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  1. Michael Nesmith, Singer and Guitarist of The Monkees, Dies at 78 ‘ Michael Nesmith, the singer, guitarist, and one of the final surviving members of The Monkees, died of natural causes Friday, his family told Rolling Stone. He was 78. “With Infinite Love we announce that Michael Nesmith has passed away this morning in his home, surrounded by family, peacefully and of natural causes,” his family said in a statement. “We ask that you respect our privacy at this time and we thank you for the love and light that all of you have shown him and us.”
  2. This will continue. The only answer is to charge any parent who does not get their kids vaccinated and those kids get very sick or die with criminal negligence. The same should hold true for community leaders (clergy and elected officials) who advocate for people to avoid vaccination with the same result.
  3. It has to be a major incentive for a lineman to come into a team and culture where the O-linemen are dominant, appreciated and coached to be their best.
  4. And the evangelicals are devastated at this miscarriage of justice.
  5. If these same people who are comparing health restrictions to Nazi Germany thought that comparing them to the Smurfs would agitate their targets, they would do that instead.
  6. Revealed: Mark Meadows possessed 'insane' blueprint for military seizing ballots after Trump's 2020 defeat Details of documents in the possession of former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows show that there was a blueprint for members of the National Guard and U.S. Marshals to take control of the U.S. election system following former President Donald Trump's defeat. After Meadows decided to abruptly withdraw his cooperation with the House Jan. 6 Select Committee on Tuesday, Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) revealed that Meadows had provided the committee with an email containing a 38-page PowerPoint slideshow titled "Election Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN." Author Karen Piper reviewed portions of the slideshow and concluded that it was "nuts." "It's the craziest thing I've ever seen," Piper wrote on Twitter. She also described the document as "insane." One slide explains how National Guard in each state would be federalized to count only "legitimate" paper ballots. Meanwhile, U.S. Marshals would be tasked with providing a "protective perimeter around the locations." "A Trusted Lead Counter will be appointed with authority from the POTUS to direct the actions of select federalized National Guard units and support from DOJ, DHS and other US government agencies as needed to complete a recount of the legal paper ballots for the federal elections in all 50 states," the document states. Other recommendations include declaring a national security emergency. All electronic votes would be declared invalid under the plan and NASA astronaut Sid Gutierrez was slated to lead the task force. The slideshow is dated Jan. 5, 2021, which was just one day before Trump incited a riot at the U.S. Capitol. Revealed: Mark Meadows possessed 'insane' blueprint for military seizing ballots after Trump's 2020 defeat - Alternet.org
  7. Sen. Ron Johnson Falsely Says Mouthwash 'Has Been Proven To Kill The Coronavirus'. It hasn't, but the Wisconsin Republican is still spitting out COVID-19 conspiracy theories. Republican Sen. Ron Johnson told supporters Wednesday that mouthwash is proven to be effective against COVID-19, continuing his trend of spreading dangerous misinformation about the disease and its treatments. “By the way, standard gargle, mouthwash, has been proven to kill the coronavirus. If you get it, you may reduce viral replication. Why not try all these things?” he said during a telephone town hall with Wisconsin constituents. “It just boggles my mind that the NIH continues to tell people, ‘Do nothing, you know, maybe take Tylenol.’” Mouthwash companies and researchers in the field have drawn no such conclusions. Listerine, the top-selling mouthwash brand in the U.S., specifically states on its website that its product is “not intended to prevent or treat COVID-19 and should be used only as directed on the product label.” “No evidence-based clinical conclusions can be drawn with regards to the anti-viral efficacy of Listerine Antiseptic mouthwash at this time,” it says. Johnson has a long history of spreading COVID-19 conspiracy theories and anti-vaccine misinformation. He has promoted the use of unproven and potentially dangerous treatments such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and he’s cast doubt on the efficacy and motive behind the vaccines ― which have been proven safe and effective to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Sen. Ron Johnson Falsely Says Mouthwash 'Has Been Proven To Kill The Coronavirus' | HuffPost Latest News
  8. Any inconsistency was the result of a rapidly evolving scenario but at no point did they say that the vaccination was unnecessary.
  9. But think of all the money that is being saved.
  10. Study says third shot of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine protects well against omicron variant Fears about the omicron variant's ability to evade vaccines may end up being overblown — at least, if enough humans are inoculated with a third dose of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine. According to Pfizer-BioNTech, the third dose or "booster" dose of their patented vaccine protects patients against the mutant SARS-CoV-2 virus strain with an effectiveness comparable to how two doses defend against other common strains. The company determined this based on laboratory studies which revealed analogous levels of neutralizing antibodies, or the proteins produced by the immune system to identify and kill pathogens. There was a 25-fold drop in these neutralizing antibodies among patients who had only received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine, suggesting that the omicron variant may be able to more easily evade the protections in people who lack the extra dose. By contrast, if future research replicates these results, it indicates that three doses of the Pfizer shot will likely be enough to keep the vast majority of patients from developing serious infections. Study says third shot of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine protects well against omicron variant | Salon.com
  11. MORE STUPIDITY FLEECING THE IDIOTS Anti-vaxxers are pushing this cocktail as a 'treatment’'for COVID-19 vaccines: report One of the kookiest claims of anti-vaxxers is that they can “reverse” a COVID-19 vaccination if someone has been vaccinated but now regrets it. According to the Daily Beast’s Mark Hay, the Niatonin Protocol is a mixture that anti-vaxxers have been promoting on a Telegram channel — although the person who developed it denies being an anti-vaxxer. “A few months ago,” Hay explains, “a channel popped up in the anti-vaccine recesses of the fringe-friendly social media platform Telegram and began extolling the virtues of the ‘Niatonin Protocol,’ a daily regimen of high doses of niacin, butyric acid, and a few other supplements. The exact cocktail is situational and ever-shifting. Through a barrage of anonymous anecdotes and jumbled, supposedly scientific explanations, the group argued this program was a surefire ‘antidote’ for the dangers — some real but rare, others seemingly invented — that they associate with safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines.” But Dmitry Kats, who developed the Niatonin Protocol, stressed to the Beast that he doesn’t consider himself an anti-vaxxer. Kats told the Beast, “I don’t want people to think this is particularly for vaccine injury-related issues. I’m not anti-vax at all…. I feel like it’s working brilliantly for many people.” Nonetheless, Hay notes, Kats participates in the Telegram channel “actively and frequently.” “On other platforms across the web — podcasts, videos, social media — he’s shared memes that position his protocol as a vaccine-injury treatment, appeared to equate elements of the effects of the vaccines and those of COVID-19 itself,” Hay observes. Anti-vaxxers are pushing this cocktail as a 'treatment’'for COVID-19 vaccines: report - Alternet.org
  12. It will interesting to hear what he says when, inevitably, the axe falls on him.
  13. Rourke did look all that good at the start of the season, but go noticeably better as time and repetitions went on. I would take him over the two backups we have now on the basis of their recent performances. And yes, he is a Canuck and I am a homer.
  14. We have had two years of continuous messages about the severity of the pandemic and the necessity of ALL of us getting vaccinated to protect not only ourselves and our loved ones, but also to protect members of our communities who cannot be vaccinated for legitimate reasons. Apart from a few utterly bizarre people, there is no debate. Those who have chosen to ignore hard science and history are so rigid in their ideation, that literally nothing will change them.
  15. But but but...our minister of health has assured us yesterday that the system is doing just fine and can be scaled up at any time if necessary. Would she lie to us? Impossible!
  16. Whoever eats it probably won't recall where they got it from.
  17. Sad to say, this is likely refractory and terminal.
  18. The real risk of heart inflammation to kids is from COVID-19—not the vaccine (nationalgeographic.com) Covid-19 and Children: How Often Do Vaccines Cause Heart Problems? - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  19. I cannot give you a citation, but a recent survey showed ZERO negative effects on cardiac function in vaccinated children. There have been a very few isolated cases of adults who experienced cardiac inflammation, but there have been unverified suspicions that these were the result of pre-existing conditions.
  20. This is all just a penis contest. Nothing will come of it, but Russia's principle goal is to ensure that Ukraine does not become part of NATO.
  21. Do not assume that because someone has MD after their name, they actually have smarts. Remember that at Jonesville, there were two doctors who fed cyanide to people, including their own children, there is a pediatrician in Texas who believes in demon seed sperm causing gayness, and several anti-vaxxer medical doctors held a pro-Ivermectin forum at (appropriately) an equestrian event- and promptly became infected. Their distorted thinking, if you can call it that, is beyond me, and I am used to talking to people with issues (present company exempted).
  22. Pfizer Says COVID-19 Booster Offers Protection Against Omicron Pfizer said Wednesday that a booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine may protect against the new omicron variant even though the initial two doses appear significantly less effective. Pfizer and its partner BioNTech said lab tests showed a booster dose increased by 25-fold the level of so-called neutralizing antibodies against omicron. Pfizer announced the preliminary laboratory data in a press release and it hasn’t yet undergone scientific review. The companies already are working to create an omicron-specific vaccine in case it’s needed. Scientists have speculated that the high jump in antibodies that comes with a third dose of COVID-19 vaccines might be enough to counter any decrease in effectiveness. Antibody levels predict how well a vaccine may prevent infection with the coronavirus but they are just one layer of the immune system’s defenses. Pfizer said two doses of the vaccine may still induce protection against severe disease. “Although two doses of the vaccine may still offer protection against severe disease caused by the Omicron strain, it’s clear from these preliminary data that protection is maximized with a third dose of our vaccine,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in a statement. Pfizer Says COVID-19 Booster Offers Protection Against Omicron | HuffPost Latest News
  23. Agreed. I was a sociology major and we were told that there is a "tipping point" in any society of about 15%. When that percentage of dissidents become so disruptive and violent, there is no turning back. When the American colonists rebelled against British rule, it was estimated that only about 20% of them actually wanted independence but were so militant that many of the others were intimidated into going along, except for 10-15% who chose to leave the country. I consider myself a Christian but by no means identify with evangelicals. These have as much in common with the Christ as jihadists have with Mohammed.
  24. Ain 't no "probably" about it.
  25. You may be right in NATO not defending Ukraine or Taiwan militarily, but economic sanctions would be devastatingly effective. Russia, for all its size, has an economy the size of Spain, and both Russia and China are oligarchies run by the rich who would suffer the loss of their luxurious lifestyles if their income dried up and they were no longer allowed to winter on the Riviera or Costa Del Sol. Even a month's blockade of petroleum income for Russia and consumer goods from China would cripple their economies for months, if not years. We live in interesting times.
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