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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. The return of Stove was supposed to change all that. Not today.
  2. Must have mainlined an espresso into Mcguire.
  3. Who the hell is playing QB for the Bombers now? Can't be McGuire.
  4. This is worse, subjectively.
  5. Soooo tempted to change the channel but masochism is taking over. I would think O'Shea will have a few words with McGuire soon.
  6. Bombers getting blown out, and deservedly so. Worst game in 5 years.
  7. I'm getting flashbacks to the Kelly-Reinbold era. UGH.
  8. Why the hell is Cooper here at all? Can't run and apparently can't catch either.
  9. No matter where he is on the field- his passes have been amateurish.
  10. What we know so far today: McGuire is not good. Cooper is not good, either.
  11. And that one was even worse.
  12. That pass was just baaad. Enough of McGuire.
  13. McGuire has thrown a grand total of two decent passes all day. He is not who we need as a backup.
  14. If the Blue don't march down the field and score a TD before the 4th quarter, that will be a sign they are done.
  15. If the Als score another TD, the game is pretty much over. Not entirely sure that is not the case already.
  16. Als with another extended time-killing drive.
  17. Bombers running up the penalty yards. Damned few Bombers shining today.
  18. If this wasn't a Bomber game, I would be doing anything else by now.
  19. With McGuire's passing being so weak, Als are putting 7 men on the line every time now.
  20. I hope Cooper has not signed any long-term apartment lease.
  21. Als not respecting the Blue passing game at all.
  22. Not on the last few plays
  23. Bomber D making Stanback look like an all-star.
  24. Soooo....no love without the glove?
  25. Ain't gonna look on Mcguire's CV.
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