. It is hard, replicable science. Logic can be flawed, but science, though imperfect, does not respond to emotion. And yes, there is a degree of risk, but risk is inherent in every aspect of everyday life. We need to look at the data and assess risk vs reward.
  2. Bombers are probably missing a goldmine by not producing a Bomber Grey Cup victory documentary along with never-seen interviews with players, coaches, broadcasters (looking at you, Bob Irving) and fans of both teams. I sure as spit would buy one, and I know of a good local film director.
  3. Those who have made the decision to not be vaccinated have done so on an emotional basis, and emotional decisions do not respond well to logic, even if that logic is well-founded in science and experience.
  4. Love the way he fights for and gets the contested catches. Not superfast but seems to get open a lot.
  5. The problem is that even fully vaccinated, you can still be both asymptomatic and a carrier.
  7. It has already been established in Canadian Law that parents have a duty to ensure the health and welfare of dependent children and adults. So, how would you deal with parents who neither get vaccinated nor have their children vaccinated? Successful prosecutions and apprehensions have already happened when parents have chosen to feed their dependents on bizarre or unhealthy diets or refuse them venous transfusions, insulin, etc.
  8. This was absolutely a desperation move by the Lions who are trying to regain credibility in their market. Can't say I blame them- if was a Lions fan, I would have wanted this.
  9. On Sunday, I happened to look at Facebook where CBC posted our federal Minister of Health's comments about the possibility of mandatory vaccinations. The responses were hysterical and on the verge of threatening violence. Sounded for all the world like something posters in Texas would say. Sad and a little scary.
  10. Aiken has certainly put himself in the crosshairs of the lunatic fringe with this blunt criticism of Trump and Trumpites.
  11. Lucky Whitehead has re-signed with the Lions.
  12. The American political system is fatally biased against the average American. Corporations can donate as much money to candidates as they wish, gerrymandering is a common practice, non-Caucasian voters are suppressed and "corporations are people". Every political system has flaws, but the US system is grotesquely warped.
  13. Jan. 6 committee turns up forged documents declaring Trump the election winner in pivotal states: report The House select committee has been investigating Donald Trump’s efforts to pressure individual states to declare him the winner of the 2020 election. Lawmakers investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection have obtained thousands of records from state officials — including forged certificates declaring him the winner in both Arizona and Michigan — and interviewed numerous witnesses, including the Democratic secretaries of state in each of those states, reported Politico. “They mostly discussed election administration in Arizona, the 2020 elections, threats/harassment directed toward the office, and the Cyber Ninja’s partisan ballot review,” said a spokesperson for Arizona secretary of state Katie Hobbs. Arizona took legal action against one of the pro-Trump “sovereign citizen” group, whose leader met with Rudy Giuliani in December 2020, by sending a cease-and-desist letter ordering them to stop using the state seal and referred the matter to the state attorney general. “By affixing containing false and misleading information about the results of Arizona’s November 3, 2020 General Election, you undermine the confidence in our democratic institutions” Hobbs wrote to one of the pro-Trump groups. Jan. 6 committee turns up forged documents declaring Trump the election winner in pivotal states: report - Alternet.org
  14. This season is sort of a payback for the prior season where, apparently due to lingering injury effects, he was less than stellar, but was paid the big dollars.
  15. They haven't needed social media to display and confirm that some have the IQs and personal awareness of potatoes.
  16. Another one bites the dust: Anti-Vax Podcaster Doug Kuzma Dies Of COVID-19 After Attending Right-Wing Rally Anti-vaccine podcaster Doug Kuzma, a QAnon follower who contracted COVID-19 after attending a large right-wing gathering last month, has died. Kuzma, 61, of Newport News, Virginia, became ill shortly after the three-day “ReAwaken America” event in Dallas, which featured former Trump national security adviser and felon Michael Flynn. Few people wore masks at the event. After several attendees became ill following the rally, some claimed without evidence that they had been secretly poisoned with anthrax.
  19. Ted Cruz's own daughter has publicly disowned him, so you know who he is.
  20. Kongbo didn't light up the CFL with his play so far. He is good, but not great (IMO) and his biggest asset is his passport. He will probably sign with another CFL team desperate for homegrown talent.
  21. When you have nothing else, fantasy is your fall-back.
  22. The interesting thing is that what the astronomers are seeing now actually happened millions of years ago.
  23. And, once again, this will deter the rest of the covidiots not one whit.
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