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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. You forgot the chlorine bleach.
  2. Pro-Trump Lawyer Tried to Instigate ‘Special Ops Mission’ in Germany to Sell Election Lie, Book Says A lawyer who spearheaded Trumpworld efforts to overturn Joe Biden’s 2020 election win tried to instigate a “special operations mission” in Germany as part of her bid to peddle the lie that Donald Trump was the real winner, a new book claims. Sidney Powell, a former lawyer to Michael Flynn who advised Donald Trump on his efforts to retain power, contacted a Pentagon official weeks after the election to push the bizarre claim that the then-CIA director was being held captive in Germany, according to the new Jonathan Karl book Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show. “Gina Haspel has been hurt and taken into custody in Germany,” the book quotes Powell telling Ezra Cohen, a senior intelligence official. “You need to launch a special operations mission to get her,” Powell reportedly said, claiming that Haspel had somehow been injured during a deep state mission to get an election-related server that would prove the votes had been rigged. “They needed to get the server and force Haspel to confess,” Karl writes of Powell’s claims. Her call to Cohen reportedly came after a similar overture by former national security adviser Michael Flynn, another QAnon supporter who demanded that Cohen return from an overseas trip because “big things” were about to happen. “As Flynn ranted about the election fight, [Cohen] felt his old boss sounded manic,” the book notes. Pro-Trump Lawyer Tried to Instigate ‘Special Ops Mission’ in Germany to Sell Election Lie, Book Says (thedailybeast.com)
  3. That ought to be an interesting dish.
  4. AKA: business as usual
  5. This is a difficult choice for many: Either a jab with a small needle a couple of times injecting a miniscule amount of intensively tested vaccine administered to hundreds of millions with almost no significant side effects or unproven applications of proven potentially fatal anti-parasite veterinary medication and off-label medications or caustic baths. Tough choice.
  6. Anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists say you can "reverse" vaccines with Borax Once a vaccine is in you, there is no way to get it out. This is the message from public health experts after a viral TikTok video circulated misinformation about how to "remove" a COVID-19 vaccine from one's body. The post's creator, osteopathic doctor Dr. Carrie Madej, claims that you can take a bath with baking soda and epsom salt to remove radiation and poisons. After that, Madej says people should add borax to rid themselves of "nanotechnologies." That last instruction is where the video goes from merely silly to downright dangerous: Borax is used to treat mold and mildew, as well as kill insects, and can be caustic and harmful to humans who are directly exposed to it. Of course, the real question is why anyone who has been vaccinated would want to reverse their inoculation. The answer, according to a recent NBC News story covering the trend, is that many of those who were vaccinated in accordance with President Joe Biden's recent vaccine mandates or other company-specific mandates might have done so against their ideological beliefs — suggesting that at least some of those who were vaccinated in order to avoid losing their jobs or suffering other social sanctions still identify as anti-vaxxers. The Madej video, which was taken off of TikTok but has been vigorously recirculated online, caters to that milieu. The un-scientific idea of reversing a vaccination precedes the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2017, a pair of doctors targeting an anti-vaccine audience claimed that there were viable ways of ridding one's bodies of alleged injected "toxins." The COVID-19 era incarnation of this trend, many Reddit users pointed out, could seem like a net positive It allows the anti-vaccine contingent to maintain their pride despite being vaccinated, while protecting the rest of society from COVID-19. The problem, however, is that the suggestions for removing a vaccine — which, again, is not possible — are based in bad science and dangerous in some cases. Bad science has an unsettling tendency to lead to hazardous consequences, as indicated by people willingly scrubbing themselves with a chemical that can lead to nausea, diarrhea, weakness, drowsiness, headaches and convulsions. Other supposed vaccine removal techniques include practices like cupping, an ancient medical method that involves creating suction on the skin; slicing up the injection site with a razor to remove the vaccine contents; trying to use syringes to "remove" an injection; and anything that can plausibly fit under the trending hashtag #vaccinedeto Anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists say you can "reverse" vaccines with Borax | Salon.com
  7. Probably the most intelligent exchange on Faux News in many months.
  8. Have the provincial PCs got the Trump-GOP playbook down pat or what?
  9. Thanks for the info- Bezos must have bought it in the last few years, but the bias still persists.
  10. Any business (including religious establishments) who is warned twice should be closed and the proprietors jailed.
  11. Start saving your urine.
  12. We are in trouble, folks. That the number of ICU beds has recently been expanded was no accident, and a Good Thing.
  13. Surprised it took this long. PCs are following tradition.
  14. The only hope (albeit a slim one) for American democracy is for some really stiff sentences to be doled out to the conspirators. The problem with even that is that the next GOP president is likely to pardon them all. Offences such as treason should not be commutable as they strike at the heart of democratic government. No wonder more and more Americans have become cynical about their system of government.
  15. I hope McGuire gets some significant time next game with a full complement of O-line and receivers. This will give an indication whether he has been unfairly maligned or if he has the right stuff.
  16. And they really have not stopped while preparing for the mid=terms and the next presidential elections.
  17. Michael Flynn Demands 'One Religion Under God' At Far-Right Rally 11/14/2021 12:04am EST | Updated 11 hours ago In his latest journey to the edge of extreme, Donald Trump’s former national security adviser and felon Michael Flynn called for a single religion in America. “If we are going to have one nation under God — which we must — we have to have one religion,” Flynn said in San Antonio at a stop for the far-right “ReAwaken America” tour. “One nation under God, and one religion under God.” Such a vision is completely contrary to the Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of religion, and the separation of church and state. Michael Flynn Demands 'One Religion Under God' At Far-Right Rally | HuffPost Latest News
  18. The Washington Post is still owned by "Reverend" Moon, I believe who is a an advocate of Reagan, the Bushes and Trump. If you start giving criminal immunity to government officials, where does it end? This sounds close to the "I was only following orders" plea of the Nazis who were sent to the gallows. It didn't save them and under law, if you counsel someone to break the law, you are also guilty.
  19. I think that is too simple an explanation. Adams looked disinterested at times, Cooper was an unmitigated disaster, McGuire was ineffectual. The patchwork O-line did not help, but I would bet that when McGuire threw those interceptions, he had ample time almost every time. I do recall one occasion when he was under pressure and ought to have chucked the ball into the stands. That said, he did nothing to promote his case for being a good backup. Yes he threw two good passes in a row ending in a TD, but that does not change his sub-par performance. Maybe Pierce should have spoon-fed him a better game plan but that would not have improved his accuracy, or the poor Bomber running game, for that matter. The changes in the O-line were probably responsible for that.
  20. But they were godless pinko leftists- that makes them fair game.
  21. Patched up or not, the OL gave McGuire enough time and opened holes for the RB. Montreal didn't even get a sack. And we assumed that O'Shea and Co. would never let the team get complacent and sleepwalk through the game.
  22. Adams has been targeted so rarely of late, that it is easy to understand him being unaware that the ball was coming at him. I kinda remember another Bomber a few yards further up the field in a straight line, so that may have been the primary target with the ball being underthrown. For the record, there are many very nice asses out there.
  23. If sheep can transmit COVID, Saskatchewan is in big trouble.
  24. Regardless of how we feel about the Riders, they have built a great fan network and marketing. There are several CFL teams that could learn from them.
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