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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. He has been very good on third-and-one plunges but that's about it.
  2. No team is going to fight to sign McGuire, if his performance this year was any indication. He should consider himself fortunate if the Bombers want him back.
  3. The probability is that the producers got wind of this long before it became public and may have even convinced (read:paid) the complainants to hold off until they got their strategies figured out.
  4. From credible reports, she was very self-destructive when in the depths of her partying, which triggered the parental involvement. You may have noticed that in none of the reports, were there any mention of funds being misused or inappropriately taken. That would have been embezzlement.
  5. You don't suppose the two things are connected, do you?
  6. Ack Ack. Ackackack! We need Slim Whitman on standby.
  7. We're just plebians and they are the patricians, so..... different rules. One projection I saw indicated that when the Omicron variant peaks, we could be up to as high as 1000 new cases per day in Manitoba. Thank God that its not as lethal as its predecessors.
  8. And Gweneth Paltrow is selling a perfume that apparently smells like her orgasm. I do not want to go into this news item more than this.
  9. Bethel Thompson might become available. I am not sure he would take the pay cut but behind a decent O-line and good receivers, he ought to be serviceable.
  10. The insanity and violence has not gotten any better since summertime, so I would not be surprised if he and his family decided to stay put here for awhile.
  11. This sounds like an epitaph.
  12. Fauci: COVID-19 Boosters Are Enough To Fight Omicron Variant Data shows that boosters are effective in preventing serious illness from the new variant. But effectiveness drops for those who haven't received an extra shot. A vaccine specifically targeting the omicron coronavirus variant is not needed so long as individuals are entirely caught up on their vaccines, including their booster shot, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday, citing recent data on vaccine longevity. “Our booster regimens work against omicron,” the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said at a White House press briefing that featured supporting data from the agency, as well as from vaccine maker Pfizer-BioNTech, Rockefeller University in New York, and South African clinical studies. “At this point, there is no need for a variant-specific booster.” The data presented, some of which was preliminary, showed that individuals continue to have substantial omicron-fighting antibodies weeks after receiving a booster shot, with one study showing a 38-fold increase in neutralizing activity. But this wasn’t the case for those who had received only two doses of an mRNA vaccine, such as the ones produced by Pfizer and Moderna. Fauci: COVID-19 Boosters Are Enough To Fight Omicron Variant | HuffPost Latest News
  13. Apparently not all that imminent.
  14. Thanks for the deference. WOW! He had best start planning what to do with the pending load of manure coming his way.
  15. It really bothers me that our provincial government and Department of Health keep rolling out the numbers all the while wringing their hands and spouting platitudes. People are dying, dammit! Even more worrisome is that projections show this wave peaking in late January, and that is providing that no new variants appear. Apparently restricting the movements of the unvaccinated and people in general is not being considered as is severe prosecution of scofflaws.
  16. As the cream rises to the top, it gets skimmed off. Inevitable.
  17. Isn't that the very definition of a good defence and good defensive players?
  18. I suspect that because of the dramatic win following a 1 year hiatus of the CFL, it will feel like a long, long time before 2022 training camp opens, despite the late ending of the current season. I don't know about others, but I can't wait.
  19. Pfizer Study Confirms COVID Pill's Results, Potency Versus Omicron Pfizer said Tuesday that its experimental COVID-19 pill appears effective against the omicron variant. The company also said full results of its 2,250-person study confirmed the pill’s promising early results against the virus: The drug reduced combined hospitalizations and deaths by about 89% among high-risk adults when taken shortly after initial COVID-19 symptoms. Separate laboratory testing shows the drug retains its potency against the omicron variant, the company announced, as many experts had predicted. Pfizer tested the antiviral drug against a man-made version of a key protein that omicron uses to reproduce itself. The updates come as COVID-19 cases, deaths and hospitalization are all rising again and the U.S. hovers around 800,000 pandemic deaths. The latest surge, driven by the delta variant, is accelerating due to colder weather and more indoor gatherings, even as health officials brace for the impact of the emerging omicron mutant. The Food and Drug Administration is expected to soon rule on whether to authorize Pfizer’s pill and a competing pill from Merck, which was submitted to regulators several weeks earlier. If granted, the pills would be the first COVID-19 treatments that Americans could pickup at a pharmacy and take at home. Pfizer Study Confirms COVID Pill's Results, Potency Versus Omicron | HuffPost Latest News
  20. But we have been told by the Minister of Health that this administration is well prepared to handle the pandemic and its consequences. Surely, she and they wouldn't lie to us, would they?
  22. Further insanity: Trump and his advisors are openly advising people to ignore the subpoenas issued by the Congressional committee. How this is not illegal, I have no idea.
  23. Fox News personnel average IQs may now be described in single digits.
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