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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Watched the game on PVR this morning and a few things were evident: If Collaros goes down, we are boned. Meier was better than Mitchell, who was barely better than Brown. Neither Brown nor McGuire are going to be the Next Big Thing in quarterbacking but both deserve another shot, just not this year. Calgary has some very good receivers, but their O-line is poop. Bomber O-line is awesome. Augustine had a GREAT outing, but his O-line opened holes I could have gotten good yardage through, bum leg and all. As usual, the zebras had a rough night. I felt for the Bomber D-line- time to put Vaseline on their Jerseys? It was a frustrating game to watch, If the Bombers had a half-decent backup QB, the game would have been out of reach by halftime. Except for that one Calgary pass, the Bomber defence was its usual stout self. They deserved better.
  2. Cooper failed in every aspect of the game and it is beyond me why he wasn't sent home unless he's been paid ahead for the rest of the month and they want to get their money's worth.
  3. He is 18 years old and may have been so scared that he will not think of doing this again, but the real danger is all the wannabes that will follow his example after being urged on the right-wing nutsos. Thus begins a new chapter of the horror that America has become. Already Madison Cawthorne has said to these budding Nazis- "Be armed and be dangerous". If that is not a call to violence, I do not know what is.
  4. Only in America, you say? Kyle Rittenhouse verdict: Just what the right needs to create a thousand more like him. The authoritarian right had largely failed to create a violent hero to rally around — until the Kenosha shooter The only good thing that can be said about Friday's "not guilty" verdict in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, the Kenosha shooter, is that the Trumpists are getting the icon they deserve. Forget that ever-present right-wing fantasy of a muscular Aryan übermensch in a MAGA hat punching skinny black-clad leftist protesters, Rittenhouse is a more accurate avatar for the dweebs and dirtbags that make up the Trumpian right. No matter how many wannabe edgelord memes were made to celebrate Rittenhouse, there was no changing that he's just a doughy loser with a creepy and overbearing mom. His AR-15, meanwhile, made him look all the more pathetic, just by virtue of how badly he hoped it makes him look tough. Unfortunately, as Rittenhouse's killing of two men and the maiming of another in the summer of 2020 proves, losers can still do a whole lot of damage, especially in a country with so much easy access to deadly weapons. That's why the U.S. has an ongoing school shooter problem, as self-pitying and entitled young men compete with each other to rack up body counts. Unfortunately, by successfully pleading self-defense in the killings of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, Rittenhouse has opened the door to an entirely new form of anti-social behavior for other crappy young men to emulate: political violence. Kyle Rittenhouse verdict: Just what the right needs to create a thousand more like him | Salon.com
  5. If a team is carrying a player on the basis of his past, patience will go only so far,
  6. I'm betting on Calgary.
  7. And America continues its freefall into madness.
  8. People 'will continue to suffer': Former Tennessee vaccine director flees home amid COVID-related threats -November 19, 2021 The former vaccine director for the state of Tennessee has been forced to flee her home amid threats of violence related to COVID-19. In a new interview with BBC News, Dr. Michelle Fiscus was featured with her husband as they prepared to move out of their home. As they packed up their belongings, they recalled the harrowing threats and taunts they've faced as a result of Fiscus' stance on mask mandates, mitigation measures, the COVID-19 vaccine and its distribution. The former Tennessee public health official noted how the state's deep political divide has worsened over the course of the pandemic. According to Fiscus, the pushback and politicization have actually progressed since the vaccine has become more readily available. Disturbing COVID-related conspiracy theories have also contributed to the vitriol medical professionals like Fiscus face. People 'will continue to suffer': Former Tennessee vaccine director flees home amid COVID-related threats - Alternet.org
  9. Gotta get rid of those bad humours somehow. Leeches are hard to come by and bleeding is messy in retail establishments.
  10. Still have some contacts in Dept of Health and a grandson who is 6, so I have a vested interest.
  11. Nothing new- they were around 50 years ago but outlawed due to perceived safety concerns.
  12. The child vaccine is already here in Winnipeg awaiting distribution.
  13. Reported today that McGuire took few of the reps today- most were taken by Dru Brown. Hmmmmm....
  14. They have elbows?
  15. So are they. Huffer is grasping at straws.
  16. This judge is apparently a Trump supporter- his cellphone chimed during the trial and the chime was Trump's rally song. His berating and restricting of the prosecution's lines of questioning of Rittenhouse ought to provide ample grounds for appeal, or declaration of a mistrial- which Rittenhouse's lawyer may want. In the US justice system, a defence attorney with a weak case often seeks to have mistrials declared in the hopes of the prosecution will give up.
  17. The evidence we have now about the blueprint for Trump's coup attempt is utterly damning On January 2, Trump lawyer John Eastman called into Steve Bannon's War Room podcast to explain how to steal the election. Eastman told Bannon that Vice President Mike Pence could still overturn Biden's victory. The interview was part of an extremely public campaign by Trump and his closest allies to lobby Pence to steal the election during the certification ceremony. One of Eastman's crackpot theories was that the vice president has the unilateral power to accept or reject electoral votes at his whim, or failing that, to somehow "send the election back" to Republican-controlled swing state legislatures that would disregard the will of their people and replace Biden's electors with Trump's. Eastman was Trump's master of self-serving constitutional bafflegab. His job was to spin elaborate pseudo-legal theories to justify Trump's assault on democracy. It was Eastman who wrote the notorious memos outlining his fanciful legal arguments for why the vice president has the power to unilaterally reelect himself. Eastman also co-wrote a blueprint for how Trump could use the military, the police, and criminal gangs to hold onto power after a disputed election. Eastman even spoke at Trump's rally on the Ellipse, making wild allegations of election fraud before Trump set the mob on the Capitol. To understand January 6, you have to think in terms of an inside game and an outside game. The inside game was to steal the election procedurally. The outside game was to gather a mob to terrorize officials into going along with it. Eastman was a conceptual architect of both the paper coup attempt and of the plan for the political repression that Trumpists expected to follow in the wake of the theft. READ: A growing threat is emerging from the theocratic wing of the GOP — but many liberals are missing it It all comes back to the Big Lie of massive Democratic voter fraud in the swing states. Trump used the fantasy of a stolen election to gather his supporters in Washington for a "wild protest" on January 6, whip them into a rage and set them on the Capitol. Eastman used the same lie to justify his schemes to overturn the election procedurally. In his various memos and public appearances, Eastman presented several paths to overrule the will of the people, but his ultimate justification was always the same: Democratic "fraud" in the swing states invalidated their certified slates of Biden electors. Therefore, he maintained, Mike Pence was entitled to unilaterally cast aside the electoral votes and count alternate slates of fake electors in their place or discard the votes from those states altogether, denying either candidate the necessary 270 votes and throwing the election to the state delegations in the House. As Eastman wrote in his second memo, Trump would prevail, "if the Republicans in the State Delegations stand firm." At the time, the GOP caucus was deeply divided over whether to back Trump's paper coup, and Pence was signalling he was not willing to play his assigned role. READ: 'Whole case is a mess': Internet stunned as judge lets Rittenhouse choose final jurors in raffle system Hence the need for extra muscle on the outside. This fits with what another key conspirator has said about his reason for gathering a mob on January 6. "We […] schemed up putting maximum pressure on Congress while they were voting," said Stop the Steal organizer Ali Alexander, regarding his motives. He wanted to "change the hearts and the minds of Republicans who were in that body, hearing our loud roar from outside." After an extended rant about the cowardice of Mike Pence, the last order Trump gave the mob before sending them down Pennsylvania Avenue was that they must give "boldness" to "weak Republicans." Trump's command echoed Eastman's language in the longer of the two memos in which he described his own scheme as "BOLD, certainly." Read: 'Conspiracy nuts': DeSantis is in the hot seat after his aide gets caught pushing anti-Semitic theory The label "coup" conjures up images of a military takeover, but a procedural coup under the threat of violence is still a coup. Denialists try to mislead by pointing to the insurgents' relatively light weaponry and saying: "You don't think they meant to overthrow the US government with that, do you?" But the plan was never to physically seize control of the government. Insurgents just had to bully Pence and House Republicans into reversing the election for Trump. Trump's advisors were well aware that reversing a free and fair election would provoke national outrage and widespread protests. Eastman's blueprint for leveraging the military, the police, and criminal gangs to hold onto power would work as well or better after a procedural coup as it would after an uncertain Election Night (the scenario nominally entertained in the report). A stolen election would put Biden supporters in the streets where the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers would be waiting for them, prepared to start or escalate violence wherever they could. This kind of unrest was exactly what Eastman warned local officials to be prepared to suppress. We eagerly await what Bannon and Eastman will tell the January 6 committee, but what they've already said is utterly damning. The evidence we have now about the blueprint for Trump's coup attempt is utterly damning - Alternet.org
  18. As Evander Kane proved, stupid is often not a one-time thing.
  19. This is exactly why the rabid wing of the GOP has attacked the moderates there. A prominent conservative law professor recently wrote an article about how, despite the recent charges against rioters, he has grave concerns about the future of democracy in the US. Conservative anti-Trump law professor explains why the 'prognosis for democracy is bleak' in America - Alternet.org
  20. A "T-cell priming" vaccine could provide better COVID-19 immunity than mRNA vaccines. This new vaccine, which is in an early stage of clinical trials, exploits a specific type of immune system cell The development of mRNA vaccines, a long-promised and much-touted biotechnology, is regarded as a great victory of medical research spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nowadays, millions of people have been inoculated with these novel vaccines, which comprise both the Pfizer/BioNTech shot as well as Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine. Yet mRNA vaccine technology is not the only immunological innovation that may emerge from the pandemic. Now, a company based in the United Kingdom called Emergex is preparing to test a next-generation COVID-19 vaccine based on a radical new technology. Unlike the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines — which inject a bespoke strand of messenger RNA that generates Spike proteins within the human body — this new vaccine technology is delivered via a skin patch, and relies on T cells, which are white blood cells that are part of the immune system, to kill infected cells. It is believed that a T-cell vaccine would incite a more rapid and durable response to fighting the infection. "Although current COVID-19 vaccines have made significant progress in reducing mortality and morbidity, challenges still remain, especially with the development of new variants," said Professor Blaise Genton, Principal Investigator for the trial from the Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisante) at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. "This exciting new scientific approach to developing a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 addresses the need to generate a T-cell response to elicit long term immunity." One of the constituent types of immune system cells, T cells play a vital role in fighting threatening foreign substances in the human body. Unlike some immune system cells, T cells do not attack any foreign body; rather, they are laser-focused only on specific pathogens. This trait, researchers believe, could be exploited such that their vaccine could instill a T-cell response in the human body — without actually giving their immune system the dangerous SARS-CoV-2 virus first. Emergex's proposed vaccine would prepare T cells to remove infected cells from the body right after being infected. This would prevent the virus from replicating and progressing to COVID-19. By targeting and priming the T cells, this would also reduce the transmissibility between infected and non-infected people because it would stop the virus from replicating and prevent the onset of symptoms. A "T-cell priming" vaccine could provide better COVID-19 immunity than mRNA vaccines | Salon.com
  21. If that is the case, is the team doing him or the team any favours by playing him instead of a healthy player?
  22. 'Whole case is a mess': Internet stunned as judge lets Rittenhouse choose final jurors in raffle system Controversial Judge Bruce Schroeder allowed Kyle Rittenhouse, on trial for shooting three people and killing two of them with an AR-15 assault weapon he had illegally obtains and carried across state lines, with literally having a hand in choosing the twelve jurors who will now decide his fate. Judge Schroder has been under fire for what many see as extraordinary deference to Rittenhouse, some even say support of Rittenhouse. Others have noted his cell phone ring tone is the same song as Donald Trump's campaign theme song, and others still were offended by at least one offhand "joke" Schroder made. Trial watchers were also stunned when Schroder falsely claimed zooming in on a photo as millions of people do daily to enlarge it is "so-called scientific evidence." And others were disturbed by Schroeder's very public attacks on the prosecutor. 18 jurors sat through the entire trial, but only 12, as is customary, will decide the case. "At the direction of Circuit Judge Bruce Schroder," the Associated Press reports Tuesday afternoon, "Rittenhouse's attorney placed slips of paper into a raffle drum with the numbers of each of the 18 jurors on it who sat through the two-week trial. The drum had been sitting on a window ledge throughout the trial but was placed in front of Rittenhouse at the defense table Tuesday." 'Whole case is a mess': Internet stunned as judge lets Rittenhouse choose final jurors in raffle system - Alternet.org
  23. Because more people would love ewe and not kid around?
  24. This scenario needs to be dealt with the "ostrich algorithm".
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